Awakening to Duty

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Arc 0:

I woke up in a pool of blood and a headache. There were eight corpses that were all dismembered one way or another in a rather gruesome fashion. I stumbled on the blood that was spilled all over the rooftop and slipped forward, trying to deal with this headache.

A flood of memories began to flow into my mind. They were all of me and my interactions with Lavender over the course of three months and different timelines. I didn't understand it entirely, and I might have been interpreting it wrongly as I am no expert, but that's how it appeared to be.

Many things made sense to me now.

Lavender's rush of emotions stemmed from her past memories relating to the present. I've become a part of those memories, but both she and I had been making many different decisions in each time which created a certain inconsistency. She didn't even notice my existence at first and saw me like I was a cockroach. However, as I continued to become a part of her life in this three-month time period of sorts, Lavender became more and more aware of me. Leading her to try to ask for my help. Leading to her experiencing the pains of guilt and love. Leading me to spill all my blood for her sake. Leading to this moment now.

Honestly, all of the bad memories made me want to jump off this roof headfirst. Lavender won't be here to catch me this time after all. But when I think of all the good times... the feeling pounded away at my chest. The little "what if's" that poured in the hope of a bright future for the two of us. Going on a few more dates. Learning to cope with Lavender's memories of the past. Traveling around the world. Eating lots of her favorite cakes and watching her smile in glee as she does so. Getting married. Sleeping by her side at night and waking up by her side in the morning. But would it be worth it?


What am I? Stupid?

I got a fairy to save!

I fucking love her!

Sure, these what-if scenarios don't practically outweigh all the bad things that can happen, but I want to keep reaching out for that little possibility full of future happiness. A possibility that will become impossible if I don't take a step forward now. I decided from the very beginning that I'll carry out what I started. If I don't follow through, that'd be denying that miraculous moment we shared under that tree in the worst way possible.

With my eyes closed, I looked through my memories. Channeling the power of the spirit... utilizing my ability in an efficient manner to last longer... figuring out where Lavender is... contacting Lavender and getting past all the enemies... breaking her free from this temporal loop. I know what to do now.

First things first.

In my hands were two black rods. Each seemed to have their own little pulse as if calling me. Actually, I really think they might be calling me-

*Daisuke! DAISUKE!*

Oh shit! Lavender! Hi! It's been a while!

*. . .*

Did the call disconnect? I didn't run any magic through the swords yet have I? Uhh... Moshi Moshi?

*I can hear you perfectly fine you idiot. By now you know what to do right?*

Ahh.. yeah.

*. . .*


*Don't get hurt.*

Let's get cake after this.

I didn't hear anything from Lavender after that. A breath of relief escaped my mouth. I held out the two black bars and closed my eyes. The memories of me revitalizing my magic circuits surfaced as I focused on pouring energy into the bars. Soon, a tsurugi and a katana formed. I put them to the side and went home to make preparations. The sun was about to set. From what I could understand, I had roughly four hours to infiltrate and free Lavender from being bound down. Then, it'd be easier from then on.

However, there were two uncertain factors...

One. Lavender could go potentially psycho given her jumble of memories and emotions.

Two. There was an invisible assassin that hovered around the area. Presumably guarding Lavender. I had no methods against dealing with an opponent that can't be seen. I had these swords, some more swords at home, some magic talismans that are easy to use but weak at home, and a good luck charm. Nothing will really work unless I'm lucky.

No, wait. The opponent is certainly an invisible entity, but it wears a cloak. And takes it off before it attacks. The only reason why I couldn't see it was due to my point of view in each of the memories. It was a voice full of dignity, like a warrior of honor. Perhaps if I called out... Maybe. Maybe I'll have a chance. Yosh! I have a plan now! I arrived at my home and invaded the garage to pick up the necessary equipment. Talismans, talismans, explosives...? And the lucky charm.

Personally, I don't want to use anything that my old man owns, but this is a desperate time of need. I'll get grilled later, but whatever. Luckily, my parents weren't home yet. I don't have much time on my hands.

I recalled my memories which involved utilizing my limit breaking abilities in an efficient manner to avoid destroying my whole body upon usage. The first time I used it was in a sparring match against my father. He was furious, and I remembered to seal off the technique. It left a feeling of "I can do this if I try" through my daily life though. Then I used it on that cat crossing the road. If I didn't, perhaps none of this would have happened. No, it'd happen anyways. Also, Lavender would be disappointed if I had the ability to save something in front of me yet didn't try. I think that's the type of girl she is. She seemed to be upright for the most part and the type that appreciates hard work and good effort.

I breathed in and held it lightly. It was a technique similar to that of anaerobic exercise. Short bursts of energy in and let loose. Slight need for a cool down after. Before, I was using pure willpower to go beyond the safety limits of a normal human, but using magical energy, I was able to balance this out and reduce the repercussions of going beyond the norm.

It was then that a dozen black figures had jumped to the top of the school roof to join me and the eight corpses. I didn't have the time for this.

I readied my swords and went on a mad hack and slash spree.

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