Seed of Love

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I don't know when I met this dimension-crossing entity. Centuries have flown by as I would chase after this curious being. She is no god. She is not human. Perhaps, for convenience and a lack of better terms, it'd be better to see her as a fairy. She is a magical being of fiction wielding powers that can bend the natural elements and command over physiological beings. And yet she maintains a human form. More accurately, she usually takes the form of a short, blue-haired girl.

When we first met, I was enamored the way a bee would to a flower. We would enjoy a brief yet precious period of time before fate seemed to separate us. From then on, I vowed I would chase her no matter where she went. No matter which world or which time period she would reincarnate in or become trapped in, I will find a way to cut my way through to her using the very curse and blessing she gave me that fateful day.

My goal is to see this beautiful carnation to bloom for me one more time. 

It all began with a destined encounter on a school rooftop...

Arc 0: For the Flower I Once Knew

Lavender Ames Notoria. That was the name of the beautiful flower dancing before me. As her feet glided to and fro across the rooftop, her hips would turn to follow after each graceful step, and the rest of her body shifted with the rhythmic movements while her dress fluttered along. Her arms were like the ocean's waves pushing against the shore- rising, falling, extending, and drawing back in a smooth yet powerful cycle. However, the most magical aspect about this performance was how warm, gentle gusts would blow the sky-blue hair from under her black hat as she danced freely in the wind.

Her eyes were closed. I could not clearly see her face, but judging from her dance, she seemed to be in a state of content. It was the type of peaceful happiness that one would have on a sunny spring day full of life.

I was standing by the door to the school's rooftop as the sun was about to disappear behind the horizon. The enchanting lights seemed to envelop the blue-haired figure as if gently hugging her. Lavender suddenly spun around towards my direction. Her fairy-like hair covered her eyes, but I was able to distinctly spot a small smile. Her lips parted.

Just as she was saying something, a gust of wind blew her hat off. The hat flew at an angle that was bound to go off the roof. For some reason that I can't explain, I went after it. I heard nothing of what the beautiful girl before me was saying. All I knew was that for the first time in my life, I felt motivated to do something.

Little did I know that after the moment I started chasing that hat off the roof, my life would change forever. It was a leap of faith.

I was never the best at anything. At the same time, I was never really bad at anything either. When I was growing up, I was always told that I had "talent", but when I compared myself to others, I always felt inferior and lacking. There were always those who were two times better than I was and those five times more passionate. This inferiority complex made me not want to try as hard and want to underperform but some were frustrated by how I acted.

In the end, I felt unmotivated. To be more precise, I was too scared to try pursuing anything in life. I was shunned and bullied for not trying hard enough in anything I did.

I didn't really mind too much. I feared the failures that would come if I were to pursue something with passion much more.

However, if I did become motivated to do something, I'm sure I would put my heart and soul into it because of that fear of failure and insufficiency.

Looking back on it now...

When Lan. . . No. Lavender. When she came flying down with her sparkling blue wings and caught me as I fell down the building, I swore that I would throw everything I had into fulfilling this new and seemingly hopeless desire of mine. She had saved me. My life. With this second chance, I'll follow my desires.

Being the desperate man I was, I, like Icarus, reached out towards the sun even if it meant losing my wings and falling into the ocean.

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