A Is For Abilities

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Lance's P.O.V.
We just finished fighting off some of the Galra after Lotor gave us a piece of information to their location. Lotor has been allowed out of his cell now and has free reign over the castle. It was a bit concerning at first but now, not so much.

Matt is also staying with us and it sucks. Well I mean Matt and Lotor are great, they're really nice and talk to me, but it sucks because I have a crush on both of them. I know it's bad, I'd never confess and they'd never like me back anyway so there's no point.

I step out of blue and see the team praising one another and supporting each other. I head over to hopefully join the group. They don't notice I'm here, I don't get any praise or compliments. Not even a complaint anyone saying I did something wrong, I'm just completely ignored.

Maybe I just didn't work hard enough, maybe I need to improve my abilities so I can actually add something to this team. I guess I'll just go to the showers to clean up, then I'll train and go to bed.

I walk down the hallway all alone and a pair of footsteps walk towards me.

"Good work Lance." I hear Matt say and I look at him completely shocked

"Excuse me?" I ask confused

"Good work, you took out a lot of Galra ships." He smiles and my heart starts beating fast "Why do you look so shocked?"

"I-I just didn't think anyone would have said that..." I say shocked

"What.. tell you that you did a good job?" Matt asks

"I guess so, well I need to go shower now." I say trying to get out of talking to him, surely he can hear my fast beating heart

I quickly walk away and head to the showers. Once inside I quickly remove my armour and black body suit, hoping into the warm water and letting the hot water run down my skin. I really need to step up my game, I can't keep dragging the team down.

I turn off the water and dry myself with a towel. I put my armour and bodysuit in the cleaner and once it's clean and dry I'll be able to train. For now I get dressed in my regular clothes and head to my room to put on my face mask.

Just as I get to my door I hear a pair of footsteps walk up to me. I turn to see Lotor with a soft smile on his face.

"Lance, you did really well today." Lotor says "If you hadn't carefully though about which ships to take out the team wouldn't have won."

I stare at him, how on earth do both my crushes compliment me? How did they even notice I existed?

"T-Thank you." I say shocked and quickly head into my room

I find myself blushing profusely and I try to cool myself down. I should have a small nap before training, then it's time to work hard.

**Time skip to a week later**

Lance's P.O.V.
I've been pushing myself to the brink of exhaustion trying to improve myself. My abilities haven't improved much yet, but I just need to keep trying. I won't give up.

Matt and Lotor haven't spoken to me much since after the mission. They're busy and have better things to do than talk to me. I don't know why I got so excited they spoke to me, they were just being nice.

Right now I'm in the training room, working hard to defeat the soldiers. Maybe I have improved a little bit because instead of taking two minutes it only takes me a few seconds. I can't stop though, I need to maintain and improve myself.

I decide to call it a day and I head to the showers. I take off my armour and body suit, stepping into the shower and washing off the sweat. I dry off and get changed into my regular outfit before heading to the dining room for food.

When I walk in the rest of the team is sitting around the table, they didn't even call me for dinner.

"Why didn't anyone get me for dinner?" I ask confused and a little hurt

"We couldn't find you anywhere." Pidge replies "We thought you were asleep."

"I was in the training room." I say taking a seat next to Matt

"Where were you really?" Keith asks laughing

"I just told you." I reply sticking a spoon into my food goo

I hear Keith snicker and the rest of the team doesn't defend me. I sigh quietly and begin to eat the tasteless food goo.

"Lance?" I hear Matt ask quietly "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." I sigh and continue eating

I finish eating my food and put my plate away. I head to my bedroom and once inside I throw myself onto my bed and begin to drift off to sleep before I hear a knock at my door and it opens. I look up to see Matt standing over me with a concerned look in his eyes.

"Hey is everything ok?" Matt asks "You seemed very distant at dinner."

"I'm fine, just tired?" I say in a questioning voice

"You're a horrible liar." He says, taking a seat next to m

"I don't want to dump my problems on you." I say "It's really not important."

He moves closer to me and wraps me in a hug. I haven't been hugged in ages, it's so nice to be held like this.

"I just don't think I'm good enough to be in Voltron, I mean my abilities aren't very good." I sigh  "Nothing I do ever seems to be enough.

"Lance you're perfect." Matt says holding me tighter "You're worthy to be in Voltron, don't doubt your abilities."

I blush at his sweet words and he pulls back looking me in the eye.

"Lance, I think you're amazing." He says

In the rush of the moment I lean forward and press my lips against his, immediately I pull back in regret.

"I'm so sorry, I just-" Matt cuts me off my pressing his lips to mine

I kiss back and we hold the kiss for a few seconds before pulling away.

"I really like you." Matt says

I really like him to, but what about Lotor?

"I like you too..." I say

"But?" He asks looking worried

"But I also like someone else and I can't do that to you." I reply

He looks at me before smirking slightly.

"I think I can guess who it is." He says and places his hands on my waist "If it's him, then everything is perfectly fine as I think he's pretty hot as well."

"Lotor?" I ask almost silently and he nods

"I know he likes you as well." Matt says "So don't feel bad okay?"

"That I do." Lotor says appearing at the doorway making both of us jump

"How long have you been there?" I ask

"Long enough to hear what I need to." He replies, walking over to us "That you doubt your abilities and worth to the team."

Lotor hugs both Matt and I tightly, smiling softly.

"You don't need to worry Lance, you're perfect." He smiles and presses a kiss to my lips

I kiss back and it quickly becomes more heated and passionate. I pull back for air, blushing heavily.

"How about we show you just how good you are?" Matt says, running his hands down my torso making me shiver

I nod and they both smile. Lotor presses his lips against mine and I tangle one of my hands in his hair, the other goes to Matt's hair and I turn to kiss Matt. Lotor's hands go to my jacket and pull it off, slipping off my blue and white top after it.

Lotor then removes his top and presses his body against mine. I connect my lips with Lotor's again and Matt uses this chance to remove his shirt and pants, hugging me from behind.

Matt presses a kiss over my neck and sucks on it, leaving a hickey. Matt's hands go to my zipper and unzips my pants and pulls down my boxers, showing my stone hard erection. I moan and he brushes his hands over it, making me cling to Lotor's shirt.

I rock my hips back, brushing against Matt's erection and making him groan. Matt puts his fingers in my mouth and I suck on them, coating them in a layer of thick saliva. Then his fingers go to my ass and he pushes one in. Then a second and third until I'm a moaning mess, still clinging tightly to Lotor.

Lotor removes his pants and boxers and sits down in front of me. Oh my god so this is what a Galra dick looks like. It's very long and thick, it has little bumps which will probably feel amazing and will reach a lot deeper than a human dick.

"Show me how talented you are." He whispers and I get onto all fours to lick up and down his member, feeling the bumps under out tongue

I swirl my tongue around the tip and quickly take him into my mouth. I bob my head up and down and start sucking. I can't take him to the base but I can continue to suck and make him moan. One day I'll be able to take him to the base.

Lotor place a hand in my shoulder and he pushes me off carefully.

"Ready for me inside of you?" He asks

I nod and he and Matt switch places. Lotor presses his tip against my stretched hole and I open my mouth to take in Matt's tip. As Lotor pushes into me I move my mouth further down Matt's shaft.

I feel Lotor's dick deep inside my and it's different to anything else I've felt. I rock my hips back and moan at him inside me. Lotor pulls out and thrusts back inside me. I moan and bob my head up and down Matt's member.

"You're doing so well." Lotor whispers in my ear and I moan at the praise

I feel Matt's member twitching and I deep throat him.

"Ahh Lance~" Matt moans, pushing me further onto his member

Lotor picks up power and speed in his thrusts and soon I'm just a moaning mess under them. I suck Matt harder and I feel the tightness inside me and Matt cums into my mouth. I pull off of him and he wipes my mouth with his thumb. I cling to him as Lotor continues thrusting and soon I release with a loud moan.

Lotor cums into me shortly after, filling me up to the brim. God it's more than Matt and I combined.

"That's a lot." I say quietly

"We cum a lot to boost breeding chances." Lotor whispers

I nod and tiredly lie down with them next to me, holding me tightly.

"See Lance?" Matt says "You're perfect."

"Don't your abilities." Lotor adds "I'll talk with the team about making sure everyone I appreciated."

"Thank you." I say and they both kiss my head

I close my eyes and slowly drift to sleep. Holding them tightly. They're right, I need to stop doubting myself. I deserve to be on Voltron and I'm just as capable as every other member of this team. I love Matt and Lotor for helping me realise this.

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