J Is For Jacuzzi

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Lance's P.O.V.

"Crap I'm going to be late!" I shout looking at the time on my phone, locking my front door and quickly rushing to the bus stop

First day at my new job and I'm already late. Oh god I can't get fired, I can't afford rent and food much longer. I only have this money because I saved up with a part time job back in Cuba. But now that I'm in New York everything is much more expensive.

I have a tiny, crappy flat in a small suburb that always has building surrounding it. I searched for weeks trying to get a job and I finally got one at Shirogane Industries as an assistant to one of the higher ups. Apparently he works closely with Takashi Shirogane, the CEO. Takashi Shirogane is basically a billionaire but I don't think I'll ever actually meet him. Not properly at least.

The bus arrives at the bus stop and I walk on, looking for a free seat somewhere. I find one and sit down, trying to neaten up my appearance. I already feel nervous and now I just want to throw up. No I need to stay strong, Mamá always told me not to let the world beat me down.

Quicker than expected I arrive at the big Shirogane industries building and walk inside, I walk up the the front desk and check the time, luckily I still have a few minutes.

"Hello." The receptionist says, smiling softly

"Hello, I'm Lance McLain." I reply

"Oh our new employee." She says happily "You're Mr.Garrett's new assistant. He's office is on the 19th floor."

"Thank you." I reply

"There's a break room and lockers on each floor. You can keep any personal item in them as you don't have an office." The receptionist says handing me a key "Good luck, Mr.Garrett is really nice so you have nothing to worry about."

Her happy attitude really calms me down and I no longer feel nervous. I walk over to the elevator and press the buttons for the 19th floor. Once the elevator arrives I walk inside and the nervous feeling comes back. I arrive at the floor I need after a few seconds and I walk out.

The second I step out I notice a man with a black suit and yellow dress shirt. He is smiling brightly at me.

"Are you Lance?" He asks

"Y-Yes I am." I reply "I assume you're Mr.Garrett?"

"Just Hunk is fine." He says extending his hand and I shake it

"So I'm working for you huh?" I say smiling, deciding I like him "Whatever you need me to do I will so don't be afraid to ask."

Hunk leads me back to his office where I also have a desk for sorting paperwork, looking through documents and things like that. He quickly shows me what to do and how the systems work as well as how to survive the office.

"So there's no one here you really need to each out for, this isn't like those movies with co workers hating each other" Hunk chuckles "Just don't steal anyone's lunch and complete your work on time and you'll be perfectly fine."

I nod and Hunk hands me my first stack of paper work about insurance and payments.

"I just need you to check that these numbers add up." He explains and I turns back to his computer with spread sheets up

"Sure." I reply and sit down at my desk, starting to look over the figures

Shiro's P.O.V.
I need to talk to Hunk about some figures that don't quite add up so I head to his office. I knock on the door and Hunk answers, smiling brightly.

"Hey Shiro, what's up?" He asks

Hunk and I are close friends from high school so we are a bit informal to one another. I walk inside his office and as I do I see a stranger sitting at a small desk. He turns around and I'm met with the brightest pair of blue eyes I've ever seen.

It's a man, he has dark skin, brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. He smiles softly at me.

"Shiro this is Lance." Hunk says "He's my new assistant."

Lance's eyes widen as he realises who I am and he takes a tiny step back.

"Hello Lance, I'm Takashi Shirogane." I say extending my hand

Lance shakes it, not even hesitating to touch the metal.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Lance says and shakes my hand

"Hunk I need to talk with you about some missing figures." I say turning towards Hunk

We begin to discuss the figures but I can't stop sneaking looks at Lance. The way his eyes shine brightly, or how his deep tan skin glows or how his ass looks in those tight pants. Hunk gives me a knowing look and turns back to his work.

"Well now that that's cleared up I think I should go check on something with Pidge." I say and quickly walk out of the room, managing to hide my boner from both of them

**Time skip to a week later**

Lance's P.O.V.
The bills have gotten harder to pay, the money I'm making as an assistant is only a little amount but it's better than nothing. I probably won't be able to eat until Thursday which is three days away. I can hold out until then.

Right now I'm leaving work late at night, I needed to finish paperwork so I won't bombarded tomorrow. If I fall behind I might get fired as well.

Mr.Shirogane works really close with Hunk and I've developed a little crush in him, more like a raging crush but I know nothing could ever happen. Besides we're from completely different worlds. He's a billionaire CEO, I'm just some assistant who has to choose between eating or rent. He'd never like me, he'd never ever talk to me outside of work.

I head to the ground floor and pull on my thin coat. It's raining but I don't own an umbrella so I need to walk in the storm. I sigh and take a few steps out of the office, becoming soaked within a few seconds. I begin the walk home as the busses don't run this late.

I only make it a few minutes down the road before I need to seek shelter from the rain because too strong. I lean up against a brick wall which has a small roof held up by two poles. It keeps the rain off my head but I'm freezing.

I sigh and sit down on the floor, wrapping my arms around my body to give me some warmth but it doesn't help much. That's when a pair of headlights comes down the road and stops in front of me. I look up and it's a very expensive black sports car. What on earth?

"Lance?" The driver says stepping out of the drivers seat and opening an umbrella

No way, is that Mr.Shirogane?

"Lance!" He says and rushes over to me, it is Mr.Shirogane!

"Mr.Shirogane?" I ask in confusion "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question, I was just heading home." He answers "What are you doing out in the rain?"

"I was heading home but the rain got to much." I say standing up "I don't have a car and the busses don't run this late so I needed to walk."

"How about I drive you home?" He asks "Just tell me your address."

I really don't want him to see my crappy apartment. I don't want him to realise just how poor I am. Also he shouldn't have to go out of his way to help me.

"No thank you." I reply "I'll be fine, I just need to wait until the rain calms down and then I can continue walking home. Besides I wouldn't want to get your seat wet."

"I can't just leave you out here in the rain." He says

"It's really alright." I state "I'll be fine."

He gives me a long look at then grabs my hand, pulling me behind him. He sits me down in the passenger seat and before I can react he is in the drivers seat, starting up the car.

"W-What?" I say in shock

"You can come back to my house, I can't just leave one of my employees in the rain." He says

"A-Are you sure?" I ask

"Of course, you can stay with me for the night." He replies

I look away and blush lightly. I'm staying with Mr.Shirogane? I don't think I'll survive.

"So Lance, what do you think of Shirogane industries?" Mr.Shirogane asks

"It's very nice." I reply smiling "The people are really nice and helpful."

That's half the truth. I can't exactly tell him I don't get paid enough, I should be grateful I get paid at all...

Suddenly my stomach grumbles loudly and I try to cover it with a cough.

"Are you hungry?" Shiro asks

"A little, but it's fine. Don't worry about it." I state

"When did you last eat? You're very skinny." Shiro says, eyeing me concerned

"Umm, maybe Sunday?" I reply "I mean I had an apple from the fruit bowl in the kitchen for lunch today."

"Why don't you eat? Is something wrong?" He asks "Sorry if that's to invasive."

"No, I just uhhh-" I say stumbling for words "Well I have to pay for rent so..."

I fidget a lot, I didn't want him to know and now he's asking about it. The world just hates me doesn't it?

"Do you not make enough money?" Shiro asks

"Well I can live off of my pay check, kind of." I mumble "I just pay rent and use whatever is left over for food. I'm perfectly fine."

He stays quiet for  a few seconds and then looks towards me.

"I'm sorry Lance, I didn't know." He says

"Hey don't worry about it, it's all good." I smile "I saved up some money in Cuba so I'm not completely broke, soon I'll work my way up and get paid more."

We pull up at a large house, bigger than I've ever seen and Shiro pulls into the driveway.

"We're here." He says and gets out of the car

I get out as well and we quickly head to the front door. Shiro opens it for me and leads me inside with a hand on my lower back.

"You should have a bath to avoid a cold." Shiro says "I'll take you there."

Shiro leads me to a bathroom with a large screen door overlooking a beautiful garden, the bathroom is up high enough so no one can see through. The bathroom is quite big, the lifts are a soft orange. There's a large bath in the centre although it looks more like a jacuzzi.

"You can bathe here, my maids will get you a change of clothes." He says and walks out

I nod and he walks out of the bathroom. I take off my soaked clothing and begin to shiver at how cold I am. I dip my foot into the water and it's very warm. I lower myself into it and the heat encases me. The bubbles start rising to the surface from the air blasters. I guess it's automatic.

I try to relax for a bit when I hear the door open. I turn to see Mr.Shirogane with only a towel around his waist. Oh Dios mío he is ripped, damn I want him to hold we in those strong arms, I want to run my hands over his abs, I want him to hold me down while he kisses me and-

"Mind if I join you?" He asks snapping me from my thoughts

"S-Sure." I reply blushing

He removes the towel and sits down in the water next to me. Where is this going? Surely there are other baths in this house. So why'd he choose the one I'm in?

I feel a hand on my thigh and I blush, I don't remove the hand though as it goes further and further up to my inner thigh. Mr.Shirogane moves closer to me and lightly traces his hand over my member.

I look up at him and we look into each others eyes before pressing our lips against one another's. We pull apart for air but he pulls my body closer to his.

"Mr.Shirogane-" I begin to say softly

"Shiro." He cuts me off

"Shiro, umm what are you doing?" I ask nervously

"I think it's pretty obvious." He replies

"Are-Are you sure, I mean you could have literally anyone." I say "I'm not even rich, or good looking, or smart, I'm not really anything..."

"Lance, you're amazing." Shiro assures "I don't care about money. I care about you. You're the most beautiful, sexiest, attractive man I have ever seen. You're smart, funny and friendly. You caught my eye the second I saw you."

I blush at his nice words and we reconnect our lips again. This time it's more passionate and heated as he licked my bottom lip, starting a full blown make out session. I straddle him, our hardening dicks pressed against one another.

He trails kisses down my chin to my neck, finding that one spot and sucking on it like crazy. I moan and wrap my arms around his neck, holding him to me.

His hand goes down to our erections and rubs them against each other. I rock my hips making Shiro moan and grip my waist. His fingers go down to my hole and he pushes a finger into my hole, it slides in with ease.

He presses a second finger into me, stretching and scissoring me. We continue making out as he adds a third finger in and brushes his fingers against my prostate. I feel myself harden even more and Shiro pulls out his fingers

"Do you want it?" Shiro whispers huskily

"Yes, please~" I moan

He lifts me up and places his tip at my entrance. He pushes me down, thrusting in fully.

"Ahh~!" I moan loudly and grip tightly onto his shoulders

I wait a few seconds and then rock my hips. Shiro begins to lift me up and down, thrusting deep inside me and brushing all my sweet spots. He thrusts inside me and hits my prostate making me scream.

He presses his lips against mine again and a tight knot forms in my abdomen and I breathlessly moan. The water moves around me and his hands roam all over my body.

"I'm going to cum~" I moan breathlessly and bury my head in his neck

He thrusts one final time and it sends me over the edge. I release into the water with a breathless moan and Shiro releases inside me. I can't feel my legs properly to Shiro pulls me off of him and washes me up.

"Are you ok?" He asks and kisses my forehead

"Mm-hm." I say rubbing my tired eyes "Does this mean you're going to fire me though? Isn't it against the rules to have sex with your boss?"

"Lance, I make the rules." Shiro says rubbing my back "And I don't want to just have sex with you, I want to be with you."

I look at him shocked but nod quickly, hugging him tightly.

"I want to be with you too." I say

"Great." He says and we connect our lips "My first move as your boyfriend is getting you out of that apartment you live in, come live here with me."

I nod and continue hugging him tightly. I feel something very strong for Shiro and he makes me so happy. I don't care about money, he's shown me he can love and take care of me and that's all I need.

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