M Is For Mafia

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Keith's P.O.V.

"Come on Shiro, I need a drink." I say to my boyfriend Shiro

We've been trying to figure out ways to get rid of our rival mafia group run by Lotor Galra. Lotor's really been annoying us lately, killing out men and attacking our bases. Every time we get a lead on him it's turns out to be a dead end.

Shiro and I run our group of the mafia, it's one of the strongest, most powerful mafia groups in the world. Of course we will get rid of Lotor eventually, I just don't want to waste time, energy or men on him.

"Fine, let's go to Allura's." Shiro sighs "She's been begging us to go try her bar."

Allura is a member of our group, she gets a lot of information for us. She opened up a bar as a way to hear information from all different mafia groups. She also really wanted to start her own business.

"Hasn't she also been asking us to check out that worker she has?" I ask "Apparently he would be the 'cutest man we've ever seen'."

"Well I'm interested in what all the fuss is about." Shiro says and gets up from his chair

We decide to walk as the bar isn't to far away, in the centre of the city. Once we arrive we walk inside and I look around. It's very nice in here. It's neat and well cleaned even though there are drunk people having and having a good time.

The thing that catches my eye though is the tan boy working at the bar. The light catches on his blue eyes as they shine and his deep rich tan skin seems to glow.

"You've seen him to huh?" Shiro whispers

"Fuck yes." I reply

"Well, what's say we go say hello?" Shiro asks

Lance's P.O.V.
I finish drying a glass and put it up on the rack, checking to make sure every other one is clean and dry as well.

"Excuse me." Someone says and I look towards the voice

My heart stops. It's two very attractive men. One has black and white hair, a very muscular build, a metal arm and a soft smile. The other has black hair with a mullet, yet he's pulling it of rather well.

"Hey there!" I say happily "What can I get you?"

They place their orders and I give it to them, while they take a seat on the barstools.

"I haven't seen you two around here before." I say

"Our friend Allura's been asking us to come." The one with the mullet says

"She told us about the cute bartender." The black and white hair one says taking a sip from his drink

I blush knowing he's talking about me.

"I'm Lance." I say

"Shiro, this is Keith." The black and white haired man replies

"Nice to meet you." I say, fuck I'm getting a boner

We continue talking and I manage to hide it behind the bar until it goes down. I learn a little about them, they've been dating for a few years and work together. I tell them a little about how I came to America from Cuba.

I leave out the part where I'm completely broke and struggling for money though as well as how I left to escape my over controlling family that never accepted me for my sexuality.

They both seem well dressed and well mannered so they're probably rich, or at least able to put food on the table and pay rent. That's more than I can say about me...

"My shifts ending soon." I say "Will I see you two again?

"How about you give us your number and we'll see?" Keith asks

I blush lightly and nod, grabbing my phone and giving them my number, I'm happy they're both poly as well, because I'm seriously crushing on both of them.

After my shift ends I begin to walk home to my crappy apartment which doesn't even have a proper lock. I just hope and pray no one breaks in. Outside my door I see the land lord glaring at me.

"You're rent is over due McClain." He says

"I know Mr.Iverson, I'm just not making enough money right now." I reply "I just need to wait for my pay check."

"You have a week, no exceptions." He says and walks away

I open my door and sigh, how am I going to come up with $600 in a week? I have no money saved and it's not like I can go to my parents either. I'm going to be out on the streets in a week. Maybe I can pick up an extra shift at the bar...

**Time skip to a week later**

Lance's P.O.V.
I feel horrible, I'm working my last shift at the bar for the week and I know I haven't made enough money to pay rent. I didn't eat much this week and made sure to not use heating or electricity, showering at work each day but I just didn't make enough money.

"What's wrong beautiful?" I hear someone ask and I look up

It's a man with long white hair and tan skin, although not as dark as mine.

"Oh sorry, just thinking." I reply, faking a smile

"What's your name?" He asks "Or can I just call you mine?"

"Lance." I chuckle "Nice pick up lines."

"Lotor, and thank you." He replies

"What can I get you?" I ask

"How about your number?" Lotor replies

Usually I'd give it away in seconds but ever since I met Shiro and Keith I haven't given it to anyone. I've only seen them one other time, but we've been messaging every day. I've really gotten to know them, I don't know what they work as though. They always avoid the question.

"Sorry, I don't really give it out to strangers." I reply

"Well then, I'll make sure to come back so we're not strangers." He replies, softly grabbing my hand over the counter

I awkwardly laugh and pull my hand back.

"Well my shift is over so I'm going to go." I say

I quickly walk away and send a message to Shiro and Keith that I'm heading home so I'll be able to talk. They send back messages asking if I'm going alone and if I want them to come take me home. Of course I say no and I'll be fine, the last thing I need is them realising how poor I am.

I change into my regular clothes and begin walking home. I have a small envelope with $300 and I'm hoping it'll be enough for Mr.Iverson but I don't think he'll wait any longer. I arrive outside my door and Mr.Iverson is their waiting for me. I hand him the envelope of money and his scowl becomes deeper.

"Where's the rest of it?" He asks

"That's all I have, I promise I'll give you more when I get paid in two weeks." I answer

"I gave you a week, a week is up." He says "You have 24 hours to leave before I call the police."

He hands me back the envelope and I walk into my apartment. Tears fill up in my eyes and I fall to the floor in tears. Where am I going to go? All I have now are the streets and there's no way in hell I'm going back to my family, I can't deal with all that again. I can't ask Shiro or Keith either because they're probably asleep at this point.

I quickly pack up my things, which is only a few clothes, my toothbrush, charger and phone into my backpack and I leave my apartment. There has to be somewhere I can go. Maybe I could sleep at the bar in the break room, not that I'll get much sleep but I'll never be late for work.

I walk down the empty, cold streets and I hear footsteps behind me, Someone is following me. I turn around to see the same man from the bar, Lotor.

"Lotor?" I ask confused "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question princess." He replies "Shouldn't you be at home, warm in your bed?"

"I got kicked out of my apartment." I say bluntly "I'm heading back to the bar so I have somewhere to sleep off the streets."

"How about I take you home?" He asks

"I'm good thanks." I reply

"I insist." He says moving closer to me and pushing his body against mine

"Lotor I said I'm fine, please let me go." I say

"I don't think I will, if you won't come then I'll force you to." He says grabbing me harshly "Who are you to defy me? You don't belong to anyone else."

"Let me go!" I shout as he begins to pull me along with him

Thats when a shot rings out and Lotor steps away from me while clutching his bleeding shoulder. I look to see where the shot came from and I see Keith holding a gun with Shiro close behind him. Keith rushes over to me and pulls me away from Lotor, covering my eyes with his hand. Then another shot rings out and I hear what sounds like a body fall to the floor.

"Trust me ok?" I hear Keith say softly

"Why?! What happened?! Where did you get the gun?!" I ask in a panic

"Well answer your questions after." I hear Shiro say "Lets go back to our place ok?"

I hear Shiro say something, probably to someone over the phone about cleaning Lotor's body. Keith leads me away but I stop in my tracks once I feel we are far enough that I won't have to see Lotor's body.

"Keith what the fuck?!" I shout "You just-You just-!"

I can barely talk though tears of fear and shock. Keith just killed someone, he deserved it but still!

"Shh Lance, calm down." Keith says "You're making to much noise."

"Making to much noise?!" I shout and then go into a hushed tone "You just killed someone..."

"He was going to hurt you." Shiro says joining us "We wouldn't let that happen."

Keith wipes my tears away but I pull back from him. He retracts his hand and looks down, dejected while I feel guilty for him.

"How did you know where I was?" I ask "Why do you just have a gun?"

"Lance, we should really take this conversation to our house." Shiro says "So let's go there and we'll answer all your questions."

I can't believe I'm going with them, but at this point I have no other option. I follow them but keep my distance. They just shot someone! How do I know I'm not next?

We arrive at a large mansion that's painted black and white. They take me inside and the uneasiness I feel becomes worse. It's really big and everything looks very expensive. Some maids come up and take away their jackets. I stop walking out of fear and they turn towards me.

"Lance it's ok, we're not going to hurt you." Shiro say

"How can I trust that?" I say

I feel so scared and betrayed. Why do they have all this money? Why do they have guns? Why did they just kill someone without batting an eyelash?

"We would never hurt you, let's go to our room and we'll answer your questions." Keith says taking my hand and pulling me along with him

They take me to their large bedroom and I look around. There is a massive bed with black and red silk sheets and blankets over it. There's a fireplace with a few lounges and fur rugs and what looks like a walk in closet, there is also a bathroom connected.

We sit down on the bed and I sense they begin to get nervous.

"So I guess you're wondering who we are huh?" Shiro says

"Shiro and I run the biggest mafia groups in America as well as the world." Keith explains "Lotor was the leader of a mafia group opposing us and trying to gain power. If he had taken you you probably would have ended up in a sex slave trade or as his personal 'pet'."

I stay silent but realise how much everything makes sense now, however I don't feel so scared or upset any more. They saved my life, they protected me from someone trying to hurt me. How could I possibly be mad at them?

"Thank you for saving me." I whisper "Sorry I got so scared and defensive."

"It wasn't your fault, we were the ones who kept this from you." Shiro says, stroking my hair

"Lance, Shiro and I really care about you." Keith says "We love you and we'll always protect you."

"I love you too." I reply, crying out happy tears

Keith pulls me towards him so our lips connect in a sweet kiss. It's forceful and passionate but perfect, just how I I imagined it. We pull apart and I look towards Shiro. Shiro kisses me as well, or feels different to Keith's. His kisses are softer but more dominating.

Keith wraps his arms around me from behind and presses a kiss to my neck, softly sucking and nibbling on it. I moan into Shiro's mouth and Shiro pushes his tongue inside of my wet cavern. Keith's hands begin to unbutton my top and pulls it off, pressing kisses and forming hickeys on my back and shoulders.

I feel ready to do this, it's been a wild ride but I feel safe around them, they'll always protect me.

I raise my hands to unbutton Shiro's shirt and he places his hands on my sides, rubbing them softly. I feel a tightness in my pants under his hands. He goes down to palm my bulge and I finally get his shirt off through all of his and Keith's touches.

I rock my hips against Keith's reception behind me and I feel his hands pull away. Something that sounds like clothing falls to the floor and Keith's hands return, slowly unzipping my hands and rubbing his hands over my bulge.

While Shiro's lips are on my neck Keith's fingers go to my mouth and I suck on each one individually. Then he removes his fingers and whispers something to Shiro.

"All fours." Shiro whispers in my ear

I get on all fours with Shiro in front of me and Keith still behind me. Keith pulls off my pants and boxers and I shiver at the cold air. The room quickly heats up though as the light turns off and the fireplace turns on, I guess Shiro pressed some button.

Keith's fingers go my hole and he pushes one finger inside me, then he pushes a second one scissoring his fingers.

"How about you get me ready?" Shiro asks and removes his pants and boxers

His erection springs out and I nervously look up towards him but still open my mouth to encase the tip. I swirl my tongue around and taste some of the pre cum. I lower my mouth onto his erection and lick around his member.

I bob my head up and down when suddenly Keith adds a third finger, making me moan. He pumps his fingers in and out of me while massaging my ass cheek. I suck harder and move faster, listening to Shiro's groans as a sign I'm doing well.

"Don't cum yet Shiro." Keith says "Or else I get to feel inside him first."

"He's just so good." Shiro replies placing a hand in my hair and brushing it

I blush at the praise but don't stop sucking and moving.

"Well how about we hurry it up then? I want my turn." Keith says running his fingers over my back

He removes his fingers from inside me and Shiro softly pull me off of his member. I look up at Shiro and we kiss deeply, he wipes away the saliva and pre-cum around my mouth before switching places with Keith.

Keith holds me close to him and kisses me deeply while Shiro lines up at my entrance and teasingly thrusts in.

"Shiro~" I whine, pushing my hips out further

Keith loosens his grip and removes his pants and boxers. His erection springs out as well, it's not as big as Shiro's but it's still very large.

Without waiting to be told I lick up and down his member, softly sucking and nibbling in the overly sensitive vein on the underside. I take his member into my mouth and suck on it, trying to figure out exactly what spots are more sensitive, at that moment Shiro snaps his hips forward and I call out in pleasure, thanks to Keith who stretched me out enough.

"Are you ok?l" Shiro asks

I remove my mouth from Keith's member and fight through a moan.

"I'm ngh~ fine~" I say through moans "It felt ahh~ really good~"

"If you want to stop just say ok?" Shiro states

I nod and return my mouth to Keith's member. When Shiro makes the first thrust I moan loudly and the wave of pleasure inside me. He gains power and speed with each thrust, slightly grazing my sweet spot but never hitting it full on.

I feel Keith twitching under me and I'm quickly figuring out what he likes. I suck harder and faster, brushing my tongue over his sensitive spots. I know I'm going to be fore tomorrow but I don't care for now, all I care about is the pleasure I'm receiving.

"You're doing so well kitten." Shiro whispers in my ear and suddenly he hits my sweet spot dead on

I moan loudly and cling to Keith tightly. I feel my legs loosing strength and my ass is beginning to bruise from Shiro's strength. Keith moans loudly and cums into my mouth. Keith pulls me up to lean agains his body and he rubs my shoulders as Shiro keeps pounding into me.

"Ahh Shiro~" I moan as he pushes further into me

Finally the tightness in me snaps and I release over Keith and I while Shiro pushes further and I feel him release inside me. It's hot and makes me feel warm inside me. Shiro pulls out of me and the carefully carry me to the top of the bed so we can sleep.

We lay down in bed with me in the middle. Their arms are protectively around me and I already know they have hidden guns under their pillows.

"Why where you out that late alone?" Keith asks

"I got kicked out of my apartment." I reply

"What? Why?" Shiro asks in shock

"I uhh, couldn't pay my rent." I say "I'm really poor and my land lord couldn't wait any longer."

"Well you're with us now." Keith says "Money isn't an issue and you can live with us."

"Are you sure?" I ask shocked "I still want to keep working though."

"Of course." Shiro states "You can keep working, we just need to make sure you're safe from people like Lotor."

I smile happily and snuggle closer into them. I feel so safe and happy in their arms. I don't care they run the mafia or have a lot of money, I love them for them and nothing will change that. They protected me and I trust them with my life.

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