P Is For Pet

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Shiro's P.O.V.
The team is at the space mall and I instructed them not to go off by themselves but I guess I'm breaking my own rule. I want to get something very special for Lance and I don't want anyone else to know.

I find the store I'm looking for, it's a mysterious dark shop with what looks like an old alien huddled over a pot of something that smells horrible.

"I've been expecting you, Shiro of the Black Lion." The alien croaks turning towards me "And I know what you seek."

"How do you know?" I ask

"Don't ask questions." She snaps "Now, if you give this pill to the blue paladin he will take on the ears and tail as well as certain characteristics of one of your earthen animals."

She hands me a vial with a small pill and then ushers me out of the store after I pay.

"Be warned, the pill will trigger a heat very quickly, after the heat the effects of the pill will wear off." She says and then turns back into the store

I walk away quickly, I don't want anyone to know what happened and I arrive at the food court where I see Hunk helping one of the chefs just like I heard last time. Pidge is sitting at one of the tables on her laptop.

"Hey Shiro!" He calls out "Come over here and try this!"

He gives me a bowl of some weird looking food but I eat it anyway. It tastes amazing and I praise Hunk for this. Once I'm finished I place my plate in the cleaning bin and turn to see Lance walking towards us. There are a few guys close behind him as if they're checking him out. Jealousy strikes my heart as I see them looking at Lance.

Lance bounds over to me and wraps me in a hug.

"These guys won't leave me alone 'kashi." He whispers in my ear

I use the quickest method possible to get these guys to leave Lance alone which his kissing him fully on the lips. The guys immediately leave and he kisses me again, I hold him tightly as if someone will try to take him away.

"Thank you Shiro." He says happily

"What happened to Keith? I thought you two went off together?" I ask

"I lost him in the knife store, then one of those guys grabbed me and started flirting so I went searching for you." Lance replies

I sit back on my chair with Lance on my lap. We keep talking quietly to each other until eventually Keith walks into the food court.

"Sorry guys, I ran into that mall cop again." He sighs "I think we should go before we all get arrested."

"Did everyone get what they were searching for?" I ask and everyone nods

We head back to the ship where Allura and Coran have finished repairs. The small vial is still in my pocket and I get excited about trying it. Lance is going to be so cute, I wonder what animal he will turn out to be? I'm guessing it's based on personality. He'll be my own little pet.

We arrive back at the castle and I take Lance to my room. I want to make sure he is ok with this.

"Lance, I got you something at the mall." I say pulling out the vial

"Drugs? I'm sorry what?" He asks shocked

"Not quite." I reply "It's a pill that will give you the ears and tail of an animal, as well as some of the characteristics. It'll also trigger a heat that will make certain... acts feel amazing."

"What animal?" He asks

"I think it's personality based." I reply "You'll be my own little pet."

"Hmmm..." He hums thinking carefully

Lance's P.O.V.
Do I want to take it? I trust Shiro and his judgement. He also paid for it and he saved me from those guys today. What's the harm?

"Ok then, I'll take it." I reply "I still don't support random pills though."

Shiro hands me the vial with the pill and I open it. I swallow the pill dry and wait from something to change but nothing happens.

"Maybe it takes some time?" I say, suddenly I get really tired and nearly fall to the ground but Shiro catches me

"Are you ok?" He asks

"Yeah, I'm just really tired." I say

Shiro picks me up bridal style and takes me to the bed. He removes my shoes and then places me in the bed. He climbs in next to me and holds me close, placing his arms around me. I fall asleep quickly and in my dreams I can feel something push through my lower back and on the top of my head.

I wake up a few hours later and I raise my hands up to my face, it doesn't feel any different, I move my hands up to my hair and on top of my head there are two ears. A tail is wagging behind me and I rush to the mirror to look at myself. I have a pair of dog ears and a fluffy tail, I guess I turned into a dog.

I rush back over to Shiro and shake him awake. For some reason I feel overly excited and happy.

"Shiro wake up, look!" I say

He opens his eyes and looks over at me, I see a blush form over his cheeks and he raises a hand to my ears. He softly strokes then and I realise how sensitive the are to other people's touches.

"Cute." He says and presses a kiss to my forehead

We decide to get up and get dressed for the day, I feel nervous knowing that soon I'll go though a 'heat' or something. I wonder what it feels like?

After getting ready I realise I can't properly wear my pants, I could get them off perfectly fine but they push against my tail and squish it. My booty-shorts are fine though as they sit under my tail.

"Shiroo, I can't wear any pants..." I complain "They hurt my tail..."

"Ok, well you can just stay here for today alright?" He asks "I'll go tell the team you feel sick."

"Wait!" I shout as he starts to open the door "You'll come back right? You won't leave?"

"No Lance, I'll tell everyone that it's a rest day." Shiro says "I'll be back in ten minutes."

He leaves and I sit on the floor in front of the door. What if Shiro doesn't come back? What if he just left and flew back to earth? No that's crazy, why would he just leave? But what if he did?! What if he decided I'm ugly and doesn't want anything to do with me?

The door opens again and Shiro walks in. I quickly jump on him, hugging him tightly.

"I thought you weren't coming back!" I say "I thought you left!"

"I guess you really are like a dog, more like a puppy." He says and strokes my hair "You're my pet."

I press kisses on his cheeks and neck and he picks me up. His hands are on my ass while I wrap my legs around his waist. Is it just me or is the room getting hotter?

"Shiro I'm too hot~" I whine pushing off of him "I think I'm going into heat~"

"I didn't think a heat would come this fast." He says, petting my ears "I guess this way you won't be out of commission for to long."

He strokes a hand down my side and I feel hotter, suddenly my body snaps into an oversensitive state and I feel so horny, I need something to fill me up.

"Nooo~" I reply, it's as if a haze has come over me "I don't want to be able to walk for a week~ Every time I move I want to be reminded of you inside of me~ I want to be able to feel your hot cum inside me for as long as I can~ I want my stomach to bulge with proof of your love for me~"

"Wow pet." He says blushing wildly "You sure as hell know what to say to make me want to fuck you into next week."

I grind up against him and attempt to pull off my jacket and top. I can't move without wanting to cry out at the uncomfortable feeling of clothes, they're scratching me...

"Here pet." Shiro says, gently pulling off my top and jacket for me

Once the cool air around me hits my skin I whine at being to cold.

"You're definitely a puppy." Shiro whispers "Begging for attention and whining until you get it."

"But you like it." I reply

He chuckles and kisses my neck while playing with my ears.

"Ahh~" I moan as pleasure shoots straight to my member which is still covered

I lean back onto the bed, pulling Shiro so he's hovering over me. We press our lips together in a passionate kiss. His hands rub all over my body as I moan and writhe under him. I feel my erection get bigger and harder as it begs for some attention.

Shiro palms my bulge and pulls down the booty shorts I'm wearing, he runs a hand over my ass cheeks and massages them, softly pulling them away from each other. He rubs his hand over my weeping dick and pumps it up and down. He gathers some of my pre cum and presses his thumb into my waiting hole.

"Wow it sucks me right in." He says huskily

"No foreplay~" I beg "I need you inside me~"

"Hmm ok, I'll make sure you won't able to walk for at least a week." He whispers

Shiro leans over me to the nightstand and grabs a bottle of lube. He takes off his pants and boxers and his massive erection springs out. Every time I always get nervous and excited at his size but this time all I want is for it to be inside me, making me scream out Shiro's name.

Shiro quickly rubs the lube all over his erection, he has to go back for a second squirt which shows how big he is. Shiro lines up to my hole and rubs it with his tip.

"Ready?" He asks and I nod

He quickly pushes in and I yelp in pleasure at the feeling of being full. I still need more, I want to be filled with his cum.

"Who's pet are you?" Shiro grunts

"Ahh~ Yours~!" I moan

I rock my hips as he thrusts his thick cock in and out of me, kissing my neck and leaving possessive hickeys. His hands brush against my nipples which harden immediately under his touch. I feel my first release coming quickly in my overly sensitive state.

"Shiro~" I moan "I'm going to cum!"

I release over my stomach but I'm not satisfied, Shiro hasn't cum and I'm not full. He continues pounding in and out of me, hitting all the right spots except my one most sensitive spot. I rock my hips up to meet his thrusts and I moan loudly, clinging to his back. Finally I feel him twitch inside me and he releases.

I feel the heat deep inside of me, I need more. Shiro moves me around so I'm on all fours and my tail begins to wag excitedly. Shiro strokes my tail as he pushes into me again.

"You're so cute pet." He says and kisses my neck

He snaps his hips forward and continues thrusting with all the power he can muster. I can feel his member deep inside of me and he reaches his hand around to pump my erection. The tightness in my abdomen returns and I feel the build up again.

"You're so tight." Shiro whispers "Lets cum together."

I hold on a little while longer when suddenly he hits my prostate and I scream in pleasure

"Oh god right there~!" I yell, I'm so glad the rooms are soundproof "I can't hold anymore."

"Then come." He says and pushes inside me extremely hard

We both cum at the same time, I release as he fills me up. My belly is slightly bulging now but my heat is still asking for more. I can tell Shiro is pretty tired at this point so once he pulls out of me I push him against the head board. Facing him I lower myself onto his member and I can see the bulge in my stomach.

I raise myself up and down on his member, hitting my prostate each time. Shiro weakly grabs my hips and rubs them as I continue lowing myself up and down. I remove his vest and shirt to be able to feel his body more.

I suck on his neck as I continue riding him. I hear a final groan from him as he cums again and this time it seems to satisfy my heat. I moan loudly as I cum after him and release on our chests.

I pull off of him and notice how shaky my legs are. Shiro pulls me next to him and I curl up. His hand is placed over the bulge in my belly.

"It's so soft and squishy." He whispers, pulling the blankets over us

"I can feel your cum inside me." I say

"Maybe next time I'll take a pill as well." Shiro states "Imagine both of us in heat."

"You'll be able to fill me up so much." I say kissing him softly

We kiss for a few minutes before I begin to fall asleep. My heat was amazing, I can't believe how amazing that felt. If it's Shiro I don't mind being his 'pet'. It makes both of us happy and I feel so satisfied.

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