V Is For Videogames

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Lance's P.O.V.
I've been feeling really annoyed lately, it seems like there's nothing I can beat Keith in. He's stronger, faster and smarter than me and I can't seem to match up to him. I just need to figure out something that he will never win in.

"What's something I can beat Keith in?" I ask

"Have you tried hand to hand combat, shooting, board games?" Hunk asks mixing a bowl of food

"Yes, yes and yes." I sigh "He beat me in arm wrestling, making sandwiches, taking out enemies and flying as well."

"You know I support you buddy, but why are you so determined to bear him and be his rival?" Hunk asks, taking a quick glance behind me but I pay no mind

"I just want to impress him I guess." I explain "I also want to prove to the rest of the team I'm worthy to be a paladin."

"Impress Keith? Why?" Hunk asks looking behind me again and this time I turn around but no one is there "Sorry just day dreaming."

"All good buddy." I chuckle "I don't know why I want to impress him, just every time I see him he is so great and I want to prove I'm worthy to be with him."

"Lance do you have a crush on Keith?" Hunk asks

"Ugh I think I do." I say slamming my head against the counter "There's no way I'd have a chance, not until I can prove to him I'm more than just a 'cargo pilot'."

"Don't talk bad about yourself Lance, Keith might like you as well." Hunk replies "It'll be like the romance story in one of your video games."

"Video games!" I shout in realisation "I can beat him in video games! Thank you so much Hunk."

I quickly rush to my bedroom to get the gaming console set up. There's no way I'll loose to to Keith, I can't loose to Keith. I play video games so much that I'm a pro.

Keith's P.O.V.
Lance rushed out of the room, completely missing me hiding behind the door. I can't believe Lance just admitted he liked me, he just admitted he liked me!

I'm over the moon with joy, this is amazing news. It also explains why he is always challenging me, he just wanted to impress me. But I'm already impressed with him. He is so much more than what he describes himself as.

He's funny, kind, handsome and brave. He puts himself before others and has saved so many of us. To me he isn't just a cargo pilot, he's a paladin of Voltron.

Hunk kept on sneaking looks at me throughout their whole conversation, I came in just as Lance started talking so I heard everything. Should I let him win at something so he thinks he impressed me? Actually I have a better idea...

"Keith?" I hear Hunk say "Sorry I kept glancing at you, you nearly got caught."

"It's ok." I say walking out from behind the door "You really helped me by asking those questions."

"What are you going to do?" Hunk asks

"Show Lance just how much he impresses me." I reply walking to the exit

"It's obvious you like him, the whole team's figured it out." Hunk says turning back to his mixing "So be careful with his heart, if you hurt him I'll shoot you into space."

"Thanks Hunk." I chuckle and walk out

Now all I have to do is wait for Lance to challenge me.

Lance's P.O.V.
I have my video game console all set up and the game is ready to play. Now I need to go find Keith to challenge him. I get up and walk out of my room, heading to the training room.

Keith is inside battling one of the training robots, I blush at his bulging muscles and his determined look. Dios mío he is hot. No I can't get distracted, I need to beat him and impress him.

I take a few steps inside and Keith finishes the level he's on.

"End training sequence." He says and the room powers down "What's up Lance?"

"I've figured out something I can beat you in." I say

"Which is?" He asks removing his armour and I nearly get distracted at him in his tight black body suit

"Video games, there's no way I could loose mullet." I answer smugly

"Hmm and if I don't accept?" He asks raising an eye brow

"Then I win by default." I reply

"Ok then, I accept." Keith states "Just let me have a shower first."

I quickly turn around to hide my blush.

"Ok, I'll be in my room." I say and quickly rush off

Once I'm in my room I throw myself on my bed and try to get rid of the image of  Keith in the shower. How the water would run down his skin, down his neck to his abs, then to his-

"Lance?" I hear someone say outside my door

It's Keith, I guess I was imagining him for longer than he was in the shower. How embarrassing,

"Yeah coming Keith." I reply and walk up to the door, opening it

"So you ready to play?" I ask, he's back in his normal clothes

"Yeah, let's play." He replies smirking and walking in

I quickly turn on the gaming console and tv that we got at the space mall and the game fires up. It lights up my otherwise dark room.

"So how do you play this?" Keith asks

"Simple, you just press they keys to jump on the platforms and defeat the enemies." I explain "The winner is who finishes the level first."

He nods and I start up the game. I focus all my attention onto the game, running over platforms and killing the enemies. Just as the finish line comes into view I realise Keith has already finished and is waiting for me.

"What how did you win? You cheated!" I say annoyed

"Beginners luck I guess?" He replies

"Re-match." I say simply and press reset on the game

We continue playing for another hour and I'm beginning to loose hope. What if I can't beat him, what if I can't impress him? Finally I realise I'm in front, Keith fell behind fighting one of the monsters. My heart starts beating faster and there's nothing stopping me.

Until I feel a hand on my leg, it's just Keith trying to distract me but I won't fall for it, not when I'm this close. The hand slowly moves up to my inner thigh and then to my zipper. I blush furiously but still don't say anything, I kind of like where this is going. Keith starts to rub my crotch forming a tent in my pants. I see Keith shift and his head goes down between my legs.

"Keith?" I ask nervously

"Shh, don't you want to win?" Keith asks

He pulls down my zipper and underwear, exposing my erection and I keep trying to play but I can barely focus. Keith presses a kiss against my tip and swirls his tongue around the head and he starts lowering his mouth down onto me. My fingers are shaking and I can't focus on anything except for Keith.

Keith pulls his head back up and starts sucking and bobbing his head repeatedly.

"Ngh~" I moan dropping the controller on the floor

Keith continues sucking and bobbing his head and I feel a tightness in my abdomen.

"Keith~"I moan, warning him that I'm going to cum

He pushes further onto me and deep throats me. He doesn't pull off as my member is twitching and finally I cum into his mouth. Keith pulls off and looks up at me. Swallowing and wiping his mouth on a tissue.

He leans closer to me and we press our lips against each other. Keith wraps his arms around me and pulls me back so he is sitting down and I'm sitting in his lap, my legs either side of his. I can feel his boner pressed against my half-hard on.

He pulls my pants down more and squeezes my ass. His lips go to my neck giving me a hickey right over my sweet spot. He pulls a bottle of line from his pocket and I realise he planned this whole thing. He squirts some lube on his fingers and pushes one into me, it feels weird inside me but I don't hate it.

"Are you ok?" Keith whispers

"Yeah, it just feels weird." I reply

"If you want me to stop just say, it gets better." He says kissing my neck again

I nod and he adds another finger and then another. It begins to feel better and he pumps his fingers in and out of me. I rock my hips and his fingers feel really good inside me.

Keith pulls his fingers out and unzips his black pants, pulling down his boxers reviewing his massive erection, he puts lube on it and then pulls me back on his lap. We're still facing each other with our chests pressed against each other's.

He lowers me onto his member with his hands on each of my ass cheeks. Finally it fills me up completely and I moan loudly, resting my head in his shoulder. He raises me up and pushes me back down. I moan at the hot feeling inside me and I rock my hips.

We continue this for a few seconds and I feel Keith's hands let go of my ass and wrap around me, I continue riding him and in my haze I hear the game start up again. I only focus on the pleasure I'm feeling and Keith's lips sucking on my neck. I hear the congratulations sound from the game meaning Keith won again but I don't care.

Keith's hands go back to my ass and he speeds up with his thrusting.

"Ahh Keith~" I moan and hold onto him tighter

I feel the tightness return and I move faster.

"Keith I'm close~" I moan softly

"Let it out." He replies kissing my lips hard

The knot inside me snaps and I release all over Keith and I's shirts. I feel Keith release inside me and fill me up. I moan loudly and we stay connected for a few minutes.

After catching our breaths we quickly remove our jackets, which both miraculously stayed clean and we put our shirts in the laundry chute. The Keith picks me up and carries me to bed bridal style. He places me down in bed and lays next to me, holding me close to his chest.

"Guess this means you won huh?" I ask a little disappointed

"Don't worry Lance, you still impressed me." He whispers

"You heard Hunk and I?" I ask in shock

"Yeah, don't worry though." He says kissing my forehead "I like you too."

"Well I would hope so after that." I chuckle "I can't believe you kept playing while I rode you."

"Well a challenge is a challenge, and one of us had to win." He says and lowers his arm to my waist "One day you'll beat me though. You're amazing."

I blush at his words and snuggle further into his chest. Tracing my finger over his abs and chest. Soon we fall asleep in each other's arms, smiling happily as we hold one another.

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