IV: Halls of the King

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The armed elves quickly grabbed the twins and tied their both hands. They searched for any weapons but they found none.

"I think you misunderstood. We didn't do anything wrong." Alex tried explaining while struggling to loosen her hands.

"You aren't fooling us. You killed those spiders." The auburn haired woman replied and eyed them.

"We did not! It wasn't us. We don't even have any weapons! And even if I had, I wouldn't kill those. Spiders are disgusting!" Conner exclaimed.

"It was the black hooded man!" Alex added remembering what happened. And she remembered the dream she had about this man. For some unknown reason she felt like she knew him.

"It was?" Conner asked her sister. Alex figured her brother didn't see what happened.

"He didn't see it. But I saw it! He started killing those spiders single handily." Alex started telling the story but the elves just looked at her blankly. Except for Legolas, he was quietly listening and thought her story may be logical. Only, they didn't know a man wearing a black hood roaming around their forest. They should have known it if there was one. Everyone was unsure on what really happened, but for the elves, it's safer not to easily believe in strangers.

"Enough of this nonsense. Explain yourselves to the King and let him decide your fate." Legolas instructed.

The twins struggled at first, but they realized its no use. But how could they convince the King they were innocent if these elves wouldn't believe anything they say. They sighed and accepted their fate as they were dragged deeper into the forest.


After few hours of walking they have reached the entrance of the elves' territory. The twins were astounded as they saw how grandiose was the place. It was intricately carved within the mountains. It was huge, the entrance had tall columns, each was lavishly designed and huge stone doors ornated with fancy carvings. There were guards at the entrance, each was also wearing an elegant golden armor. Everything they saw was a piece of art. As they neared the entrance, the large doors magically opened. Inside the palace was even more breath taking. It was a vast cave delicately designed to look grand. A falls of water coming from the ceiling was shimmering as light passes through it. The light was coming from the tiny holes of the cave illuminating the great halls, in addition to the hanging lamps placed in orderly manner. The pillars, pathways, and floors were also carved finely from the living rocks. They were so stunned that for a moment they've forgotten they were captives by the elves. Before they knew it, they were already brought at the King's throne.

The throne was located at the very heart of the palace. The seat of the King was elevated with a couple of steps indicating its superiority. The throne itself was made of the finest materials carved and decorated with the twigs and leaves. Alex focused her eyes at the top of the throne and she was a bit surprised to see somebody was sitting there. The King was wearing a crown made also with the finest twigs and autumn leaves. It was placed atop of his golden white hair. His hair was admirable as it extends up to his chest resting peacefully on his exquisite silver robe. She suddenly felt embarrassed when she realized the King was looking at her. She immediately bowed her head to hide her shame.

The King rose from his throne and walked slowly towards them. The elves bowed their heads as the King approached them. Conner was elbowed by his sister and he hesitantly bowed. The female elf first spoke. The twins assumed she was the leader of the group.

"My King, we've seen these humans within our forest. And not far from where we've found them were dead spiders. The weapon used is unknown. We assumed that these humans were responsible for it. However they're not admitting it. Instead, they're declaring that they're lost" She said before bowing her head again.

"Lost? Silly humans." the King chuckled. "Tell me, who sent you here?" the King asked them with a serious face. The twins were nervous they both knew their story sounds unbelievable, but still, they have to try.

"No one sent us here. We didn't kill the spiders. And yes, we are really lost." Alex explained still bowing her head. Her brother, on the other hand, was done with the courtesy. He was silently gaping at them, to and fro the King, Legolas, his sister, and other elves, waiting for the events to happen, still believing it was all just his dream.

"Look at me in the eyes." The King requested at Alex. 

"You said that you were not the ones who killed the spiders, then who did it?" the King interrogated them as if they're on trial. Alex slowly raised her head and looked at the intimidating King. He was a tall good-looking man with thick brows and crystal blue eyes. However, she can see the pain and sadness beneath those beautiful eyes. Cold. She thought. Again, struck by how enchanting the king was, she was left speechless.

"We didn't find any weapons in them. They're claiming that it was a black hooded man, father." Legolas said trying to defend them. And now, the twins knew why this elf was different. Because he was the prince.

"And this man you're talking about, did you find him?" the King turned to his son.

"We didn't yet but we're going to find him." Legolas said with assurance.

"No need." the King said and faced again the twins. He looked directly at Alex eyes before continuing. This time she didn't see sadness in his eyes, yet, she can't describe what's currently in it either. She thought the King was naturally mysterious.

"I believe there's no such man." He said and turned, slowly walking back towards his throne.  "These humans were just making up stories to fool us. Lock them in the prison." he waved his hand and the elves grabbed the twins.

"What? No! Wait!" Conner said while they were both trying to let go of the grip.

"But, Ada. These humans don't know anything about this place. And they're telling places I've never heard of. I think they're telling the truth." Legolas said trying to stop the imprisonment.

"We really know nothing about this place. We are harmless. If we only knew the forest was your territory we would never dare enter it. Just please let us go." Alex took courage to plead to the King.

"And if you're lying? The lives of my elves will be endangered. And I would never take such risk." the King replied facing them again. "Tauriel, bring them to the dungeons." he said lastly, and the auburn haired elf, along with the other elves, bowed and took the twins away leaving Legolas and the King.

"We didn't do anything wrong! Please, believe us!" Alex begged. The King was unhappy at his decision but he knew it was wiser. He just stared at them while they were being dragged away from his sight.

"They didn't do anything wrong. We could just release them out of Mirkwood. Why do you want to imprison them?" Legolas asked curiously at his father. He knew his father was a good man. He usually releases travelers who lost their way and accidentally happened to enter their kingdom. But this time, he didn't know why would his father wanted to keep them.

"Because, they were destined to be here." King Thranduil shortly replied before returning to his throne. Legolas looked at him baffled.

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A/N: Thank you for reading! What do you think? I know it may be shit and all, but I'm hyped to finish this story. Writing is great experience for me. You may not consider this as actual writing but at least I tried. Haha. :D I am eager to learn a lot from you so please just message/comment if you have questions, suggestions, and/or violent reactions. :>

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