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Luke and Isaac entered the bedhouse and sat at the farthest end of the bar. Madame Belle walked toward them as she stood behind the bar. "Luke, it's been a while since ya graced me with yer presence."

"It has been a while, Madame Belle. Whiskey bottle and two glasses." He put down a two-demand note (dollar bill). 

Madame Belle gave them their order. She motioned closer to Luke, making her breasts noticeable. "I heard that yer boy is gettin' hitched! I congratulate that boy of yers." 

"Word spreads fast. Thank you for the bottle; we'd like to drink in peace." 

The Madame softly scoffed as she walked away from the bar and toward the customers. The men served themselves their drink. Isaac chuckled, "Madame Belle always tries to get yer attention, sir."

"I made a mistake involving myself with a prostitute; I'm still paying for it." Luke took small sips of his whiskey; he couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. He suspected that spies of Tunstall, Dolan, and Murphey were on and about. Both sides wanted him to join their cause; they were always refused. His eyes wandered around the building until  Emiliano quickly turned away. "That chap is staring at me. I have never seen him before."

Isaac looked where Luke was. "Maybe he's new here."

As for Emiliano, he felt his target staring at him. "Just calm down; everything will be fine," he told himself.

"What's wrong, chap? Has the cat got your tongue?" Luke sat next to him, his drink in hand.

The young man tried calming himself down and looked at the older man. "May I help you, sir?"

"Not much of a drinker, are you?"

"Not really; I hate alcohol. You must be Luke Bixby. Your name is known in the county, sir." Emiliano extended his hand to Luke. The older man looked down on his drink and didn't shake his hand. "You work for John, do you?"

Emiliano realized that Luke was intelligent and that it would be difficult to gain his respect and trust; he had to play this carefully. "As a cowboy, I'm new. I came here for my ambitions."

Luke became intrigued. "You're a mystery, chap. What are your ambitions?"

"They're mine alone, Mr. Bixby." They sat silently while the echos of drunken laughter filled the bedhouse. "I met your son; I apologize if it caused you any grief."

"My wife told me; there's no need to apologize. Charles never used his head; that chucklehead needs to learn the hard ways of life." Luke took another sip of his glass of whiskey. "His Mother spoiled him rotten." He motioned himself slightly closer. "If I can be upfront, sometimes I feel Charles ain't my son." To Emiliano's surprise, Luke motioned out his hand; he slowly took it and shook hands. "I like you, chap. What's your name."

"Emiliano Quinteras."

Luke almost choked on his drink and coughed to regain his breathing. "Wh-What? Did you say Quinteras?"

"Yes, sir." 

So many thoughts went through his head. Emiliano had the same surname as Laureana. It could be a coincidence but hope lingered that the man beside him knew something. He had to know. "I-I'm curious. Where are you from?"

"Well, I was born in the Mescalero Apache tribe close to a town far from here." 

"I-I see. You don't look Apache."

"I'm not; I'm part Mexican."

It was quiet between the men, but so many things were going through Luke's mind. Everything he was told made sense of where Laureana might have disappeared. He glanced at the young man, taking note of his appearance. "He does look like her." His right hand shook a little. "C-Could it be...?"

Suddenly, Emiliano stood from his seat. "Well, I need to go. I came here to talk with a friend of mine. I also need to get some shut-eye. It a pleasure knowing you, Mr. Bixby." He walked out of the bedhouse. 

Isaac saw everything unfold; he went to his employer, who silently looked at his drink. "Sir, are ya alright? What were ya two talkin' about?" There was no response. Luke was still quiet as he drank his entire glass of whiskey. "Sir?"

"Th-That chap, he has the same surname as Laureana. He might know something."

"It's a small county, Luke. Many people have the same last names. What did ya two talk about?" Isaac poured himself more whiskey.

"He said that he was born in the Mescalero Tribe. I remember Laureana's maid, Ekta, was from the same tribe. Isaac, this is too much of a coincidence." Sweat formed in the back of his neck. "I might find my answers."

Isaac sighed while shaking his head. His good friend was obsessed with finding Laureana, but this new information intensified it. "Sir, doesn't he work for John Tunstall? If he does, it wouldn't be wise to speak with him further.

"It won't be the last time that I'll see him. I am sure that John will send the chap my way, and when he does, I will get the answers I'm looking for."

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