Origin Pt. 7: Proposition

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After two months, Laureana would not admit it to anyone but enjoyed being in Luke's company. They taught one another things they lacked. Laureana taught Luke some Spanish, which he had difficulties with, but with patience and sound teaching, he learned some words and sentences.

Luke taught Laureana how to shoot guns properly; she was not as good as him but became decent with practice.

It was night. Laureana sat in front of the mirror, undoing her hair braids. There was a knock on the door. "Yes?"

The door opened, and Luke entered. "Sorry for barging in like this late at night."

Laureana smiled softly. "It is no trouble. ¿Como puedo ayudarte?(How may I help you?)"

"Vine a devolverte tu libro (I'm here to return your book)," he said in broken Spanish.

Laureana giggled as Luke gave her the book. "You are improving a bit, but you still sound funny."

The young man snickered. "Easy for you to say. Little Miss I-Know-How-To-Speak-Spanish." Luke stood behind Laureana, who was still undoing her braids. When finished, she began brushing her hair. He watched as her long hair flowed down her back. "May I?" The look in his eyes was reassuring; he was given the brush. "You have beautiful hair."

"Thank you. I use different herbs and fragrances." He smiled and continued to brush her hair. She noticed the uncertainty in his facial expression. "What's wrong?"

"I spoke to your Father and the lawyers yesterday; the paperwork will be signed tomorrow." Luke stopped brushing her hair. "I-I am so sorry."

"Good for you."

He flinched. "You're not angry?"

"I am tired of being angry and hateful. After knowing you, I feel reassured that you will take care of these lands. However, there is something I am worried about."

"What is it?"

She looked at his reflection. "The workers and Ekta; they worked here most of their lives. Please, don't send them away.

Luke felt his heart swell, amazed at how selfless she was. "You truly think about others more than yourself." He touched her hair and kissed it, which surprised the young woman. Her hair was let go, and she was motioned to turn; Luke held onto her hands. "I don't want you to leave."


"Being alone in this land will be torture. You have taught me so much, and I to you. I want us to keep on learning from one another."

She felt her heart beating faster. "I-I don't know..."

"You can stay here; I can take care of you."

Everything was too much for her; she wrapped herself in her arms. "I-I need to sleep."

"Will you please think about it?"

"Please, leave..."

Nothing else was said between them; Luke left and closed the door. Laureana sat back down in front of her mirror. Tomorrow was the day the lands would belong to Luke. Her thoughts were interrupted when the door was opened. Her parents and Ekta arrived, but Ekta entered first and stood before her. "What is going on!? Ekta wh-?"

"I am sure the Gringo told you, did he not?" asked Maria. "That Gringo will sign the papers for ownership of these lands!"

"You both knew that this was going to happen."

Anselmo growled as he scratched his head. "I thought we would have more time, but he wants to sign the papers tomorrow! We also thought that you would be smart enough to seduce him."

Laureana glared at her parents. "So you wanted me to seduce Luke." Her body trembled in rage. "How dare you? You dare try to use me like a whore! To think he asked me to stay!"

Anselmo felt hope; he grabbed his daughter by her shoulders. "He proposed to you? Did you say yes?"

"He just asked me to stay, but I haven't answered." She got away from her Father's hands and stood by Ekta. "I will not accept since you two just want to use his kindness!" Maria grabbed her daughter's hair and pulled her to the floor. Laureana yelped; Ekta tried to stop the matriarch, but Anselmo pushed her aside.

Maria's face was rage-filled; she squeezed her daughter's hair. "You should have said yes! We will be able to stay!"

The grip on her hair was painful; Laureana glared at her Mother. "If I accept, then what? Will you try to get rid of him? You two only care about yourselves, not me! I bet you wished that I had died and not Tomas!"

"At least Tomas would have done anything to keep these lands! You were always a selfish brat!" Maria let her go.

Ekta crawled to the young woman, hugging her. "You both should be ashamed of yourselves! Shamefully using your daughter! The lad will eventually find out who you two truly are!"

She was ignored; Anselmo stood before them, giving them a warning glare. "You will accept his proposal tomorrow. If you don't, you will be dead to us; you can live on the street for all we care." He walked out of the; Maria followed suit.

Laureana cried; Ekta hugged her with all her might. "They never loved me, Ekta! My parents have gone mad!"

"Please calm yourself, child. I know that you will make the right decision. No matter what happens, I will never leave your side." The two hugged one another. Unknown to everyone, Luke hid inside a nearby room and heard everything.

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