Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


Sarah's POV:

"Dad, I'm fine. I promise," I reassure him for the billionth time, grabbing my handbag and keys before making a dash for the front door. "I'll call you back a bit later; I'm about to leave the house."

I love that my parents are always checking in on me. Even before Sue's death, they've been overly invested in the life of their kids. Their concern doesn't bother me. I appreciate them and their parental love. I'm convinced that I have the best parents in the whole world. They've always been nothing but good to me and I'll always be forever grateful for them.

"Okay, Sweets," he answers, using the nickname he's used on me since a little girl. "Where you off to anyway?" He asks me, taking a genuine interest in my life, making me smile in appreciation.

"A date," I answer truthfully. I have a very open relationship with my parents. I've always been close to them. I know that I can tell them anything. They may not always agree but they always support me.

"So, your ex wasn't lying then?" He asks and I can just mentally see him raising a questioning eyebrow at me.

I frown, confused. "Ryan talked to you?" I ask while opening the door and walking out to my car.

"He phoned your mother a while ago. He said that you've been in bad company and that he's worried about you," my dad replies, saying it how it is. "He says this Landon kid has a hot temper and even threatened him."

Trust him to phone my mom and not my dad. Coward.

I roll my eyes. Ryan Brewer is becoming a bitter person.

"He's not worried about me," is the first thing I find myself saying. "I doubt that he's ever been worried about me," I add, the fact making me sad. "He just wants to make me angry and get back at me somehow." I know Ryan, and I know he loves games, not just computer ones. "The relationship didn't end as well as I had hoped it would. I wanted to remain friends with him."

I shake my head in frustration and get into my car, putting the key into ignition and starting the engine.

"I never believed Ryan when your mom told me his story," Dad responds calmly. "But judging by your reaction, I'm assuming he wasn't making all of it up. There's some truth, yeah?"

"Dad, Landon is a nice person. From what I've seen, he doesn't have a temper. He's just a little rough around the edges. He treats me a lot better than Ryan ever did. He actually listens and pays attention," I defend Landon, feeling offended on his behalf. "I really like him, Dad," I add quietly.

"I trust you, Sweets. You have common sense. I'd like to meet this kid if things ever get serious between you two," he replies firmly but lovingly.

"Of course, Dad. I want to visit again soon anyway." I love my dad – he's the best. "Love you," I voice my thoughts aloud.

"Love you too, Sweets. See you soon," he says before ending the call.


I walk through the empty garage and pop my head around the corner. "Landon?" I call out softly. He asked me to meet him here. When I don't get a response, I walk around to the back in search of him.

My mouth falls agape. I go silent when I see the fairy lights around the tree beside the old, broken-down car. It's beautiful and lights up the night. There's a picnic blanket under the tree. I'm a simple girl so this means a lot to me. He's really outdone himself.

"Nice, huh?" Landon asks, sitting on the hood of the beat-down car.

"Did you have help?" I joke. He doesn't strike me as the romantic type.

"My sister and Dean insisted on all the jazz," he admits, gesturing to the picnic basket and fairy lights. "If I had it my way, I'd just have the car, the stars, and you."

I smile. Honestly, he could remove the picnic blanket and the lights and I still would think that this date is golden. This place means something to me. This is where I first shared with Landon and opened up to him. It's where I first began to trust him as a friend. It's a thoughtful of him to make our first date here.

"I see they couldn't convince you on the dress code though?" I tease at seeing him in his usual 'work' clothes – that being a white vest and jeans.

He grins cockily. "I keep it real. I'm not a dress-up kind of guy."

I shrug and motion to my outfit – a skirt, flats, and a simple but pretty top. "Good, 'cause I'm not a dress-up girl."

I love that I can be myself around Landon. There's no airs and graces. He accepts me as I am, the American girl next door with nothing extraordinary about her. I have a feeling that my parents will approve of him if they get to know this lovely side of him.

He pats the space beside him on the car. "I like who you are, whether you dress up or not." He holds his hand out to me and helps me up so that I can sit next to him. "I'm not about that kind of stuff. It's not what's important."

He has a certain depth about him that he only reveals when we're alone together. I appreciate that he trusts me enough to share all facets of himself to me.

I lean back on the hood of the old car and get comfortable. "I wish more people saw the world through your eyes," I say quietly, sincerely, placing my hand over his. I'm drawn to him in a way that I never even knew existed.

He chuckles humourlessly. "Trust me, that would end badly," he disagrees. Nonetheless, he doesn't move his hand away.

"But there's no mask with you. You are who you say you are. There's no hidden colors, no hidden motive or agenda with you. You're a good person and I know that I can trust you," I argue, giving my opinion. "You're not about money or appearances. You're about integrity and character. You don't keep any secrets. You're real and open with me. You're simple, and that's amazing because I hate complicated."

He frowns at my words and I don't understand why. "Be careful," he warns fiercely, "maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do." He falls silent and stares up at the blanket of stars in contemplation.

"All I'm saying," I speak up again, "is that my past is filled with bad boyfriends and lawbreakers. I always seem to be drawn to dishonest guys who do stupid things and drag me along for the ride. I don't feel that way with you. I see the honest living you've created for yourself and I value that in you."

I value that he works so hard. I value how he provides not only for himself but for his sister too. I value that he cares about the people in his life; though they are few, it's obvious to me that he genuinely loves them.

"I will literally drag you along for the ride." He swallows and averts his eyes from mine. "It sounds like you're a bad judge of character. I will literally drag you along for the ride."

I quirk a smile at him. "Then tell me if I'm wrong about you so that this doesn't go any further, so that I can stop it now."

I know who he is. I know he doubts that he's good but I won't be blind-sided by his own doubt. I'm convinced that he's different. I can embrace a real friendship and relationship with him, one built on the foundation of trust.

"I don't want to do that."

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