Crimson Eyes (KiriBaku)

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Pairing: Kirishima x Bakugou.
Genre: Action and romance.
Warnings: Strong language (really, it's just a few cuss words, but eh) and violence. Also, it be cringey, 'cause I be like that.
Requested by: No one, I'm just a slut for KiriBaku.

The shock of someone breaking through his ultimate defense was big. His eyes widened at the blood dripping onto the cold, stone floor. He couldn't move. Why couldn't he move?

In front of him the Nomu got back into a fighting position. Its left foot already stuck out. Its arm swung to the side, and Kirishima had only a split second to harden his arms and take the full blow. The pain that shot through his body the moment the Nomu released his full strength against Kirishima's hardened arms made Kirishima think he might be feeling the same pain—if not less—than Midoriya during his earlier fights.

Kirishima's ears picked up on an explosion, followed by a loud scream. He didn't take his eyes off the Nomu, but his heartbeat picked up pace at the possibilities of what was happening right now, which he couldn't see. Bakugou. Who was Bakugou fighting against? Knowing him, he'd come after the first person provoking him. At least he was alive. That was for sure. Otherwise he wouldn't have used his quirk that excessively. Even if he was one that could easily overdo things and claim everything was alright.

The Nomu now ran towards Kirishima, probably thinking he could finish him off. There was no time to think, so Kirishima just hardened his body again. Another clean hit, followed by an even more agonising pain.

Kirishima bit his lips to try and muffle his whimpering, although he couldn't hide his tears. A stinging, unbearable pain now lingered onto his right arm, blood gushing out in a way Kirishima had always imagined only happened in cartoons. His eyes wobbled, but no matter the pain and exhaustion, he somehow kept himself standing.

Kirishima was in no way smart, but in this situation, even he could understand that one more hit from this Nomu would practically kill him. He had already lost an unhealthy amount of blood. One more hit and it was a definite game over.

His eyes darted through the space, carefully thinking of his options. What would Midoriya do?

Running was no options. Even if he managed to get out of the building, there was no way any help could come, he would die from blood loss. Or he could even come across another enemy. But unless some miracle happened, the option of fighting back like a man and surviving was frustratingly small.

Kirishima's eyebrows twitched, angered at his situation, and his inability to find a way out.

The Nomu readied itself for another hit, swinging his arm around as if he was doing a warming up. The pain within Kirishima was already overwhelming him too much. He wasn't Midoriya. He didn't know how to turn this around.

Kirishima bore with the throbbing pain as he lifted both his arms to form another X. He was done for. The manly thing to do in this situation, was to go down putting up a fight.

Kirishima squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on the sounds around him. Explosions, yelling, dark shadow raging in the background, fire crackling, footsteps, cries...

"One For All: Full Cowl, shoot style!"

The airforce caused Kirishima's hair to lose a bit of its steadiness, some locks touching his forehead. His eyes opened wide.

Gasping in front of him was Midoriya, who looked like he had just finished a 5 kilometre marathon and was still fit enough to continue running. Kirishima's mouth opened wide.

The miracle he had been wishing for.

"How is your arm broken already?" Kirishima yelled, though his voice was a mix of surprise and relief.

Midoriya chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head, though he didn't say anything. Midoriya turned to the Nomu, who already seemed to have taken a pretty critical blow.

So cool... Kirishima thought, staring at Midoriya, who was analysing the situation. I couldn't even land a hit, but he managed to so quickly get the upper hand. If I were just a bit better, manlier, maybe I could—

"It's fine." Midoriya said, a warm smile dancing across his face. "It won't be able to stand up for some time."

Kirishima returned the smile, a sudden wave of relief hitting him. He relaxed, releasing the effects of his quirk. His knees buckled, and he fell down on the ground, moaning in pain.

Midoriya reacted a bit jumpy at the sudden movement. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice a bit more panicked than usually. Though it wasn't uncommon for Midoriya to sound panicked. Midoriya supported Kirishima, making him sit down. "I'll give you quick treatment for your arm," Midoriya said, now in a more calmed down tone. "It's not perfect, but it'll have to do for now. Try not to fall asleep."

Kirishima nodded, becoming all the more aware of his exhaustion at the mention that he could not sleep. Though he soon realised sleep was the least he had to worry about. "How's Bakugou?" he asked Midoriya, not even wanting to look at his wound.

Midoriya's touch left his arm for just a few seconds, before they returned, continuing with bandaging up his arm.

"I can't see him," Midoriya said in an apologetic tone. Kirishima's fear only build up hearing that, and he had a sudden urge to leave his wound be and go look for Bakugou, but he remained seated. Bakugou wouldn't appreciate it if Kirishima came to look for him. And he knew he could trust Bakugou. "I can assure you, he's fine."

Kirishima smiled. "Yeah."

"If there's anyone who can give villains a hard time, it'd be Kacchan." Midoriya continued.

"Yeah," Kirishima chuckled. "I know." His eyelids became heavy, and the pain seemed to lessen slightly. "Hey Midoriya?"

"What is it?"

"Keep an eye on Bakugou for me, will you? To make sure he doesn't kill anyone and all."

It seemed Midoriya had finished bandaging his arm, and his finger left with only one careful brush against the wound. "I promise."

Kirishima couldn't fight the exhaustion within him, and soon his eyes closed and the sounds disappeared. He fell asleep on the cold, hard rocks within the building. And he didn't dream of a single thing.

Kirishima awoke hearing a small bit of music on the background. His eyes fluttered open, immediately greeted with the bright summer sun. He turned his head to look out the window.

He just stared at the familiar yet different scenery, not really thinking of anything in particular. His body hurt. It was difficult to describe, but it was like every movement, including breathing, seemed to send pain signals to the brain. An awful way to wake up, Kirishima thought, turning back his head to stare at the ceiling.

"Ah, you're awake." Kirishima's head now turned to the other side of the room, a smile appearing across his face the moment he saw Bakugou's spiked hair and unchanging crimson eyes. There was a band-aid on his forehead, but other than that, he didn't seem to be harmed. Also noticeable was the light (and adorable) smile on Bakugou's face, that seemed to shine brighter than the sun outside.

"Yes." Kirishima stuttered, slightly awkward, and even blushing a bit. "You seem to be okay, too."

"I wouldn't call the sorry state you're in okay, but yes, I'm fine." Kirishima chuckled, though only briefly, since laughing hurt. "You're an idiot."


Bakugou shrugged, not planning to apologise for the insult. "I mean, I knew you were, but I thought that it'd be okay and you'd learn from that one fight with those random extras that left you all bloodied and hurt the last time, but seems you're the type to repeat mistakes and never learn from them."

"I couldn't do nothing."

"You could've at least waited and teamed up with someone. Your quirk is only really defensively effective. You're strong enough to make up for that, but obviously not strong enough to take on a Nomu, holding several quirks."

Kirishima smiled apologetically, honestly not really caring for the lecture Bakugou was giving. At least they were both alive. For now, that was all Kirishima wanted.

"Are you even listening, Shitty Hair?"

"Yes, yes. I'm stupid and should know when I can win a fight and when I have to call for help." Kirishima said, quickly covering up the fact that he wasn't listening. Bakugou raised an eyebrow, but shrugged it off and just sat back.

"Good. As long as you know that."

Kirishima's smile brightened. "So, what happened to the villains?"

"Got caught, obviously." Bakugou muttered in his usual, grumbling voice. "Pretty much a mix of threats got thrown at us, but most of them got in prison. Unfortunately, a few of them got away along with Gigantomachia, who ended being too much for all of us to handle. A fucking pain in the ass, and left half of the city in ruins. Flame Dude and the copy guy got caught, though, so I guess that's an achievement. The pricks all deserved to die if you're askin' me, but the police are a bunch of cowards. Anyway, for now, it should stay calm for a while." Bakugou fell quiet, raising an eyebrow after Kirishima didn't say anything back. "You gonna ask more, or is something distracting you?"

Kirishima made a nervous sound, uncertain what to say. "Sorry, I just realised your eyes are a pretty colour."

Bakugou's grin was in Kirishima's opinion to die for. In general, Bakugou usually seemed to be angry all the time, but Kirishima learned to take especial notice of the small smiles and pouts he'd sometimes make. And he got to see those precious expressions a lot more ever since the cultural festival.

"The old hag always told me it made me look like some sort of devil."

"Suits your personality." Kirishima snorted.

"Fuck you, too."

Kirishima refrained from laughing again, not wanting to experience anymore pain. He sighed, turning back his head to look at the ceiling. He listened to Bakugou picking up his phone and putting up a different song. Neither of the two thought they had anything else to say, so it was just the music for a while.

"Hey Bakugou,"


"I'm glad you're alive."

"'Course I am."

Kirishima smiled at that. "Yeah, I figured."

"It's you who's barely alive, dumbass." Hearing Bakugou's insensitive, monotone voice was enough for Kirishima to feel warm inside.

"I noticed."

"That's not something you normally laugh over. You a masochist or something?"

"I'm not!" Kirishima's head turned, an annoyed frown on his face.

Bakugou snorted. "I'm glad you're alive too, Shitty Hair."

Life sucks, I'm too tired to give this an ending I'm proud of, and I need requests. So if anyone has any good ideas, would be appreciated, thanks.

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