Reality Bytes

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When I wake up, I'm entrenched in darkness. Except . . . I can see. My body is emitting a soft glow, but I have no idea where it's coming from. 
¨Hello?¨ I call out tentatively, my voice broken and cracked. ¨Is someone there?¨ I mentally curse myself. Shut up, you idiot! Talking gets you killed in unknown situations! 
There is labored breathing coming from the other side of the room. What in the world is going on here?
A scream rips through the still quiet of the darkness. Tortured sounds continue to radiate out in cascading waves, tearing at my eardrums.
There's something slumped against the far wall. Looking more closely, I realize that it's - no - a body. It seems to be vaguely female, but I'm not sure. Reaching out, I flip the person over so I can see the face. Her eyes are hollow and unseeing, her skin cold and unfeeling. Looking more closely, I realize who this really is. The unidentified body is my mother's.
"You could have stopped this, but you left us here to waste away in agony," she croaks.
"Mom, I'm sorry! What happened? Who did this to you?"
Words keep extruding themselves from my mouth, but they aren't making any kind of sense, even to me.
My hand feels wet. I immediately locate a bloody, angry-looking wound on her chest. What kind of sick, twisted person would do this to her?
A murderer, that's who. A cold-blooded killer with no conscience left.
Her body goes slack, and I know instantly what that means. She's dead.
Simultaneous shrieks explode from the other end of this horror movie-esque torture cell.
I run to them, afraid of my predictions.
My younger siblings, Aram and Evara, lay in much the same way as our mother. Aram's eyes glitter in my body's light, but Evara's hair obscures her face.
Aram chokes and manages to speak. "S-Steele?"
I kneel down next to him and take his head into my shaking hands. "What is it? I'm right here." 
But Aram doesn't - no, can't - respond. He's lost all function.
Seeing that Evara has also left the plane of the living, I drag Aram over and place him next to her. Twins at birth, twins in death. My hot, stinging, tears hit their entangled bodies as I realize that I'll never hear from them again.
I'm abruptly blinded for a moment as a bright light snaps on from above me. An unknown weight has been lifted from my forehead. Glancing around, I see electrodes running down my arms.
Suddenly, a cool, calculated voice resonates from behind me. "Did you like the test?"

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