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It all starts when a mysterious figure appeared out of nowhere while two fighters were going back to their headquarters, yes they were apart of a rebellion group. One of them was a white fox furry with light blue hair and was wearing a white shirt with a black buttoned-up vest other it and black pants along with black shoes. She kept running and alongside her was a girl with short black hair, she was wearing a black shirt and ripped jeans and a green leather jacket.

"Does this guy ever give up!?" The white fox furry girl shouted to her partner as she was shooting some kind of ray gun at creepy looking shadow creatures the were chasing after them.
(This is what the creatures look like)

"Don't know Nightshade, but I hope he does cause I don't wanna deal with these things anymore!" The girl with the green leather jacket shouted back to her partner named Nightshade. "We have to get this information back to headquarters!"

Both of them kept running, they were starting to get confused about where they were at because the halls were like a maze of some kind. The creatures were slowing sniffing to find their scent and listening to see if they would make a sound to give away their location. Both of them stayed silent and then the girl with the green leather jacket pulled out a device and shot it at the wall behind them and it opened a portal. The creatures heard this and they all started to run in that direction.

"Go hurry!" She shouted at Nightshade and then she jumps into the portal. The girl who opened the portal was about to jump in until one of the creatures grabbed her leg, she struggled to get out of its grasp and then takes out her ray gun and shoots it in the eye. The creature roars in pain and holds it eye, letting go of her leg and she jumps through the portal and it closes behind her. She lets out a sigh in relief and looks up.

"Are you alright Ivy?" Nightshade asked her as she held out a hand to help her up.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Ivy takes her hand and pulls herself up. "We need to get back to the others. I'm sure they'll want to hear what we've discovered." Nightshade nodded to Ivy as they both started to head back to their secret headquarters
Now we move onto the lovely, beautiful, and elegant place that we like to call heaven, the home of the angels and the divine beings of all kind. Two of those people were two angels named Clare and Kayley. Kayley was new to heaven and is still learning what you do as an angel, Clare has been around way longer than Kayley and has been guiding her and teaching her things because that's how much of a good friend she is. But they just got word that Clare's teacher, Daniel Anderson was his name, wanted to see both of them right away. The two angels were heading to Daniel's office, Kayley was a bit nervous.

"Why does he want to see us!? Are we in trouble!? Did we do something wrong!?!" Kayley was talking really fast, being all nervous and such. Clare was trying to calm her down as best as she could. Then they finally showed up to the entrance to Daniel's office. Clare knocked on the door and heard a 'come in' from the inside, she opens the door to reveal a man with light blonde hair, brown eyes and was wearing a suit with a yellow tie sitting in a chair with his hands folded onto the desk in front of him.

"Ah Clare and Kayley, come sit and close the door behind you please" Daniel asked them as Kayley nervously walks in and Clare closes the door behind them and sits down in the other seat next to Kayley.

"You wanted to see us, sir?" Clare asked trying to sound as calm as possible, she was a bit nervous like Kayley but she wasn't showing it.

"Yes, we have just received word that there have been a lot of recent demon activity and sightings in the mortal realm." Daniel places a folder onto the desk in front of him and slides it to them so they could take a look and see. "We believe that the following demons have been reported for doing suspicious activity relating to the sudden increase of the Corrupted. The less likely suspected demons are known to be Maximus Cayce, Darla Darling, and Demencia along with her cat servant Cheshire. The most likely suspected demons are mostly the unknown demons like the new person who calls himself "The SolRaReaper", then there's the mysterious figure known to be "The Silver eyes Predator" but he also goes by another nickname called "The Devil Killer", there's a chance this guy may not even be a demon at all."
He paused for a moment and looked at the two to see their expressions had changed from before, but they were also questionable looks. Daniel leans up more forward to his desk with his folded hands raised to his face.
"And our last suspect on the list is the reason why I called for you Clare, our last suspect is Sebastian."

Clare flinched a bit as she heard that name and was disgusted. "I should've you want me to investigate to see who is responsible for the Corrupted. But why did you call Kayley here as well?"

"Well since she's a bit new to these things I believe this would be a good little beginner case for her since you are her best friend and mentor in some ways," Daniel explains to Clare and then looks at Kayley, who was in deep thought. "Kayley?"

"Huh!? Oh yes, sir?"

"Are you up for this task?" Daniel asked her with a bit of seriousness in his voice. Kayley then gave him the look of determination.

"You can count on us, Mr. Anderson! We won't let you down!" She shouted with determination and Daniel gives her a smile in return and nods.

"I trust you girls, and remember this one rule that you must follow, no one can know about this mission." He said to them and they both nodded and were dismissed from his office.
Deep within the woods lies a mansion filled with killers of all kind and to many people they were given the name...Creepypastas. And right now they were getting ready for their next killing spree out on the town.


Well some of them.......unfortunately not all......-_-

The one who shouted this out loudly was the Creepypasta known as Clockwork. She was yelling at a girl with short brown slightly curly hair, violet-colored eyes, and was wearing some kind of dress that was teal blue with a darker shade of blue flame designs near the end of her dress and the sleeves as well as black boots that were last her knees. She was also a fox furry and had a katana with her. And if you haven't caught on her name is Kitsune and was currently eating skittles and keeps throwing them while saying:


Clockwork wasn't really in the mood and then she notices Slenderman coming along. Both of them looked at him.

"Hey Slenderman, is there something you need from us?" Kitsune asked him as she pours the remaining skittles in her mouth and starts chewing them.

"Kitsune I want you to go out by yourself today and see if anyone is on the East side of the woods this time. Can you do that?" He asked Kitsune and as she swallows all the skittles she gets up from the counter she was sitting on and then salutes him for some odd reason.

"You can count on me, sir!" Kitsune then started to head outside and starts making her way to the East side of the woods, and this would be the start of a weird and wacky adventure.

(Hope you guys liked the prologue! THAT'S ALL FOLKS!)

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