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Flowers can kill.

With every step that I take towards the gate, the words keep ringing in my ears. My mother used to say that every time we went for a walk through the little grove where I grew up. Surrounded by lush green forests and rolling green hills, Shimmervale was a little sleepy town back then. Flowers covered the hills like carpets in all seasons and my favourite pastime was frolicking through the fields.

"Flowers can kill, Lark," she whispered every time we passed fields of tiny white flowers.

"But momma they're so pretty." I can almost imagine the three-year-old me staring at her with big brown eyes, waiting for an answer.

"You see those?" She used to point to the white clusters covering the land. "Those are poison hemlocks. No animal will come near them. Hemlock can kill."

Well, hemlock can kill and Hemlock did kill. Not once. Many times.

"Focus Lark!"

A guy has fallen into steps beside me. Beneath the oversized black hoodie, his face is barely visible but there was no mistaking the hard gleam in his eyes.

"I am focused." I retort, shoving my hands in my pocket to avoid him noticing that they were shaking.

"You are a wimp." He rolls up his sleeves, revealing a muscled forearm with thick hair and the unmissable tattoo on the inner side of his arm—black branches with grainy white flowers—hemlock. "We need to be on high alert."

My eyes dart around, gauging for danger on any side. But the only danger around is a bunch of grown-ass young men staring conspicuously at me as if they have never seen a woman before. A smile almost lingers at the corner of my mouth. If they are smart, they would stay away from me.

"Not we. It's me." I hiss. "Nobody wants you here."

"I want me here. And I know you need me here to fall back on. So burn your fragile ego and bury it." He stuffs his hands in his pocket too and picks up pace, moving towards the huge iron gate with the fluidity of a hunter.

Ninety-nine kills in five years.

Hemlock is definitely a seasoned hunter.

And Hemlock happens to be my best friend too.

I don't want to be left behind so I start walking fast too. When I look up finally, Hemlock has easily blended in with the crowd of students.

The iron gates are even more massive from up close. They are engraved with the sun emblem, a symbol of the Kingdom of Lumieria. The royals of Sundale own the University and top students from various nations came to study all forms of arts. And they are all humans—well mostly—except for the likes of me and Hemlock and obviously the crown prince, Aelius.

Aelius, who is set to become king just after graduation, which is in one year.

Aelius whom I am sent to kill.

Author's Note : I guess it's my first story from the point of view of the 'bad guys' and I'm enjoying it. Are you? Please don't hesitate to leave your feedback!

Prompt : Hell is empty and all the devils are here - William Shakespeare

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