Larry Jotter and the Order of the Bean Mix

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Larry Jotter and the Order of the Bean Mix

Lord Baldymort ran his hands over his scalp, revelling in the feel of the bare skin against his scaly hands. His tongue flicked from his lips as Wormscale approached, a serious expression on his ratlike face.

"I hope you like it my Lord" he said holding up the mirror behind him so that he Baldymort could see the back of his head in the larger mirror in front of him.

"You have done well Wormscale" he replied.

Baldymort applied a hot towel to his head; he loved a freshly shaved head in the morning.

Minutes later he sat in his tall highbacked chair with a cup of his favourite cocoa, his mood dark. Nothing had yet managed to penetrate the defences around Bogwarts. That old fraud Grumblemore had managed to thwart all his efforts at getting to the boy Jotter.

"We need a new idea. Wormscale come here." He ordered peremptorily "we must come up with an idea to get into Bogwarts. We must exploit a weakness; perhaps we can use one of his friends, the dudblood girl Hermoney or the Measley boy."

He sat in dark contemplation for several minutes and then his eyes glowed slightly in the shadows of the room. A smile teased his bloodless lips and he whispered quietly into his servant's ear....


..."you dump a blanket on his head and sit on him and I'll see if I can get the cork in 'kay?" whispered Larry.

His two roommates nodded at him and they glanced at Measley who was sitting on his bed stuffing his face as usual. The three of them ran swiftly across the room, only their feet showing underneath the invisibility cloak in the darkened room of the Whiffindor tower.

"Aargh" shouted Don as three teenage boys suddenly appeared from nowhere, stuffed a blanket over his head and ripped down his trousers. Larry, wand in hand muttered something under his breath and the cork flew into position prompting a muffled roar of anguish from Measley who desperately tried to get free from his captors.

"That'll sort you out" said Bean "we are fed up of you eating all this junk and gassing us out all the time."

Don suddenly went stiff under the blanket, all his muscles tensing.

"Oh hell" said Larry a split second before the cork shot out, bouncing off the lantern before taking out a window. The three boys staggered back, eyes tearing as noxious fumes filled the room.

"Expelliarmus" giggled Don uncontrollably, pulling off the blankets from his head. "That'll teach you, you bunch of gremlins."

Larry and the other two teens were lying on the floor twitching gently until Don pulled out his wand and dispersed the recent result of his addiction to nibbles.

"Thanks Don" said Larry getting to his feet. "You really need to stop eating that stuff, it's not good for our health."

"Or yours" muttered Shaymarse darkly as he looked out through the smashed window onto the lawns below.

The squabbling was broken up suddenly as an owl burst into the room, depositing something composed mainly of half digested mouse on Bean's head and a note in front of Don.

As Bean ran screaming in horror around the room, Larry approached his friend, cautious not to get too close in case of further eruptions.

"What is it Don?" asked Larry eager for something that might remove Don's overperforming innards from the vicinity.

"I've won!" he shouted gleefully "I sent in to the Wizardy Nibbles monthly competition to win a lifetime supply of their "Magic Mix" and it's at the main gate now."

"Hey, Larry. Pull my finger." Measley smirked.

'Eh, er ok." Larry reached forwards and yanked the smallest digit on Don's proffered hand before either Bean or Shaymarse could stop him.

As the three choked again, Larry looking somehow shamefaced while he tried not to vomit on the floor, Don ran laughing from the room shouting "I've won, I've won" at the top of his voice.

"Oh trolls" muttered Shaymarse a few minutes later when he'd recovered enough to cast a dispelling charm. "Larry, you've got to stop that delivery somehow, get down there and make it fall into the dragon pens or something. You're his best friend; it's for his own good. If he eats any more of that stuff the whole of Whiffindor tower is going to dissolve."

Larry nodded and ran to catch up Don who was already moving at speed out across the lawns towards the main gate with the note clutched in his hand.

He'd almost caught up with him as he reached the main gate, noting the presence of the two figures outside with a very large consignment of boxes as Don danced with glee.

"Delivery for Measley" said the smaller of the two figures "you'll need to open the gate so you can sign the docket son."

Just before he could get to him however, the looming figures of Grab and Boil blocked his view.

"Move you blockheads" shouted Larry pulling out his wand.

"'Ere, what you call me?" said Boil picking his nose thoughtfully.

"Oh I haven't got time for this" muttered Larry.

He looked around the bulky form of Grab and saw Measley diving enthusiastically into an open box of "Magic Mix" his mouth already full of beanly delights, the gate open behind him as the two delivery men watched from nearby.

Distracted, he didn't see Grab raise his wand.

"Elastica peckorum" he said with a flourish of his wand.

As the rubber chicken appeared in his hand, he proceeded to hit Larry with it repeatedly, the squeaker echoing Larry's cries of dismay as he was pummelled.

"Fungus sporatum".

Larry winced in sympathy as Hermoney abruptly joined the fray, Boil turning instantly into a 6ft tall mushroom. Grab dropped his weapon and ran into the Dark Forest, screaming as a cloud of midges descended on him.

Larry picked up the Rubber Chicken.

"Quickly Hermoney, something's not right down there."

As they approached the growing piles of empty "Magix Mix" boxes with Don at their centre, they couldn't help but notice the taller of the two cloaked figures. Long thin fingers poked from the sleeves and as they approached, Baldymort turned and drew back his hood.

"So, we meet again Larry Jotter."

"Run, Larry" said Don in muffled tone "I can't stop eating, these beans are cursed. Save yourselves."

"I won't leave you Don" said Larry confidently.

"Ready Hermoney?" he said quietly.

"Yup" she replied.

Simultaneously, Hermoney waved her wand, aiming directly at Don and Larry lobbed the rubber chicken at his arch enemy.

"Gaseum extracto" shouted Hermoney dramatically.

The chicken hit Baldymort on his wand hand knocking it from his grasp, and as he turned to retrieve it Baldymort raised an eyebrow in surprise, the girl had attacked their friend! He turned to get a better look at Don and then suddenly reared back in shock, scrabbling for his wand. Don had expanded dramatically, his stomach bloating magically beyond belief. Buttons from his waistband suddenly pinged off at massive velocity towards the Dark Forest, one striking Wormscale directly on the temple rendering him unconscious.

"Ignatum" muttered Larry under his breath.

Larry who stood with a small flame dancing on the end of his wand readied himself as Baldymort, satisfied that Don posed no threat to him turned back to Larry, his wand raised.

"And now Jotter, you will suffer."

Don suddenly let out a wail and the back of his trousers exploded in sudden gaseous fury, a green cloud of cursed bean fumes enveloping Baldymort. Larry gestured, and the small flame sped from his wand towards the cloud with its choking raging occupant. In the meantime, Hermoney gestured again with her wand, enveloping Don, Larry and herself in a protective shield as the blast from the explosion rocked the ground around them, throwing them to the floor.

A few moments later, the dust had settled and Baldymort had disappeared, taking the hapless Wormscale with him.

"Foiled again eh!" said Grumblemore amiably from nearby where he had apparated. "Good job kids well done.

"Sir" said Measley.

"Yes Mr Measley what can I do for you?"

"Would you mind pulling my finger?"


Larry Jotter and the Order of the Bean Mix


Gavin Wilson




Gavin Wilson on Wattpad

Larry Jotter and the Order of the Bean Mix, Copyright © 2010 Gavin Wilson.

All rights reserved.

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