A New Me **Please Read**

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Hello my lovelies!!

I want to start by saying I love you all so much, and I cannot thank you enough for all your wonderful support.

Next, I want to say, yes, this is probably what you think it is. No, I am not officially discontinuing because it is possible I will write again, but it is likely I will not.

I left a note on my message board if you want more details beyond just this book.

In terms of this book, there are a few ideas I had started and never finished, so maybe one day I will finish some of them and post them for you guys. I also may go through with my plans to edit previous chapters.

However, for now, I think this book will be facing a very very long break.

I spent the last few years of myself, living with a personality someone else wanted me to have, and after gaining new friends and losing others, I was able to look back on my past for what it really was. It's a very long story and not something that I really want to share, simply for the fact that it is in my past, there is nothing I can do to change it, and I've grown and moved beyond it, and I am in such a better place. I've really found myself and it honestly feels great. 

I just feel like I've changed so much as a person, and this account doesn't exactly line up with who I am anymore. I've got a new personality and a new aesthetic to go along. Nothing is getting deleted, don't worry!! I will just most likely not continue this. Do however look forward to other works!!!

I love you all so so so so much <33

I hope you are having a wonderful day or night, where ever in the world you may be. I hope you all can find yourself the way I found me ♥️


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