A Secret Kiss

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Hi! This one has been sitting around in my notebook for a while. It's another Pinterest writing prompt. This one is longer, but it's still pretty short, sorry. It's better than the last one, but it's still not very good. These will get better eventually, I promise. 

I'm also really bad at titles, if you couldn't tell.

I apologize in advance for any inaccuracies about the panic attack.

Word Count: 559

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, panic attack, slight mentions of abuse

Louis squeezes his eyes shut. It's getting hard to breathe, and he is having trouble staying upright. The walls seem like they are closing in on him, causing him to stumble a bit. Luckily, Harry is there to catch him, pulling him gently down so they sit on the floor, Louis in Harry's lap.

"I can't, I'm sorry," he chokes out, tears spilling from his eyes.

"Hey, don't cry, love. It's okay. You don't have to be sorry for anything. I've got you. You're alright."

Louis can barely breathe anymore and he feels like he might pass out. Harry gently takes his hand, placing against his chest. "Follow my breathing," he says softly, taking slow breaths in and out. 

Louis closes his eyes, letting his head fall against Harry's chest, following the steady rise and fall of Harry's breath. Finally, his breathing starts to even out, and he no longer feels dizzy.

"What are you doing?" someone yells. "That's your cue! The other boys are already on!"

"We aren't going on," Harry says. "At least not until later."

"What do you mean you aren't going on? You don't have a choice. Get out there now!"

"No." Harry said. "Louis' having a panic attack. He's not going on. And stop yelling, you'll make it worse."

"Don't tell me what to do. And it's not an option," The guys yells, grabbing Louis' arm and yanking him up out of Harry's lap. Louis lets out a little squeak, immediately feeling dizzy again. "Oh stop being pathetic," the guy says. 

"He can't go on right now," Harry says.

"He has to."

"No," Harry argues. "I'll go, but he stays. And someone has to sit with him and make sure his breathing stays even. Otherwise he'll pass out."

The guy yanks Harry up as well, ignoring what he said, pushing them towards the stage. "Get out there," he said. "And don't even think about trying to get close to him onstage," he adds to Harry.

"Are you crazy?" Harry said. "He can barely breathe, let alone sing!"

"You're going on, and that's final," he shoves them again, and they stumble out onto the stage.

Harry hears Louis' breathing stop, and he reflexively grabs his hand, pulling him to sit behind the couch where less people will be able to see them. He can see the fear in Louis' eyes. "Breathe, Louis," he says. "I need you to breathe."

Liam looks over to them, silently asking if they are okay. Harry gives him a slight nod.

Peaking over the top of the couch, he can see fans freaking out and waving pride flags around, probably because he and Louis are sitting behind the couch together. 

They sing the first few songs, the other boys taking over for Harry and Louis. Harry knows he should probably get up. It's unfair to the other boys to have to sing for them, and he doesn't want to get them all in trouble. 

"I'm going to stand up, okay?" Harry tells Louis. "Stay right here, and come get me or one of the boys if you need something. I love you." He kisses him, knowing he's taking a pretty big risk and he will certainly hear it from management later, for kissing him onstage, even if they were behind a couch.

Louis nods. "I love you," he whispers back.

So, even though I said I had that written in a notebook, I also put maybe 30% of what was in the notebook actually on the page. The rest I added in/edited as I wrote. I also wasn't really sure what to call this one. If anyone has any better title ideas please tell me. Until then it remains One Shot 2 lol.

Edit: I changed the title, but it's still not good, so someone help.

I hope you liked it!

Don't forget to eat and drink and stand up and stretch. I love you all so much. <33


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