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SURPRISE JKDHFKJH a little self indulgent drabble I wrote to cope with exam stress because I saw a butterfly in the balcony the other day hope u like it

Words: 1.6K

"Who is papa's sweet little girl? You are! Aren't you my love?" Louis cooed as he raised little Aurora in the air, getting a loud shriek of laughter from her. "Let's go wake your mum up now, shall we?" He set her on his hip, "But we gotta be quiet," he whispered, watching her with a fond look as she rested her head on his shoulder, bringing her hand up to touch his 'It is what it is' tattoo.

He walked to their room, slowly creaking the door open.

Harry was unfairly beautiful, even when he was asleep.

"Alright darling, you wake mama up while papa opens the curtains, okay?" he set his pillow sideways on the unoccupied side of the bed before setting her in between the messy blankets. As soon as she was set down, Harry turned to his side and she crawled over to him as quickly as she could. Louis opened the curtains, sunlight of the early hours flooding the room.

Aurora sat up, blinking her big blue eyes at him before making the decision to smack her hand on his face.

"hm, easy there little tiger," Harry chuckled as she continued pawing his face, giggling when Harry laughed. Louis slid into the bed, smiling at his daughter and husband.

"G'morning baby," Louis held a hand in front of Aurora's eyes before he leaned forward give Harry a quick kiss.
"Morning to you," Harry moved the blanket to sit back with his back against the headboard and tenting his knees, "and," he picked her up, setting her against his legs, "to you my little tiger," he grinned before blowing raspberries on her tummy, making her laugh loudly, flailing her arms and tugging on Harry's hair.
"Nooo," he tickled her, "you don't pull on mama's hair silly," he gently flicked her nose.
"Because mama thought it would be a great idea to work late and sleep without tying his hair!" Louis spoke in a cartoony voice, widening his eyes and catching her attention before gathering Harry's hair in a ponytail, folding it before tying it with the hair tie that sat on his wrist. "Rora's not silly, mama is, isn't he butterfly?"
"She's a little butterfly?" Louis grinned as she grinned another toothless smile, vigorously flapping her hands before giggling loudly.
"Look at that, she is," He smiled as they watched her clutch Harry's hands and climb on his stomach.
"Will you fly my little butterfly?" Harry sang obnoxiously, getting a giggle out of both Louis and Aurora, except Aurora stumbled and took a soft fall to Harry's chest.
"Oh no," Harry wrapped his arms around her, holding her close and pressing a kiss on the top of her head, "Does little butterfly want a cuddle from mama and papa?" He slowly laid down as she nosed his chest, "Do you Rora?"

Louis too, lies down, watching her get up with a confused look before going back to resting her head on Harry's chest, letting out a small yawn.

"Did she eat?" Harry asked, rubbing her back and scooting closer to him, Louis putting his arm around him so he could cuddle closer.
"Yeah, woke up crying, I fed her the apple puree, ate half of it before hiding behind the sofa," he chuckled softly, bringing a hand up to caress her blonde curls.
"Mum reckons she'll start walking soon," Harry smiled, watching her slowly fall asleep.
"And little tiger will have us chasing her around the house,"
"She's growing up so fast,"

Louis turned to look at Harry, who's eyes were glossy.

"She was just a little baby like yesterday, just fit in my hands, now she's standing on her own,"
"She's still plenty tiny,"
"Your child, of course she's tiny,'
"I've married a child who still teases me about my height,"
"I'm two whole inches taller than you,"
"And I'm two whole years older than you,"
"Look at you, arguing with the mother of your child,"

Aurora stirred from where she was asleep on Harry's chest, her tiny fist curled tightly around Louis' pointer finger.

"Shh," they say at the same time, exchanging a little smile.

Louis pulled the covers over their legs, turning around and letting Harry tuck his nose in the crook of his neck.
"You've worked your ass off late, you shouldn't be doing that love,"
"'Kay, won't stay up too much from tomorrow," Harry mumbled.
"I've set an alarm, take a nap,"
"Love you, I'll make pancakes for brekkie,"
"Love you too,"
"Louis leave the bloody camera for a second!"
"Harry!" he gasped, "Language!"
"She's in the room, in the crib and what the hell are you doing you're running late!"
"Love it's-"
"Oh no," Harry ran back into the kitchen and Louis sighed.
"Why didn't the alarm go off?!" Louis watched Harry aggressively scratch the burnt bottom of the pan, "Everything's messed up, my mail didn't go through my excel sheet got deleted, you're running late there's no vegetable mash for Aurora, breakfast is burnt-" he babbled, "And oh god Louis why aren't you-"
"Harry!" Louis had to yell to get him to shut up. "Love it's a Saturday, I take Saturday's off now I told you about that yesterday baby," Louis took the pan from him, setting it in the sink before taking his hands in his. With one look at his face, Louis pulled him into a tight hug, causing Harry to burst into tears.

"Oh darling," he cooed, rubbing a hand on his back, "What's wrong baby? D'you wanna sit down?" Harry nodded.

He pulled a chair from the dining table for Harry to sit and fetched him a glass of water.
"I think I'm gonna lose the job," his voice comes out in a pained whisper.
"I'm not able to meet the deadlines and I'm working from home, which means my input is minimal. Liam told me they are planning on cutting some employees out," he hiccuped, breaking into another cry, "I-I don't want to go back yet, and I don't want to chose between our baby and my job, I already feel like I'm not doing enough,"
"Now," Louis gave him a stern, yet soft look, "Don't you dare say that. You're doing so, so much for her, for us," he kneeled down, placing a hand on his knee, "You're an amazing husband, a wonderful mummy to Aurora. And about your job, darling, do you want my honest opinion?"
Harry nodded.
"I think you're overworking yourself love," he sighed. "I didn't want to say anything, because I know what it meant to you, but you aren't sleeping enough, you're forgetting little things baby, you're always tired,"

At that, Harry breaks into another sob, covering his face with his hands.

"Sh, it's fine," Louis got up to hug him again, "It's okay baby, let it out,"
"She's only nine and a half months Lou, I don't want to leave her with some nanny all day, she needs me," he cried, "And with you working extra, then taking care of me and now managing time with us and work, all of this, I feel like I-I need to do more,"
"Harry, I need you to know that you choosing to work from home so you can look after Aurora is not a small thing, and me taking Saturday's off is not a big thing. We're both doing anything we can so we can give her the best, right? We'd even talked about this baby, what's wrong?"
"I just, I just don't want to lose the job," he wiped his cheeks, "I need it for Aurora, for us. 'S just-"
"You thought you could do it all?" Louis' voice was soft.
"Yeah." Harry sniffled again, "I love you so much," he croaked, getting up to hug him.
"Love you too, darling, so much,"

Their little moment, however, was interrupted by a very familiar loud giggle.

"Aurora!" Harry gasped.

Aurora, who seemed to recognize she was being talked to, grabbed the wall to stand up.

"Oh my god-"

And she let go. She stood carefully, brows furrowed and lips pouted.

"Oh baby," Harry slowly kneeled to the floor, Louis' hand on his shoulder. "C'mon tiger, mama's right here," he held his arms out.

A quick look at Harry and slowly started wobbling towards him.

"C'mon baby, mama's here, c'mon," he slowly started crawling closer, grinning ear to ear.

She ran. She wobbled as fast as her little legs could, right into Harry's arms.

"Oh my god," he sobbed, picking her her up, "oh my god Louis," he let out a teary chuckle at Louis who was wiping his eyes.
"Did you fly out of your crib little miss?" Louis chuckled as Harry peppered kisses all over her face, making her squeal loudly. "Little butterfly flew, didn't she?" Louis rubbed her back, pressing a kiss to her curls.
"She did it Lou," Harry's eyes were glossy again. "My little tiger took her first steps, and now she's going to make mama chase her all around the house, aren't you little one?" He cooed, bumping their noses together before hugging her close, Aurora hiding her face in the crook of Harry's neck.
"Mummy and Papa love you so much baby," Louis wrapped his arms around the both of them. She babbled something at that, moving her face to stick her tongue out at Louis, making both of them laugh.

"Silly goose," he kissed her forehead before mimicking her and sticking his own tongue out, Harry laughing at them as Aurora furrowed her eyebrows and Louis fake glared.

And in that second, Harry knew, that no matter what happened, as long as he had his love and his little butterfly, he had nothing but pancakes and mashed food to worry about.

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