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            I CAN NEVER forget the day we met.

It started during the worst blind date I've ever had. Jackson — your roommate during the first year of college — was the biggest slob I had ever seen! I remember him taking me to McDonald's and chewing with his mouth wide open as he ate a king-sized burger, while at the same time, slurping his Coca-Cola. Furthermore, he wasn't exactly social; the entire time, he stayed on his phone, and by the end, we barely said a word to each other.

To say the least, it was the most awkward hour of my life.

In the car ride back to campus, he finally broke the silence. "I know, I'm not exactly boyfriend material," he began. I cringed, thinking back to our failed attempt at a date. "To be honest, I didn't want to do this, but the guys convinced me it would be a good idea."

My heart sank when he said that. At the moment, it felt like I was incapable of finding love.

"Listen, Susan, you're a really nice girl, but I just don't think I'm into the female gender as a whole..."

Well then. My date turned out to be gay — just my luck. But at least it didn't make me feel completely hopeless when it came to finding love.

By the way, I came in contact with Jackson about a month ago! He's living in New Jersey, and is a happily married man! Although, he really misses you; you were his best friend at one point, after all.

I sighed, "Eh, it's fine." I looked at him and smiled. "We still had good food, so it wasn't a complete waste."

Jackson chuckled. "I guess so," he grinned. Then, he looked at me, a light expression on his face. "Hey, why don't I introduce you to my roommate? And don't worry; he's straight."

At first, I was reluctant. After a few seconds, I said, "What the hell, why not?"

It ended up being the best decision I ever made in my life.

The next day, he introduced us, and somewhere in my heart, I realized that you were the only man for me.

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