Entries For Round 1

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I liked your story! There was great character development, and excellent flow. I think you did good on your descriptions. I liked the character, Darcy, and I think you defiantly met the challenge! It was overall a really good story!


I liked it! It had good characters, I like how you described how she felt when she was reaping the children, or how she realized she wasn't doing them a favor! A few spelling errors, but still, it was good! The flow from the story, kind of felt a little lumpy at some parts, but I still liked it a lot! Thank you!


You're entry was really good! There was a couple spelling and grammatical errors, so maybe next time re-read your entries, and cover any errors even though it's boring to re-read your own work. I liked the plot, it wasn't lacking anything, and the characters had really creative names! Good job!


I still need your entries, if you'd like to NOT continue in these games, please inform me.

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