Phase 2

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Before, a single Sans that is slashed before the human that had caused the wounds in the first place, as Sans stared at what is in front of the human. And shown before the human's the RESET Button. At first, an unreadable expression is shown on his face, except with a smile still present, but then, the scenery changed, now flickering between Sans and Murder, as Sans' left eye flashed blue and yellow, while Murder glows purple, as they are now filled work hope for the first time in their lives. Then, in the darkness, 3 Souls are shown, the 2 upside down souls, showing the Sanses, and Frisk's soul, is shown in front of them. Then, something unexpected happened. Frisk's stats automatically healed, their appearance change to that of a kid with a green sweater and a yellow stripe, which is none other then Frisk's ally, Chara.

But then, before the eyes of Chara, the 2 Sanses held out their left hand, as a bone appeared in Sans' hand, while a weapon, 2 swords in a single handle at opposite ends, appeared, and spun towards Murder's left hand, before Murder sliced at the air, and Phantom Papyrus appeared, partially visible.

Now, the real battle has begun. As Chara looked, they used the ACT Button to check Sans and Murder's stats again. And this time, there is something different that's now showing.


ATK 2                       DEF 10

He is far stronger then ever.


ATK ???               DEF ???

He is ready to strike us down.

Murder smiled, due to the fact that he and Sans are not going down as easily as before, as he then spoke out to Frisk.

"Ready for round 2?"

Sans then spoke out, taking Murder's turn.

"This time, we're not gonna go easier in ya like before."

The attacks of bones came first, as Chara did the usual dodging like before. But then, before they knew it, reality altered, and now they are suddenly on the ceiling, as spears and fireballs appeared to attack them. Chara was caught completely off guard, as they got hit by the attacks so suddenly. Then, both Sans and Murder lowered their right hand, and Chara is now back onto the ground, as Papyrus cackled behind Murder. Then, reality is shown to be affected again, as it is tilted to the side, which confused Chara's vision a little bit. Then, Gaster Blasters we're fired at Chara, who got hit and had their HP sheared off. Chara looked at both of them, as they then decided to attack Murder, who swung his sword to reflect the attack. Murder then spoke out.

"So many deaths, so many grief caused by your actions..."

Sans then took the turn to speak, as he spoke out.

"So much suffering that happens to us, and to Papyrus..."

Murder then spoke out.

"Who are we to let you get away with it and allow the suffering to continue on?"

Sans then looks at Murder and spoke out.

"No, we are not going to, Murder."

Then, Blue Bones came out of nowhere and began to go through Chara, as they are forced to stand still, as Gaster Blasters summoned by both Sanses appeared, and after the bones are gone, half a second later, the Gaster Blasters fired, as they have their HP sheared a little bit. But that is not all, as more Gaster Blasters all over the place, and Chara had to dodge as much as they could. This made Chara stop for a bit, as they then grabbed a bite to heal from, before they then swung their Knife at Sans, who raised his own bone to block the attack.

"I still don't understand, what is their problem?"

Murder then spoke out.

"Beats me, even I have no idea what their problem is. And yet..."

He turns back to Chara, as he spoke out.

"On your psychotic rampage of killing monsters, have you ever realized how much of a monster you have become?"

Chara stepped forward, their smile wider then ever, as Murder spoke out.

"Given your attitude, I'd say that the answer is obvious, right?"

He looks to Sans, who nodded his head.


Then, Murder summoned spears in both the ceiling and floor, as they moved across both, before Gaster  Blasters from both Sanses fired to try and kill Frisk. Murder then switched to having fireballs launched all over the place, the fireballs are blue, as they detonated, forcing Chara to stay still. When the attack ended, with a new attack beginning, as Sans summoned bones, both normal and orange, and Chara is now in blue mode. Luckily, there is a small opening, as they are able to jump through it, but it is a bit tough to deal with, and some occasional pellets would be fired from the attack by going through the small gap. Then, after that, red bones are thrown horizontally and Gaster Blasters would fire from above, as well as about 3 tridents would occasionally appear from the ground, trying to pierce the soul from below. After the attack ended, Chara tried to strike at Murder, but the attack was reflected one again, too no avail. Sans then spoke out.

"You keep fighting and fighting over again, but what's the use?"

Murder then spoke out in his turn.

"You Murder for EXP, for LV, but why? Are you that eager to become that powerful? Or do you just kill for your own satisfaction?"

Sans then spoke out to Murder.

"Meh, I say they kill for both."

Murder nodded.

"Yeah, maybe it's both."

Then, both Sans and Murder flipped reality upside down again, as Gaster Blasters are fired all over the place, as Chara barely got out of the way. Then, reality flickered back to normal, as bones both red and normal are shown, with small gaps that are still a bit big enough to go through. Then, the next attack is shown, as 6 bones are shown at the side, three orange and three blues. Then, the entire area became red, and so did the bones, as they moved to them. Luckily, Chara responded correctly to the 4 bones, first moving, then freezing themself still in place, before moving again.

Chara tried to attack Sans, but Sans blocked the attack still, as Murder spoke out

"I bet that's a question that you can't even answer to yourself. And I don't think that even your inner demons do."

Sans then spoke out.

"Don't you ever get bored of this schtick, even a little...?"

Murder's then responds to Sans.

"Based on the fact that they kept resetting and killing other monsters and us countless times, I'd say no."

Then, Sans and Murder decides to attack using their bones, with Sans' revealing to have a sharp end, almost as sharp as the Real Knife. With the soul turning blue, Murder then made a laser slash appear out of complete nowhere, as it appeared from above. Sans then made a bunch of projectile slashes, as they are forced to dodge, as well as dodge a Gaster Blaster that appeared in front of them on the ground. But when that happened, tall red bones appeared with platforms floating above it. Chara begins to jump on the platforms, as spears and slashes appear from above, as they do whatever it takes to dodge the attacks. Occasional orange and blue bones also spear as they move. Gaster Blasters are also fired, as the Human is forced to do whatever that they can in order to dodge and avoid being killed by the multiple attacks. Their HP is sheared down to 1, but they then ate some food in order to heal most of their HP, before they then tried to slash at Murder, who reflected the attack again, as he then spoke out.

"What could it possibly be? Finding more amusement in your little 'game? Or maybe bedeviling this world until it tears itself apart?"

Sans smiled a little bit, as he spoke out.

"If I were you, I'd have just stopped. Relax, take a break. And maybe even make some new friends?"

Murder then spoke out.

"Except that the only new friend that they had made is death, which is their constant friend."

Then, 2 red rectangles appeared on the middle, both shapes touching all 4 sides of the battle box, as the bones appeared. But then, Last Breath's bone flickered a little bit from orange to blue, as one part of the bones became orange, and the other became blue. The bones moved, even faster then the human, who tries to keep up, but occasionally had to stop. Fireballs also appeared, as they creep on the surface of the battle box itself, moving a little bit, with Gaster Blasters firing at the box, shearing some of their HP, before one of the bones decide to switch into the opposite direction all of a sudden, with Murder swinging his sword down to strike the human. Then, after the bones had disappeared, Sans' bone flickers from orange to blue randomly a few times, as the bones appeared. Then, more bones appeared that made Chara go in circles, as Gaster Blasters appears from above and below, causing them to fire. Then 4 more appeared a couple of times, as they fired for a bit, similar to the spin attack from before. At the same time, Sans uses the sharp end of his bone to slash down at the human, as the red slashes try to kill them. The human then tries to slash at Sans, who blocked the attack with his bones, before he spoke out, his eyes became empty sockets for a bit.

"...but of course, there's you. Determined to keep going and keep resetting. Kid who likes to kill and even kill this many freak."

Then, Murder spoke out.

"No matter what it is, this're not getting through the both of us."

Then, Murder prepares to slash at them, but Sans extended the space of the ceiling, reality warping upside down once again, and made Chara turn blue, and Murder tried to slash along with Sans, but Chara got out of the way, with a combination of Gaster Blasters, as well as orange, blue, and red bones appearing. Then, Chara is slammed back up to the...floor, as platforms appeared, and a stream of pellets appear on both the floor and ceiling, forcing Chara to continuously jump onto the platforms, while also dodging the Gaster Blasters that are attacking from the sides, each blaster switching from Sans to Murder at a single second. Then, reality warped back to normal, as Murder then begins to fire his Gaster Blasters, forcing Chara to dodge, before switching them to green mode, as they are forced to block against the Gaster Blasters that are attacking. Chara, however, used the shield to block the attacks, as Murder slashed at the air, ending the battle phase.

As Chara looked around, they noticed something wrong. The entire reality of the area is glitching, and the fight button is glitching even more. It seems like this is Murder's doing, since he is likely the only one strong enough to make that happen. But Chara does not want to consider that now. They'll consider it later when it actually starts to become a big problem. Then, they attacked Sans, who did not change the blocking, as he then spoke out.

"Kid, if you had considered a greener path, you probably heard he say, 'you'd be dead where yon stand.' Well, that's bound to happen if you don't reset soon."

Murder then took the turn to speak out.

"Whatever limit you want to break so badly,'d better just give it up. Because we're about to break yours and leave you too weakened to fight back."

Then, Murder slammed Chara to the ground, as a red warning sound was felt, and a platform appeared, forcing Chara to jump to avoid getting pierced by the attack coming from below. Then, the platform became slippery, forcing Chara to move, while also dodging both red bones and Murder's slashes, and due to how difficulty it is, Chara had their HP destroyed a bit, before they are teleported themselves to another area of the Judgement Hall, as diagonal bones appeared, as well as occasional orange bones. And at first, it seems a bit simple, but Murder suddenly turned the bones red, and now begin to make blind attacks happen, and Snas would occasionally even use his power to flip reality to either the side or upside down, having their HP lost a bit during the entire thing, as Gaster Blasters and occasional fireballs will appear to make it more difficult for Chara to avoid. Then, Chara is forced into purple mode once again, and this time, the reality is flipped side ways, as Gaster Blasters would occasionally fire from the sides and from both top and bottom, forcing them to move as much as they can in order to avoid getting destroyed, and an occasional blind attack also happens, making seeing where they are going difficulty, and because of that, they did lose a bit more HP then ever before, their HP almost going down to a 2.

And when she was done, and the battle phase ended, Murder began to cheat once again, but slashing at them even though the battle phase isn't activated still. Murder began to try and kill them, but Chara moved their soul into the buttons, before going to the items menu, and ate the Legendary Hero, reacting a bit of their HP. And then, Sans began to join in with his own red slashes, in order to try and increase the chances of Chara getting killed. Chara, however, avoided the attack as much as he could, as Chara then pressed on the button, and attacked Murder in order to try and take him down, but he reflected the attack, this time back at Chara themselves, causing a little bit of damage to them.

"Go ahead, keep pushing. You're just 'dying' to see our final attack. Would be great if you'd just reset. But as you wanted, we're not playing around this time."

Murder then spoke out.

"Of course. After all, everyone had to face the consequences of their own actions. And this time, we will bring you to Justice no matter what it takes."

Sans turned to Murder like he said something crazy, as he then spoke out.

"Heh, you still possess the concept of Justice in you? I almost thought you discarded it a long time ago."

Murder shook his head, as he spoke out.

"I may have become the way I am, but I still have it. It's just more ruthless and determined then before."

Then, reality flipped sideways and space at the walls extended, as red and orange bones appeared, and Gaster Blaster appearing in almost all but one spot. Chara moved along with the bones for a bit, before jumping and avoiding the Gaster Blasters before it can fire at him, and the attack suddenly switched, reality flipped onto the other side, as a blue bone appeared, and white bones appeared, with a small gap that makes a trail for them to go through, before reality flips upside down, and both Murder and Sans do a slash, as 6 Gaster Blasters appeared and fired, forcing Chara to dodge. Then they are slammed to the side of the wall, as 3 bones appeared in both ends, and Chara had to jump to avoid getting hit by the bones. Then, reality flipped back to normal, as Murder turned Chara's soul into yellow mode, rows of bones appeared for Chara to spin around, and a Gaster Blaster on top that is spinning and firing blasts of energy. But when Chara hits the Gaster Blaster with yellow bullets, the Gaster Blaster changes from orange and sometimes blue, which made moving in circles a little bit difficult for them to do. As that happened, Murder and Sans, they both began to remember...the happy ending that they both had, the same happy ending that they had been robbed of by the very person that they once trusted.

The happy ending that the both of them had, it is a happy ending that they were both so grateful for, even with all the bad stuff that happened. And at first, it would have been the best day of their lives. But the human, the kid that they had once trusted, they decided to take it away for something to petty and selfish. They took it away for no reason, and the cruelty, made them both enraged. They had both had enough of the human for this act. They knew that what they were doing was wrong, they even had a sense of it, but they can tell that the human had no remorse for what they had done, and they did this on purpose. And worse was the killing, the slaughter of those that they had cared for, and it enraged then far more then ever. Sans and Murder wanted their happy ending back, and the person that stood before them, robbed them of the happy ending that they wanted. Now, at this point...they don't want to forgive the human for what they had done. The human had pushed them both way too far. If they are going to continue being this way and committing these acts of cruelty...then they will not be believed in anymore. Now...this will be both the vengeance of the Sanses that had suffered at their hands. Murder and Sans gripped their hands around their weapons tightly, as both Sanses trembled a little bit at what happened to them, at how they were once happy, until it was ripped away from them. Now...they will reclaimed that ending force.

Murder looker back up, and saw that the attack phase ended, and began to slash at them again, feeling that this is all he has left. Sans feels the same, but he is filed with Hope in that the happy ending that they both desire can be returned to them yet again, just like before. Murder and Sans increased the speed of their attacks a bit more faster then before, as they do whatever that they can to kill the human, or at least seriously wound them to the point that they will not be able to survive the battle. Chara, although kept on dodging, kept on avoiding the flashes for a little bit, felt Frisk slowly returning back, but still willing to aid them. So Chara decided that they need to last as long as they can until the battle ends, so that Frisk can finish them off. And that is what the both of them will do, in order to finally finish the job once and for all.

Chara then attacked Sans, and he blocked it, although he is starting to get somewhat tired. Murder, seeing this, finally decides to make his warning known to Chara, as he is making it clear that he will not tolerate their existence any longer.

"Alright, kid. This is your final warning. Attack me one more time, and you'll see wha I can really do. Enough of us messing around and making us be involved in what you have for us both."

Sans nodded, as he spoke out.

"That's right. And what we will really do you, we'll make sure that you regret what you have done to all of us, too all of the people we have given a damn about."

As that happened, Chara is now being attacked by pellets from a bunch of sides, as they are forced to get out of the way as fast as possible. And at the same time, Blasters fired all over, with bones appearing on the ceiling, floor, and walls in order to limit the amount of space that they have, as the Blasters fired, their HP continuously getting cut away and destroyed by the attacks that are coming their way, as Murder slammed Chara with his Blue Magic. Then, Sans and Murder both began to slash at Chara, as the slashes took away more of their HP, although this began to be avoided when they began to dodge. Murder sneered a little bit, although he still has his signature smile on his face, as he can feel that Phantom Papyrus, who is beside him...he can feel his desire to come out and show the human what he can do. Murder smirked in a rather dangerous way, as he is hoping to do that, but he wants to wait for the right time for that to happen, to give Papyrus his chance fighting.

As soon as the attack ended, Murder and Sans began to swing their weapons at Chara again, hoping to cut down their HP enough that killing them would be a snap. But unfortunately, Chara has learned how to deal with it much more easily then before, as they began to avoid the attack, and before anyone knew it, Chara had pressed onto the fighting button, and tried it swing their Knife at Murder, who reflected the attack again, and once again back at Chara themself, who took a bit of damage. Although their HP did heal due to them having eaten something, the HP is lowered enough to the point that's killing them's now possible. And now, the worst is ready to come, as Murder smiled a little bit at what Frisk had done, before Sans spoke out, despite his normal self still being exhausted, his stamina felt a little bit drained.m

"Well, we tried to warn you. We're not holding back anymore."

Murder nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, seems like you made your choice long ago. So...get ready, bucko. Because here it is..."

Sans and Murder then spoke at the exact same time as their eye sockets became dark and empty.


Suddenly, by the flash of their left eyes, the soul turned blue, and they are forced to jump in between bones, as spears surround and close in on them, with Gaster Blasters firing at them from above. It was difficult, and they ended up getting skewed a little bit, as Chara then jumped up again, only for their spin to become red again, and they began to move all over the place, as Gaster Blasters from both Murder and Sans fired at Chara a couple of times, before Sans and Murder repeatedly spam Gaster Blasters at at Chara from above. Then, fireballs began to be launched, as the detonated and exploded into miniature fireballs that go in all 4 directions, with pellets also being launched in, before the space became narrow, the soul turned blue, and small bones appeared, as Chara began to jump over them. Then, Sans began to summon a few Gaster Blasters, as he moved Chara to the left side, and Murder does the same thing, in order to help Sans preserve and use what remains of his powers. Then, reality flipped upside down once again, as blue and orange bones appeared, and a Trident would try to pierce the soul from the sealing, and would follow until it stabbed the ground. Then, a large row of bones emerged, as well as some platforms, as Chara began to jump over it, and Sans suddenly slammed Chara to the ground again, as reality shifted to the side, as bones appeared from above and below, with Chara being forced to jump forward and go backwards once again, as Sans fired Gaster Blasters at them. But Sans now became tired, and reality shifted back to the ground. So Murder took over for Sans, as he switched the soul to blue mode once again, and summoned blue bones, forcing them to do the previous action, but now the attack would become a blind one as the area turns blue, as well as increasing the difficulty with slashes from his sword. Then, after blue mode was done, Green Mode was activated, as fireballs began to come from all sides, and the detonations almost felt so powerful enough to break the shield that Chara is using, as pellets and bones also began to be used. However, now green mode gains a blind attack, due to the projectiles becoming a dark green, which mad knowing which side to block first being difficult. Then Purple Mode is next, as reality was flopped inside down once more, and Blasters are fired, while purple blind attacks are used, as purple bones are shown into view with very little space, before switching to Yellow Mode, as 3 Gaster Blasters blast all around for a second as they move, with the shots stunning the Blasters for a second, before moving again. Then, Chara goes in circles as the bones began moving on opposite sides again, as Sans does horizontal slashes, then, Sans moved in front of Chara, who then punches them, but Chara does the same with their fist, as they both skidded back from one another. And in that moment, Sans was frozen, a bright light shown forth, as Sans and Murder was gone, and someone else took over this part of the fight.

Now, it is Phantom Papyrus' turn, and he is now in a much more twisted form then ever. Most is his bones are red, no legs are present, he now has gained claws, and some of his teeth are sharp. He he does gain arms and a ribcage.


Papyrus laughed, as he picked up a piece of the ground, before throwing it at Chara, who dodged out of the way as fast as they could, but when that happened, Papyrus began to summon as much red bones as he could, forcing Chara to jump over them, as red bones came down. And then, Papyrus began to claw and swipe at them, as the windows broke from the attacks that Papyrus is doing, and then, before Chara could react, they are then claws at the chest, taking a chunk of their HP, before Papyrus grabs them, and a Gaster Blaster is fired. And then...the sound of something breaking was heard, a bright white is shown once again, as 2 familiar Silhouettes are shown, and it is something that Chara was not prepared for.

Both Sans and Murder are back, but Sans' left eye is flashing red and yellow. It seems he has finally generated Determination, because now his sharp bone is red as well. Murder, although the only change that he has is that he spilts the blade of his weapon into 2 separate swords, now attacking far more faster then before. Frisk's appearance began to flicker even more then before, as the power is slowly starting to wear off. Chara needs to make this quick. The attacks continued, as Murder now made much more quicker slashes then before due to now dual-wielding, and the Res Bone is making much stronger slashes of its own, as Gaster Blasters, Bones, Fireballs, Pellets, Spears, and Tridents are used in this. They appeared at random, as they are No early skewered and blasted to smithereens, and the attacks became so fast that it is difficult to dodge them. Orange Bones and Blue Bones are also used, as they try to impede the Human's progress, but this time it is of little avail.

The Gaster Blasters and Bones from Sans also became red, now inflicting far more damage then ever, before they manipulated space too lengthen the Box, and made red bones appear above and below, with very little space for the soul to go through, with the soul forced into purple mode. Chara was able to get through them, as Sans and Murder began to decrease the space, with a surprise Gaster Blaster appearing when they are on the ground, and Chara briefly becomes blue. But then, reality change again, this time for another surprise in the form of red bones moving on the ceiling, floor, and walls continuously, and orange bones began to appear as well, as Phantom Papyrus, Murder, and Sans began to slash and claw at the soul, reality tilting at their movements, as they began to do whatever it takes to try and bring them down, the one that had caused all of their suffering, as Spears and pellets appeared around the soul to close in, fireballs rise up from the floor, and Tridents piercing down, all of them going all out in what to do against the one Human that caused their suffering. The attacks became more faster and stronger and the reality tilting became more severe and worse, and then...after a stopped, as both Murder and Sans are finally completely wasted. Both Sanses gasped and breathed, as if desperate for air, as Phantom Papyrus also began to feel exhausted at what had happened.

The attacks are now much more slower and are easier to dodge, as both Murder and Sans felt their group on their weapons weaken, almost like they are ready to drop, and Phantom Papyrus vanished from sight. Murder and Sans almost want to collapse, but they did all that they can to hold strong. Chara smiled, as Frisk regained control, as Chara finally spoke out.

"Their times are up."

Frisk nodded, as they pressed on the fight button, and when the bar reaches the was a perfect place, and Frisk swings their knife to do maximum damage. But both Murder and Sans, seeing this, reacted, with the DT within Sans reacting too this, as they swung their Sword and Sharp DT Bone in order to stop the knife.

"No...we are not dying!"

Sans shouted, as Murder also spoke out.

"Not on our watch, brat!"

Both Sans and Murder struggled to hold the attack in place, with Sans' left eye flashing Red and Yellow furiously, and Murder's left flaring purple defiantly, as their weapons began to crack, almost ready to break. But the both of them are too determined to let this kill them yet again. And then...before the both of them even knew it...the weapons broke, and they got slashed. But then...a shattered, and a glitching effect happened, as something appeared above them, as reality glitched and blacked out.

NO EFFECT/????????

Then, static appeared, and 2 individuals spoken.

✂︎✋︎❄︎🕯︎💧︎ ❄︎✋︎💣︎☜︎ ❄︎⚐︎ ✋︎☠︎❄︎☜︎☼︎☼︎🕆︎🏱︎❄︎ ❄︎☟︎☜︎ ✌︎☠︎⚐︎💣︎✌︎☹︎✡︎📬︎❾︎/"IT'S TIME TO INTERRUPT THE ANOMALY."

❽︎✋︎❄︎🕯︎💧︎ ☞︎✋︎☠︎✌︎☹︎☹︎✡︎ ❄︎✋︎💣︎☜︎ ☞︎⚐︎☼︎ 🕆︎💧︎ ❄︎⚐︎ ❄︎✌︎😐︎☜︎ ✌︎👍︎❄︎✋︎⚐︎☠︎📬︎✂︎/"IT'S FINALLY TIME FOR US TO TAKE ACTION."

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