Chapter 1

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Rainbow woke with a gasp, he clutched his chest in fear, his palms were sweaty and his heart beat wildly. His sky blue and brown eyes darted around the room, anxiously.

He relaxed for a moment, 'Just a dream' he thought, he shook his head 'More like a nightmare' he sighed and got out of bed.

He walked down the stairs of the beach house and entered the living room. He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a small device. Like a chip, the chip thankfully was mostly disabled. Rainbow looked out the window to see the sun just starting to rise. He glanced back in the dark beach house, none of the lights were on, no activity, nothing.

Just silence.

Rainbow turned on a light and went into the kitchen, and started to make waffles. He didn't feel like making a big meal, just something small, he knew the Steven side of him needed food, Pearl of course didn't like it, but she had to, since they were kinda stuck anyways.

He put the two waffles on a plate and put some syrup on it, he grabbed a fork and sat down at the table. He stared at it for a moment before sighing "You got to eat, Steven" the Pearl side of him spoke aloud. Rainbow moved the waffle with his fork a bit "I-I know... but... It's just not the same..." A tear leaked down his cheek from one of his brown eyes.

"I know... I feel the same..."

"I miss them..."

"Me too"

"Maybe... finally talking about it will help?"

Rainbow glanced toward the fridge, and gave a sad chuckle "Usually Amethyst would be here looking for something to eat" he put the fork down on the plate and sighed.

Rainbow turned away from the waffles and stood up "Maybe..." his other half finally replied. He wiped the tear away and went up the stairs to Steven's bedroom. He picked up Steven's phone and stared at it for a moment.

"I-Is it the right time to tell them?"

"They've waited for two months to hear what happened... I think it's about time we tell them"

"I guess... I don't feel ready to tell them yet though..."

"Me neither"

Rainbow opened up the phone and, with shaky hands typed

'I'm ready to tell you what happened'

Hey-o people! I've been working on this story for a long while now and I'm finally ready to publish it on Wattpad!

I originally was working on this book on my other account, but I realized I had enough Steven Universe fanfic Ideas to create a separate account.

So here we are! (In the future XD) sorry had to make that joke X3. This is my first official SU fanfic on this account, I have an Interactive story where I write your character's story based on choices you make. That book is also SU but so far only one person has joined and it's been a few months.

But anyways, hope your ready for the feels train with this book!

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