Chapter 3

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Rainbow anxiously combed his pinkish hair with his fingers. "I-I don't know where to start..." he trailed. "How about when you were knocked out by the diamonds and taken away?" Greg asked, remembering watching the gems getting taken away and not being able to help. Rainbow nodded slowly and took a shaky breath "Well... It started when..."


Steven yelled at the Diamonds "Stop! I'm Pink Diamond, If you would just listen! I can explain!" He cried out. Peridot and Lapis were already poofed and in their gems, the others Bismuth, Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, and Connie were left.

"I'm not going to let you stand there and tell us your lies!" Yellow Diamond yelled angrily, she quickly shot a bolt of electricity at Amethyst who was about to use her whip to try and trip her. Instantly Amethyst poofed back into her gem. "No!" Steven yelled, he threw his shield in the way of her next bolt which was directed at Pearl. Blue Diamond used her power and everyone collapsed to the ground in tears, except for Connie.

Connie rode on Lion and tried to attack Blue Diamond directly. But Blue caught the sword and gave a sharp glare "This was the sword that shattered her!" Her voice boomed, she then crushed the sword into millions of shards and Connie fell to the ground with a thud. She was knocked out cold, but still breathing.

Steven glanced toward Lion "get her away from here!" He yelled, and for once Lion listened and used a warp portal and took Connie with him. Steven looked up to see Garnet being thrown by Bismuth, directly at Blue Diamond. Garnet punched her with her gauntlets, making Blue stumble back and losing concentration on her powers. The Crystal Gems wiped their tears away that Blue had caused, and Garnet landed back on the ground "Pearl!" She called, running over to the pale gem and fusing with her, creating Sardonyx.

The fusion pulled out her hammer and ran directly at Yellow Diamond. Before she could hit the Diamond, Yellow used her energy blast to unfuse them. Garnet unfused as well.

"Sapphire!" Ruby yelled as she stumbled over to her and helped her up. "What are we going to do?" Steven asked fearfully, Steven quickly pulled up a giant shield to block a blue energy ball, it collided with his shield and exploded, knocking him back a bit. Pearl shook her head, trying to think of something quickly.

"Ruby move!" Sapphire pushed Ruby out of the way just in time as a blue sphere flew past where she was just moments before, the sphere collided with the beach house and exploded. Out of nowhere Sapphire was poofed by Yellow Diamond. Ruby growled angrily, she picked up Sapphire's gem carefully and handed it to Steven "protect her." she stated before she marched over to Bismuth, anger flooding her thoughts "Throw me!" She demanded, summoning her gauntlet. "That's not the best idea" Bismuth replied "what we could do instead i-" Pearl was cut off by Ruby's yelling "I. Don't. CARE! Throw me at that Yellow clod, I'll punch her in the face!" She growled, Bismuth sighed and picked up the flaming gem, Pearl shook her head in disagreement before Ruby was thrown.

Ruby landed on Yellow's face and punched her eye with her gauntlet "You like that, Yellow Clod!" Ruby yelled, Yellow grabbed the gem and pulled her away from her face. She glared at the fire gem, before squeezing her and poofing her. Yellow dropped the gem onto the sand, not caring what happened to it.

Suddenly a spear flew past her and hit Blue's shoulder, Yellow looked over to see another fusion "What is with you and cross-fusing!?" She charged up an energy attack and shot the fusion, that knocked them back. Yellow raised a brow "What?!" Blue asked, while watching the fusion stand back up. "Can't undue this fusion!" The gem laughed, while summoning another spear, along with a shield. Combining the two and creating something new.

A parasol! The fusion stabbed the new weapon into the sand and leaned against it "Now what'cha gonna do?" The gem teased, Yellow growled angrily and ran over, lifting her foot and quickly bringing it down. However Bismuth shape shifted her arms to catch the attack and knocked her off balance. "Why you...!" Yellow growled while Blue made sure she didn't fall. Yellow quickly brought her foot down again, this time succeeding in crushing Bismuth with a sickening crunch.


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