Chapter 8

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Rainbow was strapped down into a chair by the two Moonstone gems that had escorted him. "Hey Wha-" he got cut off when one of the Moonstone slapped him in the face, telling him to shut up.

The two gems then left the room, leaving the fusion alone. The first thing Rainbow did was try to pull free from the metal bindings that strapped him to the chair.

He slumped in defeat, groaning in annoyance at the current situation he was in. He took the time to inspect the room, there were empty white tables, the walls were a dull gray color and the black doors that the two Moonstone had exited from. The floor and roof were white with weird markings like scratches or claw marks on the floor.

Suddenly Rainbow had an idea, he unfused into Pearl and Steven and they were free from the chair's clutches. Steven laughed in triumph at their small victory before Pearl shushed him to be quiet.

Steven inspected the markings on the floor "what do you think these are from?" he asked, looking up at Pearl "I don't know, but come and help me see if we can get this door open." she summoned her spear and jammed it inbetween the crack of the doors and tried to jiggle it open.

The two tried different ways of opening the door, but eventually the door opened. What they weren't expecting was a orange gem to be standing there, her gem was on her navel, she wore a dark blue shirt with curly puffy sleeves, on the front of the shirt was two black triangle like shapes with a white diamond symbol in between. She had light blue pants that had orange stripes on them, her hair was black with orange and pulled up in two short ponytails that were pulled to the front, she had lighter orange stripes and freckles on her face and gold-orange eyes. She completed the look with dark blue gloves that almost came up to her elbow's, she had her arms crossed as she glared at the two gems that were staring at her.

"What do you think you're doing?" she growled, Pearl tried to poof her but the gem was quick and pulled the spear out of Pearl's hands and broke it in half, letting it disappear into sparkles. The gem pulled out a gem destabilizer and jabbed it in Pearl's direction, but a pink bubble blocked her way. She growled menacingly as she glared at Steven inside the safety of the pink bubble.

The gem kicked at the bubble sending it flying across the room. The bubble popped when it hit the wall letting Pearl and Steven fall to the ground. Pearl stood up first and summoned another spear, the other gem rushed forward towards the white gem.

Pearl shot a few laser blasts from her spear, one of the blasts hit the orange gem's face which made her stumble back. The gem regained her footing and spin dashed towards Pearl, who dodged out of the way. She didn't expect the orange gem to come back around and using the momentum of the spin dash, punch her across the face.

Steven summoned his shield and threw it at the back of the orange gem's head, who turned angrily towards him and rushed at him.

All she got was a face full of his bubble shield. "I wouldn't move if I were you." the orange gem turned around to meet Pearl's spear in her face. Steven quickly came over to Pearl's side "where are the Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, Peridot, Lapis, and the... Shattered Buismuth.. At?" Pearl asked the orange gem "in some cells somewhere." the gem vaguely replied "the shattered gem should be in Yellow Diamonds chamber." she decided to add.

"What are their fates at the moment?" Pearl asked. The orange gem thought for a moment "Weeellll... The Ruby should be in a room with some Peridot's slowly chipping her gem away. As for the others... After the Peridot's are done with you here, your going to watch them be tortured until your next." the gem replied smugly with a wide grin.

"Put your weapon down." a voice commanded from behind the two, they turned around to see two Amethyst's and three Era 1 Peridot's. The Amethyst's had gem destabilizers pointed at them, Pearl's spear was knocked out of her hand by the orange gem who picked up her own destabilizer from the ground.


A knock was heard on the screen door. Rainbow stood up and answered it, revealing Connie's mother. "Hello" he greeted allowing the woman inside, Dr. Mahaswaran was a bit confused at who this was, but greeted him back, Connie ran up and hugged her. They parted the hug after a moment "ready to go?" Dr. Mahaswaran asked her daughter, who nodded sadly Connie didn't want to leave yet but it was already getting late.

Dr. Mahaswaran held her hand out for Rainbow to shake to which he accepted. "Nice to meet you, uhm..." Rainbow chuckled at the doctor "My name's Rainbow Quarts but you can just call me Rain or Rainbow if you want." he answered her unasked question.

"Right... Rain thank you for taking care of my daughter, and thank you Mr. Universe" she waved at the man on the couch who waved back.

The two left, leaving Greg and Rainbow in the room together. "I think I'm going to go to bed... It's been a long day." Rainbow explained "Alrighty then, I'll just leave and come back tomorrow. Goodnight." Greg replied, getting ready to leave. "Actually..." Rainbow paused for a moment "could you sleep here? I can get some pillows and blankets and you could sleep on the couch... I-I don't want to be alone." his voice cracked at the end, Greg nodded "of course, but your not alone you know. You're a fusion after all." Greg chuckled lightly, hoping to lighten the mood a bit.

"I know that. But I mean like another person in the house besides me... It's quiet without them here." tears pricked at the corner of the fusion's eyes. "Well why don't you unfuse then there would be two of you here in the house?" Greg replied in a slight questioning tone.

Rainbow shook his head sadly letting out a small chuckle "I can't" he replied in a hoarse whisper, burying his face into his hands. "What do you mean you can't?" Greg asked quietly, while watching the gem worriedly. "I can't unfuse dad! We're suck like this forever! There's no way of fixing what White did to us!" the Steven side of the fusion yelled, he hugged Greg close while crying "there's nothing we can do... We can't we just can't unfuse." he rambled on.

"This can't be undone just like everything else."

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