Chapter 16: The Hallway

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Aerlinniel POV

~the next morning~

"Bilbo." I whisper.

Bilbo and I are waiting outside the entrance to the underground place the Orcs went in. We are waiting for Eruedraith and Caunedhiel to give us a signal letting us know it's alright to go in.

"Yes, Aerlinniel?" Bilbo whispers back.

"You do still have that ring that turns you invisible, right?" I ask him.

"I still have it. Why do you ask?"

"Because I want you to use it to get the keys. Just like you did in the Woodland-Realm. Remember?" I tell him.

"Of course I remember." He gives a quiet laugh.

We hear a loud whistle. That's the signal.

"Ready?" I ask Bilbo.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He replies and we head underground.

Bilbo takes off in one direction and I take off in another. I hear many Orcs heartbeats, but none of them are close by. I have to listen very intently for Oin's and Gloin's heartbeats.

I have no clue where to go. It would make things so much easier if I could just see. So, I just walk around in random directions listening for the two Dwarves heartbeats.

Soon, I hear Bilbo's heartbeat as he runs up to me. I wonder if he go found the keys. Or maybe he found the Dwarves.

"I've got the keys." Bilbo whispers to me. "Have you found Oin and Gloin yet?"

"No, I haven't. I have no clue where I'm going to be honest." I admit.

"Well I'll help you. We should try to find them as quickly as possible."

"Thanks Bilbo."

After what feels like hours I hear the heartbeats of Oin and Gloin. They are not too far off.

"Bilbo, I hear their heartbeats. We are getting closes." I inform him.

"There are no more doors down this hallway, but there is a turn coming up. Maybe they are down that way." Bilbo suggests.

"Sounds good."

We continue down this hallway until we get to the turn. With each step Oin's and Gloin's heartbeats get closer.

"What's down this hallway Bilbo?" I ask him.

"There are a whole bunch of cells on each side. They have to be down this way." Bilbo tells me. "Wait, here they are."

"Oin? Gloin?" I call out their names.

"Aerlinniel?" Gloin questions. "And Bilbo? What're you guys doing 'ere?"

"We were traveling when we stumbled upon some Orcs. We had heard them talking about how they had taken a couple of Dwarves. We knew we had to come save you." I explain to them as Bilbo opens the cell with the key he found.

"Come on, we need to get out of here." Bilbo says. "We should just continue down this hallway, it will probably be faster than going back the way we came."

We all start rushing down the hallway. I listen to see if there are any other heartbeats I recognize. I then hear one that sounds familiar. But its been a while since I last heard it. Who could it be.

I stop dead in my tracks as I remember who this heartbeat belongs to.



Sorry, Cliffhangerrrrrr! Kili is alive?!?!?!? O.o Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Updates are every Sunday and Thursday!

Love you my elves from the realm of llamas,

~Ellethwen <3

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