Chapter 4: Ironfoot

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Bilbo POV

"I will have war." Thorin answers him.

I hear hundreds of footsteps and turn to see a huge army of Dwarves at the top of a hill. They are coming drown towards us.

"Ironfoot." Gandalf mutters to himself.

I hear them shouting in Dwarvish and the Dwarves with Thorin also start to shout. Thranduil has the Elves start marching towards them.

"Hey, Throin!" One of the Dwarves shout.

"Ironfoot has come!"

I start walking with Gandalf and Aerlinniel.

"Who is that?" I ask Gandalf. "He doesn't look very happy."

"It is Dain, Lord of the Iron Hills. Thorin's cousin." Gandalf tells him.

"Are they alike?"

"I've always found Thorin the more reasonable of the two."

We come to a stop and Dain rides on his pig a little closer to us.

"Good morning. How are we all? I have a wee proposition, if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider just sodding off? All of you! Right now!" Dain shouts.

"Stand fast." Bard warns his men.

"Come now, Lord Dain." Gandalf says to him.

"Gandalf the Grey. Tell this rabble to leave, or I'll water the ground with there blood!"

"There is no need for war between Dwarves, Men, and Elves. A legion of Orcs march on the Mountain. Stand your army down." Gandalf tells him.

"I will not stand down before any Elf." Dain refuses. "Not least this faithless Woodland sprite. He wishes nothing but ill upon my people. If he chooses to stand between me and my kin, I'll split his pretty head open! See if he's still smirking then."

Dain turns around and starts heading back to his army of Dwarves.

"Dain, wait!" Gandalf shouts for him.

"Let them advance. See how far they get." King Thranduil says.

"You think I give a dead dog for your threats, you pointy-eared princess?" Dain tells him. "You hear that, lads? We're on! Let's give these bast****s a good hammering!" The Dwarves start to shout again in Dwarvish.

"Stand your men down. I'll deal with Ironfoot and his rabble." King Thranduil tells Bard.

"Send in the goats!" Dain shouts and a whole bunch of Dwarves on goats come riding to the front.

"Thranduil. This is madness!" Gandalf shouts to him.

The Elves aim their bows and shoot. But the Dwarves shoot something else that tears up the arrows and knocks a part of King Thranduil's army to the ground.

"How do you like that, the old twirley-whirlies? Ha, ha, you buggers!"

The Elves try to shoot again, but the Dwarves do the same thing. They finally get to us and break through the Elves and start to attack.

All of the sudden, the ground starts rumbling. Everyone starts fighting and looks over to where the noise is coming from.

"Were-worms." Gandalf says.

These, what Gandalf calls were-worms, come out of the ground. They break some of the rock before going back underground. I hear an Orc shout and look to see Azog and some other Orcs standing on a very tall cliff. A horn blows loudly and thousands of Orcs start to come out of the ground from where the were-worms were.

All of the Dwarves start to run towards the Orcs who are advancing.

"The Elves. Will they not fight?" I question but I do not get an answer.

The Dwarves have built a sort of wall out of their shields just before the Orcs get to them. Just as the Orcs get right up to them, the Elves jump over the Dwarves and start fighting the Orcs.

"Uh, Gandalf. Is this a good place to stand?" I ask him, making sure to stay close to him and Aerlinniel. But, yet again, I do not get an answer.

"Azog. He is trying to cut us off." Gandalf states.

"All of you. Fall back to Dale! Now!" Bard commands his men.

"To the city!" Gandalf yells. "Bilbo! Aerlinniel! This way!"

Aerlinniel grabs my arms and says to me, "I need you to help guide me."

I hold on to her arm and help guide her as we run to the city. When we make it to the city, she lets go and grabs out her daggers. We all start to fight against the Orcs. I never thought I would ever be in a war. Yet, here I am stabbing my sword into an Orc's stomach.


Hello! I have a question:

Who's POV do you all want to see for the next chapter?

I want to do whoever you think would be the best to do for what's about to happen next. :) Updates are every Sunday and Thursday!

Love you my elves from the realm of llamas,

~Ellethwen <3

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