Part 35 | Lipstick

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Part 35 | Lipstick

After the race, we all went out to celebrate, and those who didn't celebrate—well, they just got drunk.

I hadn't been able to catch Lando after yesterdays inchident with Charles. He was busy of course and had other things to think about, so I didn't blame him.

I also gave him space after everything we uncovered. Though I was sure in my choice.

Charles had gotten our permission to tell Arthur seeing as Arthur almost caught Lando and I having sex. It was fine, Lando had approved.

The two Leclerc's would keep it to themselves. Which had reminded me that even my own sister didn't know anything, not fully. She had her suspicions but I never told her anything.

In this very moment, we were all at the nightclub the drivers usually go to in Spain.

Kelley, Lily and I danced on the dance floor. I was drunk, very drunk.

Lando, Max and Charles were at the DJ podium, jumping up and down to the music as Lando remixed songs and played it for the club.

His eyes met mine every few minutes, I think to partly make sure no one neared me.

I had just kept by the girls all night, having fun and drinking with them. I enjoyed that.

My eyes darted towards Lando again, only to see a girl holding onto him, whispering in his ear, she smirked as she spoke, her eyes were glued to him and she licked her lips every so often.

This could've happened to a non famous guy, and it's not exactly as if we're actually a couple. I had no reason or right to be upset about it.

But the burning in my chest and the energy slowly draining out of me, said something else.

I bit my lip and slowly stopped dancing as Lando kept responding the girl, a huge smile on his face.

I knew it wasn't what it looked like. Yet my mind was overthinking it and panic settled in.

I slipped away from Kelley and Lily before heading to the bar. When I stood there my mood dropped tremendously. All so fast because of my mind.

Once again I found myself cursing Zane to hell, for making me this insecure and fucked up.

Six shots were placed in front of me and I glanced at them. "Fuck..." I cursed to myself before downing each and every one of them.

I needed the burn in my throat. The liquid easily slid down my throat, warming my body.

"You good?" Pierre asked as he joined my side. "Yup, perfect" I retorted before taking another shot as the bartender refilled.

"Where's Kika?" I ask him not even looking at him once. He would see through my act, my bad act.

I grew up with him as well after all, thanks to the Leclerc's. I had no ability to lie to him or hide anything from him.

"She's home, she's joining in Canada though" Pierre said with a small smile, though it turned upside down quickly when he saw I continued to haul shots down. A frown made its ways to his face and worry kicked in.

"Stay here, okay? I'll be right back" Pierre said and I waved my hand dismissively at him as he left.

Once I had taken the shots, I rested my head in my hands. I was doing it again, jumping to conclusions without knowing the truth.

Nothing had happened, right?

I mean she did slide her hand into his shirt, the first few buttons undone to allow her hand to succeed. When I turned away I didn't see if he stopped her.

"Fuuuuuck" I groaned to myself, I sighed and shook my head before signaling another refill.

"You okay?" The bartender asked. "Yeah, I'm fine" I insisted and he frowned but served me anyways.

Kelley and Lily filled the seats on each side of me and I gave them a slightly face smile to conceal my struggle and sadness.

"What are we having?" Kelley asked and reached over to the a shot that stood in front of me. Lily did the same and I chuckled before clinking the tiny glasses with the two and then downing them.

"Boy trouble?" Kelley asked knowingly. I frowned and gave her a sheepish smile. No one knew, no one could know.

"Come on, I know boy trouble when I see it—especially in a club, right Lily?" Kelley asked and Lily nodded her head.

"Definitely, it's obvious. So, whose ass are we kicking?" Lily asks and I chuckle.

"My ex showed up yesterday. He did some pretty fucked up things, I just need to pull myself together. He started a fight with me and Charles" I explain.

Though that wasn't what affected me the most, but I couldn't tell them.

"He sounds like a douchebag, did Leclerc get a swing at him?" Lily asks and I shake my head no.

"I stopped it before it escalated" I retort with a chuckle. "Good—" Kelley was interrupted when a pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me back into a hard chest.

"Hey, ladies" Lando called out. Kelley and Lily laughed a little, but I remained unfazed by him.

"Mind if I borrow this one?" Lando asked the two, who nodded and got up. "I mind, please stay" I tell the two. Lando let go of me and blocked my vision of Lily. 

"Come on, let's go" Lando said. Now he wasn't so cute and asking nicely.

"Nah, I'm fine here" I say and scoff a little. I didn't want to leave with him, I would go off and I didn't need that tonight.

If I stayed here I wouldn't explode. I would just get drunk and numb my thoughts.

"I got her, just go" Lando assured Lily and Kelley who eyed both of us wearily, the two left us alone and I sighed in annoyance.

"What's up with you? Are you not having fun?" Lando asked and sat next to me, with his body turned towards mine.

"Yes, clearly" I retort and take another shot. Lando furrowed his brows in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Lando" I retorted without looking at him. Please, let me have the strength to not burst.

"Jas, talk to me" Lando urged and took his hand in mine, I glanced up at him—my eyes widened in shock when I saw lipstick marks on his neck and on the collar of his shirt.

I pulled my hand from his and stood up. "Seriously? You're no better" I scoffed before pushing through the crowd to get to the exit.

I heard Lando's calls after me, I thought I succeeded in getting away from him, but a body slammed into mine, pushing me all the way to the restrooms.

Lando shoved me in and locked the door behind him. "What do you mean by that?" Lando asked.

Anger and hurt flashed in his eyes. "You have lipstick marks on your neck, Lando" I said with an exhausted sigh.

"I'm tired. I want to go home, okay?" I say and attempt to unlock the door but Lando smacks my hands away.

"I didn't kiss anyone, I didn't entertain anyone. Yes, as girl got close and started kissing my neck but I pushed her away and I actually put her in her place. I didn't initiate anything, Jas. Please, believe me. Ask Charles and Max! They stepped in too" Lando said.

The desperation in his voice made me want to cave and believe him. To throw myself in his arms, but I've made that mistake before.

Too many times with one person.

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