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The word chilled Kanan's blood. The last time they had gone there, they and met Maul. Old enemy, new friend. Then, Darth Vader attacked and kidnapped them.

"What!?" Hera, Zeb, Sabine, and Rex screeched in shock and horror. "Im sorry, but it's true. You need one of Mauls horns." Kanan could sense her holding back laughter.

"Great!" Kanan groaned inwardly. "I will meet up with you, and go with you." Ashoka said. "No. I will take Ezra alone." Kanan retorted.

"As you wish." Ashoka nodded before the hologram faded. "Alone!" Zeb hissed. "With Maul!" Hera growled. "Your insane!" Sabine muttered.

"I may be insane, but it's our only hope." Kanan insisted. After they huddled together and made an agreement, they answered. "Your taking Zeb and me with you." Hera smirked.

"Of course." Kanan rolled his eyes in amusement. "When are we going?" Zeb growled, tapping his foot. This annoyed Kanan, but he answered.


********************************************Time Skip*******************

Kanan, Hera, and Zeb walked under the surface. Zeb was holding Ezra slump body in his arms and trailing behind them any a few feet behind.

"If Erza has a heart attack, we'll probably lose him." Kanan whispered to Hera. He hated to admit it, but he knew that it would happen.


Hera smirked and held up a syringe and a few containers of the sedate. "Oh, your bad." Kanan smirked. "I think I'll keep it that way." Hera punched Kanan's shoulder lightly.

Suddenly, Zeb screeched and a loud thump came. Hera and Kanan spun around to see Ezra writhing on the ground, screaming in pain.


Kanan knelt down by his Padawan, listening closely to the words. Hera slowly filled the syringe. Kanan could feel her pain of hearing Ezra's screams.

"NOOO! NOO! HELP ME! KANAN! HELP!" Ezra's screams sliced through the air, making pebbles fall from the ground that was above them.

"Ezra! I'm right here!" Kanan whispered, sending calming waves through the Force. They were shattered by waves of pain and despair.

"Need some help?"

Kanan felt his shoulders slouch. Just as Erza began to calm down, he had to come. Kanan turned around and looked at Maul. "You look pale." Maul laughed.

"You don't look so good yourself." Zeb growled, reaching toward his Bo-Rifle. "No." Kanan held his hand up to stop Zeb. "I can take you to a place with" Maul rasped.

"Can we trust him?" Hera asked, rubbing Ezra's arm softly. "We have yo for now." Kanan sighed. He grabbed Erza and they walked with Maul as he led them to safety.


Kanan looked ahead and saw a cave. It dipped into the ground and Kanan saw a fire in it. "Here we go." Kanan whispered as they trudged down.

Once down there, Kanan set Ezra down on a flat rock. Hera and Zeb sat on a rock that was like a chair and Kanan sat near Ezra.

"What is it?"

Maul's eyes glinted with interest as he waited anxiously for an answer. "We're sick. We need the cure, and the last ingredient is here." Kanan replied.

"What is it?" Maul smirked slightly. Kanan rolled his eyes and slowly reached for his lightsaber. "Yes?" Maul asked again. "A horn." Zeb growled at last as Kanan's jeans reached his lightsaber. "What type?" Maul hissed in sarcasm.

"Yours!" Kanan yelled suddenly, slicing near Maul's head. May, cried out in pain and fell back wards into a deep dark hole that seemed endless.

Hera grabbed the bag of the other ingredients and held them to Kanan.

Kanan grabbed them and the bowl and put them in. Then he grabbed a stone shard and started to mash them until they were like a soup.

"Who first?"

Kanan felt himself tense at Zebs question. "Kanan of course!" Hera snapped, gently hitting Zeb on the head. "Ezra is." Kanan hissed.

"No Kanan! We need you!" Hera pleaded. "No." Kanan sighed. "If I die, Ezra dies. We need at least one Jedi who is young. The empire wouldn't suspect him." Kanan closed his eyes for a moment.

"No Kanan." Hera growled. "If Erza dies, it won't matter!" The words pierced through Kanan's heart like a lightsaber with pure evil.

"Kanan! I didn't mean it!" Hera gasped.

"It doesn't matter? It doesn't matter!? I need to finish Ezra's training so he can train other Jedi apprentices to defend the galaxy form the Empire!" Kanan snarled.

"If he dies, I will have to start all over with a new apprentice! I won't be able to train him through my grief for Ezra and we will both fail!" Kanan yelled before Hera could interrupt.

He was panting at the end.

"Kanan....I don't know you felt that way about Erza..." Hera breathed, looking down at the ground as a tear slid down her cheek.

"Give it to Ezra." Hera whispered.

"No...." Every gasped in shock at Ezra. " need it." Kanan pleaded. " do...if I get will die. I haven't completed my training yet..." Ezra coughed.

His skin was already turning pale.

"If I haven't complete my training, then I won't be able to train another Padawan fully." Ezra rasped feebly, the light of his electric blue eyes fading.

"Ezra...please.." Kanan whispered.

"No need it more than I do..." Ezra coughed up some blood. "But-" " it for the rebellion...the people...for me." Ezra's voice cracked.

"I'll miss you..." Kanan whispered.

"I'll miss you to." Ezra rasped.

Kanan grabbed the bowl and a spoon. Slowly, he ate the soup. It tasted...bitter. Kanan gagged at every scoop, but swallowed no matter what.

Once he finished, a wave of dizziness hit him.

"Kanan?" Hera and Zeb breathed. Then, Kanan felt himself falling. He hit the hard floor and it knocked the breath from him.

The last thing he saw was Ezra then darkness.

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