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Kanan blinked open his eyes to blinding white light.

"He's up!" Kanan relaxed when her heard Zeb. Soon, his eyes adjusted. He was in the Med Bay. "Kanan! I thought you'd never wake!" Hera cried, hugging him.

"Yeah...but....where's Ezra?" Kanan felt everyone stiffen in the room. Sorrow filled it and Kanan felt everyone on the verge of tears.

"He....he..he's..." Sabine choked.


Kanan had tears standing down his face. "Wh-Here is he?" Kanan choked out. "In the cabin..." Zeb looked down. Slowly, Kanan staggered into the cabin.

Ezra was on the top bunk.

He looked peaceful besides his pale skin. His eyes were closed and not scrunched up. No pain. No anger. No hate. No more suffering.

"Ezra....please...wake up." Kanan whispered. Nothing. Kanan searched the Force, and somehow, found something. Barely visible, Ezra's Force flashed pale to bright blue.

"Ezra..." Kanan breathed.

His Padawan....he was alive! Kanan felt tears spring to his eyes. "You alive...your alive!" He gasped. Ezra didn't move. Kanan sat down. He knew what he had to do.

Enter Ezra's Force.

Kanan closed his eyes and focused. He calmed his breathing and let all muscles in his body relax. "I'm coming for ya buddy." Kanan whispered as his vision was engulfed in darkness.

*******^********************************************************************************* (Spot Anything?)

Kanan opened his eyes to complete darkness. "Hello?" His voice echoed. It was eerie and Kanan didn't like that. Ezra's life Force was fading, and fast. "Ezra?" He called out blindly.

A light blinked on and Ezra stood in the middle, looking down.

"Ezra!" Kanan gasped, trying to hug him, but his arms went through Ezra! "I'm dying Kanan....everyone knows." Ezra whispered, looking up. "Ezra, I will fight for everything to keep you!" Kanan growled. "Well..." Ezra didn't finish when they appeared in Ezra's house.

"Not this...please not this memory..." Ezra whimpered. Kanan froze when Troopers knocked down the door and killed Erza's parents. "Stop it!" Little Erza screamed in rage. Soon, the Troopers left and the memory faded.

"Stupid..." Ezra snarled.

Another light appeared and it showed Zeb fighting Agent Kallis with his Bo-Rifle. "No!" Ezra in the memory screeched, throwing Kallis into a rock. "First time you used the Force." Kanan breathed as the memory faded.

"Yeah..." Ezra sighed.

Another memory appeared, but one Kanan didn't recognize. Era was in his cabin with a sharp stone. He was cutting himself and whimpering. "Ezra, what-" Kanan was cut off when banging on the door was heard. "I remember this..." Kanan looked down as memory Ezra fell over.

The memory disappeared and Kanan looked at Ezra who he could see through! "Ezra!" Kanan cried in fear. "My life is fading Kanan. Just give up. My time is over." Ezra growled.

"No!" Kanan yelled then everything went black with Ezra glowing brightly.


Kanan opened his eyes to a light pressure on his shoulder. Ezra was standing over him, shaking him. "Ezra!" Kanan wrapped his arms around his Padawan. "Kanan I thought you'd never wake up! You've been out forever!" Ezra cried into Kanan's shoulder.

"What?!?" Kanan gasped.

"He's awake!" Ezra called and the crew ran in. "Kanan!" Hera pulled Kanan in and kissed him. (XD) Zeb's and Sabine's jaws dropped to the floor. Chopper grumbled and snapped a picture. Ashoka and Rex giggled and Ezra fell on the floor, laughing.

When everyone regained their posture, Hera told Kanan on all what he had missed out on. "Everyone thought you were dead!" Kanan looked down in embarrassment.

"Ezra stayed by your side the whole time."

Kanan looked up at Erza whom was smiling nervously, his hands up in defense. "So then, how long was I out?" Kanan asked, rubbing his chin in suspicion.

"Seven weeks."

Kanan nearly fell off the bed. "Your joking?" Kanan laughed. "Yep!" Ezra smirked. "You've been out for nine weeks!" Kanan rolled his eyes in anger and amusement. "Haha, very funny!" He snorted, punching Ezra gently on the shoulder.

Kanan regretted that.

Immediately, Ezra yelped in pain and recoiled, holding his arm. "Ezra! I didn't mean it!" Kanan gasped, looking at the hand to see if anything was wrong. "It's ok, Kanan." Hera comforted as Sabine and Zeb calmed down Ezra whom was breathing fastly.

"What happened?" Kanan asked. "I don't know. Whenever someone touches that, he just....that." Hera shrugged, searching for words but could not find anything to say. "Will he be ok?" Kanan asked, his gaze locked on the Padawan.

"Yes. He's done this three times and this is the fourth. The first time...he passed out." Hera replied, trailing off in amusement and looking at Ezra whom was flaring up at Hera while he got up, gripping his arm.

"Heh." Kanan snorted and now Ezra punched him gently on the shoulder. " now that I'm awake, what?" Kanan asked, slowly gaining balance as he stood on his stiff-as-rock legs.

"Well, Ezra wanted to do some Jedi Training." Hera raised an eyebrow at Ezra and smirked in amusement, knowing that Ezra had wanted nothing more that to spend time with Kanan.

"Guess I could stretch some muscles. Sure." Kanan replied and Ezra bolted away to their training area. Kanan walked after with Hera by his side, helping him every now and then.

"What if I never heal?" Kanan hissed as his knee buckled, but Hera caught him before he could hit the hard, metal floor. "You'll heal fine." Hera reassured as they walked off of the ramp and Kanan walked the rest of the way to the clearing where Ezra waited.

Ezra had already ignited his lightsaber and was in a battle-stance. "Ok. Let's take it easy, Kanan." Ezra stated simply as Kanan got into his battle-stance, lightsaber ignited as well. "Of course," Kanan smirked in amusement and added more silently;


Then they began. Ezra swung slowly at Kanan's leg in which Kanan reacted fastly, swinging at Erza's arm. Ezra yelped in surprise and dodged merely, rolling away and side-stepping when Kanan lunged towards him, lightsaber outstretched.

"Not to easy, huh?" Kanan said with a smile when Ezra flipped over Kanan and kicked him a little hard on the back, making him stumble forward, almost toppling forward, but not completely.

"Yep!" Ezra boasted as he swung at Kanan's foot. Kanan raised it and kicked Erza's stomach. Kanan eyes widened when Ezra's shields dropped and a massive tsunami of pain overwhelmed him as Ezra slumped to the ground, trembling.

" didn't tell anyone about this?" Kanan gasped in pain, gripping his stomach and looking at his semi-conscious Padawan. "I thought I'd be fine...." Erza trailed off as another tsunami of pain hit him.

"Some thing is wrong Ezra..." Kanan panted through gasps of pain. When Ezra didn't reply, Kana grew worried. He looked at his Padawan's eyes to see a clear blue look.

"Kanan...." Ezra mumbled.

"Ezra?" Kanan asked, concerned for his Padawan.

"Kanan...!" Ezra started to thrash around now and Kanan knew he was having a vision.

"Ezra?!?" Kanan screeched as his Padawan jolted violently.

"Kanan!" Ezra screamed as a gash appeared over his arm that Kanan had punched; right where it hurt to be specific.

"Ezra!" Kanan shook his Padawan gently.

"KANAN!" Ezra screeched and Kanan's world went black.

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