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My home had destroyed by war and radiation. When war broke out there were toons of nuks and bombs dropped over our heads. Transforming the world into a waste land. So man in its last efforts to survive made Silver a perfect creation. Made to withstand in any environment. Her gender was controlled by her environment. So if she since more females she'll change male. She looked perfectly human. By she was built like a queen bee to be able to mother or father several offspring at once. So she could repopulate. She was made using animal DNA. It all started when the doctors broke the the artificial womb pulling out a woman. They named her Silver since she was both male and female. They slipped her into a tube that they filled with liquid. The young general walked in. He walked over putting his hand on the glass as she opened her eyes and put her hand to his. You could call it love at first sight. He was smitten with her rather quickly. He even confessed his love to her. The doctors made one little mistake they told the wrong person. Someone who had been plotting to find the generals Achilles heel. She was just playing cards with a doctor when something wrapped around her throat and body so she couldn't move. She squirmed when she started losing consciousness. When the general walked in he ran over when he grabbed a chair breaking the glass. He caught her as the​ liquid came pouring out. Pulling the tube out of her mouth hitting her back making her cough and start breathing on her own. She looked at him touching his cheek.

"My love." She whispered, he smiled. It was the first time he had ever heard his beloved voice or felt her touch.

"Are you okay love?" He asked, she nodded and he kissed her. He wrapped his coat around her.

"So it doesn't bother you?" She asked, as her long silver hair draped to the ground. He looked into her violet slit eyes. Her eyes were like a felines but also like a snakes. Her nails were sharp and more like claws. Plus she had fangs and a venom glans.

"Now why would you ask that? You know I'd love you no matter what form you took."He said, so she sifted to her male version.

"Even now?" She questioned, he kissed him passionately.

"Does that answer your question." He replied. He smiled.

"Love never sees to amaze me." He whispered in his ear changing back to his female form. He looked around noticing her swollen stomach. So he carried her to his house so she'd be safe. The town was falling apart at the seams. But it was the only place they could live since everywhere else was just as everything was just as bad. We walked into a large metal building. He walked in there were a lot of pictures of him with a woman. She looked around as they walked when she saw a baby room.

"Your not the first person I've tried to make a future with. I tried finding love serval times before with no luck. Once I thought I had it. We even were talking about having kids and getting married. But turns out it was all a dream. I caught her with the very man I've been fighting. That's the only thing I've kept from you." He exclaimed, she kissed him.

"Love you should have just told me." She replied, snuggling up to him. He walked into a room laying her on the bed. He smiled he sat down beside her. He opened his cell phone but quickly turned it off. Then someone knocked on the door. She waited while he walked out and to the door. When he opened it there was a man standing outside. He was tall blond hair and blue eyes.

"Well hey there Luke. Who's the pretty little lady?" He asked, peeking over at her. When he winked making her quiver in disgust. He chuckled.

"That's my woman your gaping at." Luke informed him.

"Oh so that explains it Nora's been wondering why you haven't called her. So your giving up on her?" He questioned, she walked over to Luke. Wrapping her arms around his neck from behind pulling her up his back kissing his cheek.

"Now come now does he look like he needs another woman in his life. Trust me he's got all the woman he'll ever need." She said, glancing at the man.

"I'll say hey you ever get bored of lover boy you can always come find me." He smirked.

"Fat chance ever since I made her from a fertilized egg. She's had his heart ever since he first laid eyes on her. She's his Achilles heel his, the queen of his castle only weakness and I pray for the dumb ass who pisses off the queen. She mainly made with big wild cat DNA but most of it comes from a lion. So I wouldn't step that boundary if I were you. Lions tend to be very territorial over their partners and very violent. That's why we pacifically picked a lion because their loyal. Especially to their mate." Sonia the woman who made her said walking over. Silver thought of her as a mother since she imprinted on her she never disobeyed her and always did what she was told. She was tall and unlike most women she was muscular. But she was beautiful. She ran over to her hugging her.

"Hey sweetie how's she been doing Luke?" She asked, propping Silver on her arm.

"She's been well Sonia." He said, as Silver giggled.

"Good take care of my baby girl." She said, kissing her head.

"She came from your egg didn't she? So who's her father?" Luke asked, she nodded.

"Jasper but he doesn't know and it's best if he doesn't." She replied, Silver tilted her head questioningly.

"Wait does that mean I'm your actually my mom like my real one?" She whispered, she nodded.

"Yes sweetie." She said, handing her to Luke.

"Now I'm going to need her ready for tomorrow's exhibit." She said, giving her a shot in the arm. Silver cringed, when she started puring.

"There now it's time for you to do duty as a man." She continued, he nodded walking inside shutting the door. Sonia picked Luke for this specifically for mating and fathering Silvers offspring. She was looking for a strong male for her and he wanted children. It was a plus that they fell in love. She's already caring his offspring. See even though she mainly lion she's a marsopel so she carries her offspring in her pouch so if she dies her offspring at least have a fighting chance. He carried her up stairs laying her on the bed. He took his time seducing her. He made sure to properly satisfying her and filling her with his seed. When they finished he slid his hand into her pouch opening it revealing three small cubs. One male two females. The male was the only silver one but his eyes were two different colors. One blue like Luke while the other violet like his mothers. The females both had dark fur same color of Luke's hair. But both had different colored eyes. He pulled out the male as the two females suckled eagerly drinking Silver's milk. He smiled.

"But we're going to have to make the nursery bigger." He suggested, she nodded.

"Ya but at least you have a use for it." She replied, kissing their heads. He put the cub down and started playing with him by rubbing his belly. He playfully growled bitting and scratching his hand. He laughed lifting him up.

"Lucid really likes that." She smiled, he was named after Luke. When he reached over kissing his little angels heads. The female with blue eyes they named Rose and the other was Jazz. When Jazz was full and let go. She took Lucid and he latched on instinctively. He growled suckling eagerly. Rose let go and crawled into her pouch. Silver giggled petting her. Luke held Jazz when they fell asleep.

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