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" Why did you like her, Mr. Lee?" Heeseung looked at Sarang blankly when she suddenly changed the topic. Heeseung was a little bit annoyed when someone mentioned his crush in the conversation. He didn't hate it but it made him felt uneasy with it. Just thinking about Hina, made him felt sad as he recalled the moment Hina left him without telling him about it. The pain was hurting him.
Knowing Hina actually in a relationship with Lee Know, he felt really sad because the girl never gave him a chance to start a relationship with her.

" she is just p e r f e c t. She is different from other girls." Heeseung replied to Sarang while toying with his finger.

" You? Why did you like Lee Know?" Sarang smiled. " I don't like him anymore."

" Why?"

" Because he liked someone else. I don't want to hurt myself anymore. I liked him but he just liked me not more than a friend. He liked Hina and rejected me in the middle of the crowd."

" Oh," Heeseung replied.

" He ignored me and left me alone after he got her. At first, he asked for my help to win her heart and my stupid brain just helped him although I know my heart was hurting that time. I helped him to choose the dress for her, suggested a place to visit for their date and everything. I did everything for him because I like that guy."

" After he got her, I didn't expect he would ignore me and treated me like nothing. He knows I hate to be alone but he still did that to me. That's why I ran away from him yesterday. It hurt me when he approached me again as nothing happened. "

Heeseung felt more guilty after knowing the truth,
" I'm sorry if my plan makes you more suffer."

Sarang shook her head,
" That's okay. I will help you to get Hina back. You deserve to be happy."

" And you deserve to be happy too," Heeseung replied to Sarang causing her lost her words.

" That's okay. I'm happy if my friend is happy. I'm happier if you're happy."

" You're selfless," Heeseung said to Sarang causing her laughed.

" It's okay, you know? I'm used to this."
Heeseung shut his mouth.

" It's okay if you don't want to make him like you back. I understand it now." Sarang chuckled more when she heard his words.

" Let's find a way to get Hina again." Heeseung slowly nodded his head.

" And let's find a way to forget Lee Know," Heeseung said to Sarang.

" I will never leave you and ignore you like what Lee Know did to you. I will appreciate all of your help for me."

" If one day, I don't keep the words. Please remind me about it."

Sarang smiled.


" Can you walk properly?" Heeseung asked Sarang while they were walking toward the elevator. Sarang nodded her head, walked slowly as her back was still in pain.

" You can take a rest if you want to."

" It's okay. It's not that hurt." Sarang walked faster and went into the elevator. She held the button, waiting for Heeseung to get in as he was still concern about her condition.
" I'm okay." Heeseung sighed and finally went into the elevator. He stood next to Sarang with his eyes fixed at her who was patting her back to hold the pain.

Heeseung realized how selfless Sarang was.

He didn't understand her at all.

" Are you hungry?" Sarang looked at Heeseung, too shy to admit that she was hungry.

" A little hungry." Heeseung showed her a tiny smile and cleared his throat when Sarang saw his smile.


  They both went into the car and just remained silent because they were awkward with each other. Heeseung drove his car and couldn't help but took a glance at Sarang, who was eating her lollipop while looking at the scenery by the window. She slowly rubbed her stomach as it was groaning. Heeseung realized it, and he held himself from laughing at her meanwhile. Sarang looks nervous and embarrassed when Heeseung actually heard it but she quickly covered it by pretending to sleep with the lollipop still in her mouth.

" Do you want to eat ramyeon?" Heeseung broke the silence. Sarang slowly fixed her eyes at him, hesitated to answer because she was surprised at his sudden words to her.

" I felt sorry for hurting you earlier. So..." He paused.

" I want to treat you ramyeon as an apology." He honestly felt embarrassed for saying that to her but he ignored those feelings by avoiding her gaze on him.

" Ramyeon?"

Heeseung nodded and cleared his throat,
" Ramyeon is my favorite food. I used to eat it alone and I think-"

" I think it would be nice to eat with you." Heeseung looked away as his cheek was blushing because of his own words to Sarang.

Sarang looked at Heeseung and couldn't help but chuckled at his cuteness,
" Can you cook for me?" She asked Heeseung curiously with her puppy eyes.

There were a lot of restaurants here but she wanted him to cook the ramyeon instead?

" You're problematic, you know?" Heeseung said to Sarang.

Sarang bit her lips,
" Okay. Just forget what I said..." Sarang shut her eyes and pretended to sleep.

" Do you like ramyeon with cabbage?"


After a few minutes of their journey, they finally arrived at his house. Sarang was surprised because she didn't expect that Heeseung would bring her to his house - If she knew this would happen, she would ask him to buy the ramyeon from the supermart instead of asking him to cook for her. Shortly, she regretted and blamed herself for this trouble.

Sarang sat on the couch while fixing her eyes at Heeseung who was walking toward the kitchen without taking off his socks and his jacket. She felt guilty for asking him to cook for her, so she decided to help him a little.

Sarang walked towards the kitchen and locked her eyes at Heeseung. She stared at him for a long time without calling him because she was too mesmerized by his visual. She never realized how good-looking her employer was until she saw him was cooking for her.
Heeseung rolled his sleeve, mixing the egg on the bowl while singing. His voice- she didn't expect his voice to sound this good-
it made her couldn't stop looking at him.

" Mr. Lee..." Heeseung immediately stopped singing and cleared his throat when he saw Sarang was walking toward him.

" Do you need help?"

Heeseung ignored her because he was embarrassed for getting caught singing in front of his secretary.

" I will clean the dishes. It must be tiring to do it alone." Sarang said. She grabbed the apron and a washing glove.

Sarang tied her hair into a bun and started washing the dishes in silence. Heeseung took a glance at her while cooking the ramyeon and sighed when he realized that she tied the apron in the wrong way.

Heeseung walked closer to her from behind, hoping she didn't realize his presence, and slowly tied the apron without letting out any sound. His eyes slowly fixed at her neck making him felt uneasy at it.

He grabbed a book recipe from the cabinet and suddenly used it to hit her head causing her hair to immediately covered the nape of her neck. Sarang was surprised at his action. She groaned in pain because he hit her quite hard.

" There is a mosquito..." Heeseung said and Sarang slowly turned her body to face him while rubbing her head and surprised when he stood close to her. 

They both did eye contact for a while but Heeseung quickly broke it off by continue cooking his ramyeon.

I'm almost falling with it.

Heeseung sighed.

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