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" I should not be with them."

" At least, they are having their time together."

" I'm okay. I'm happy to see his smile again."

Sarang bit her lips while staring at her phone, waiting for a text from Heeseung for a few hours. She was curious, wondering if Heeseung was worrying about her at least once after she was leaving him with Hina but she realized what was her place in his heart.

I am nothing to him.

There is no reason for him to worry about me.

What do you expect, Nam Sarang?

Sarang sighed heavily and tucked her face on the pillow while groaning, mad at herself for being too emotional.


Sarang was quite sad, knowing Heeseung broke her promise to never leave her alone like what Lee Know did to her but- she knew, it would sound selfish if she forces him to stay with her all day long when the guy actually in love with his loves day by day. There was no reason for him to get close to Sarang since Hina was there and of course, he would focus on someone he loves instead of her. Everyone will do the same ways, right?

Sarang sighed again, forcing herself to forget about it and just be happy for him as he got a chance to get close to Hina again.

"  Sarang."

Sarang was surprised and grabbed her phone as she got a text from Heeseung. Sarang was still speechless, knowing the guy she waited for
finally searched for her. She stared at her phone, reading each text from Heeseung nervously.

" Hina.."

" Hina still doesn't like me. After everything that happened today, she still went to her boyfriend. She made me happy, you know? but why? Am I not good enough?"

" If I know this will happen to me, I will
listen to your words and go with you but I'm too greedy. Greedy in love..."

" What should I do, Sarang? I don't want to give up but there is no other way I can get her."

" Mr. Lee, are you okay? Have you eaten? Take a rest first. "

" I don't know what happened to you but I'm really worried about you, Mr. Lee. I hope you are okay. I hope you are okay. "

" Please tell me if it still makes you sad. I will come to you."

"  Mr. Lee, where are you?"


" Mr. Lee ..." Heeseung turned his body to face the girl who was standing in front of the door.
When her eyes met him, she smiled. She slowly waved her hand to him while eating her lollipop- Heeseung just looked at her with his puffy eyes without allowing her to go into his house. Heeseung was speechless- just by looking at her smile, made his sadness slowly faded away. He wondered why the girl always made him felt different.

The girl made him felt comfortable,

safe and calm.

" Are you okay?" He still didn't respond to her.
Sarang took a step closer and held his sleeve, dragged him to the couch making Heeseung surprised at her action. Sarang giggled and showed her bag to him.

" What?"

Sarang took out her lunch box and put it on the table, " You should eat to get energy, Mr. Lee. You can't be like this all the time. It will make you weak. I can't see you get hurt. So, I made this for you, Mr. Lee ."

Heeseung sniffed his nose,
" I'm fulled..."

Sarang ignored him and went to the kitchen to take a spoon.

" Let's eat." Sarang gave the spoon to him and sat next to him while watching the television. Heeseung sighed and took a bite of the food. He was surprised at how delicious the food was and it didn't stop him from eating more making Sarang smiled, knowing the guy enjoyed the foods she made.

Heeseung took a glance at Sarang,
" Why don't you eat?"

" I'm good. I will eat at my house."

" Oh." He replied and continue eating. At the same time, he remembered what happened today. He realized Sarang was not there with him when he was enjoying his time with Hina at the amusement park.

Oh, how stupid he was to realize it now. He left the girl behind and had no idea what happened to her. He ignored them and left her alone because of Hina. He realized how stupid he was when he made the girl faced her weakness. He felt guilty, knowing Sarang cared and worried about him when the truth, he was hurting her.

Sarang was selfless.

She was hurting but she was still caring about Heeseung.

" I'm sorry..."

" For what, Mr. Lee?"

"For leaving you behind." Sarang quickly lowered her gaze, her smile slowly faded away after listening to his words. Heeseung bit his lips and leaned his body closer to Sarang, wondering if she is okay. Sarang nodded her head and chuckled,

" It's okay, Mr. Lee. I'm really good. Don't take it seriously. It's okay." She smiled.

" But, I just broke the promise-"

" It's okay. It's okay, Mr. Lee." She laughed and paused.

" As long as you're good. I'm happy, Mr. Lee. I was concern about you more than myself. I face the worst moments in my life, I don't want you to face the same things too. You deserved to be happy. Don't mind about me, okay?"

Heeseung sighed,
" But Sarang, you have a feeling. I was hurting you but-"

" It's almost 11 pm. I will miss the bus. I will go first, Mr. Lee ." She cut him off and stood up from her seat, ran towards the door quickly just to escape from him. She was hurting by listening to his words. She was scared, really scared if Heeseung saw her teary eyes. So, she decided to run away.

Sarang was surprised, knowing it was raining outside but it didn't stop her from running away. She bid him goodbye for the last time and ran away, letting the rain poured on her tiny body.


Sarang walked through the hallways, crying while the rain pouring on her body. She hit her chest several times, forcing herself to stop crying. She wanted to forget about those feelings. She didn't want to get emotional over him because she knew it's not his fault.

A thunder startled Sarang making her quickly sat on the road while covering her ear with her palm, she cried again.

" What the hell are you doing, Nam Sarang?!"

Sarang was surprised and wanted to run away but the sound of thunder made her immediately stopped.

" Don't you dare to run away!"She bit her lips when it was Heeseung. She titled her head and fixed her eyes at him, who was holding an umbrella.

" Just why? why did you run away?"

" I miss the bus and I didn't find any taxi nearby. So, I just decided to go home by myself." Heeseung sighed heavily.

" At this time? Alone in these dark hallways? It's raining, Nam Sarang. Are you out of your mind?"

" It's okay, Mr.Lee. I'm used to this. I will go first." Sarang bid him goodbye and walked away from Heeseung but he quickly chases for her and grabbed her sleeve causing her immediately faced him.

" I will never let you go. Just stay with me."

Sarang froze,  felt butterflies in her stomach after listening to his words.

He took a step closer, " Let's go."

" I need to go to my house," Sarang replied nervously.

" Let's go to my house."

" But it's 11 pm.."

" Just sleep at my house."


  " Take a shower," Heeseung said, wrapped a towel on her shoulder causing her heart to skip a beat.

" There is a pajama on my bed. I bought it for Hina but she returned it to me back. Just wear it and take it if you want."

Sarang nodded and watched him left the room.


After Sarang was done, she quickly lay on the bed and wanted to sleep as she felt tired after everything happened to her.

Knock Knock

" Nam Sarang?"

Sarang quickly walked towards the door and opened it, just to see Heeseung.

" Yes, Mr. Lee?" Sarang asked him, waiting for his response while he was staring at her without saying anything.

" Mr. Lee?"

He cleared his throat and looked away,
" I want to take my blanket and pillow."

Sarang nodded and let him stepped into the room. Heeseung grabbed his blanket and pillow, slowly walked towards Sarang-

" Goodnight, Nam Sarang."

Sarang smiled, " Goodnight too, Mr. Lee ."

But he was still standing in front of her with his eyes fixed at her.

" Mr. Lee?"

Heeseung suddenly held her sleeve, stood close to her causing her heart to beat faster.

" How I wish you were Hina..."

" So, I can kiss and hug you right now."

Sarang gasped.

Heeseung sighed,

" But you're not Hina ."
He said and took a step to leave the room.

" Mr. Lee " Sarang called him and he stopped.

" Can you.."

" Can you allow me to touch you?"

" For what?" Heeseung asked her.

" I want to feel your touch."

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