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" What should I do?"

" I fall in love at the wrong time."

Sarang mumbled to herself and fixed her eyes at the wall.  Her feeling was mixed up with a lot of emotions. She was thinking about him all the time, she was hurting because of Hina, she was feeling downhearted when Heeseung let Hina hugged him tightly and felt his touch- she was jealous of her. She wanted to feel his touch too-

That's all she wanted from him.

his touch is all she needed.

If Heeseung never returns her feeling, she just wanted to feel his touch.

at least once.

Holding hand,

that's all she wanted.

but she knew, he would never allow her to do it since he doesn't have any feelings for her.

Oh, how stupid she was, thinking she would get a chance to be with him.

" Mr. Lee, are you home?"

" Let me know if you are having problems."

" Have you eaten?"

She read her texts to him and sighed, knowing he didn't respond to her text for 3 hours. Sarang decided to fade the feeling away, she didn't want to get hurt and sad because of the small matters. She knew Heeseung was enjoying his time with Hina- she just wanted to know if he was okay because she was really worried about him.

At the same time, she realized how deeply she was in love with him.

She never felt this concern when she used to love Lee Know.

" Mr. Lee, are you free?"

" Are you sleeping right now?"

" Mr. Lee, I have a great idea."

" I want to surprise you something. Let's meet at the convenience store nearby our company."

" I hope you will come!"

Heeseung read your texts.

" Okay." - Heeseung

Sarang suddenly screamed in surprise and threw her phone away, felt shocked to get noticed by him after 3 hours of waiting.
She screamed happily, used her hand to cover her face, and jumped like a kid, knowing she would see him later.

All of her sadness immediately disappeared away because of his one reply.


" It's cold right now. You should wear warm clothes. I am freezing in this jacket." The cashier said to Sarang causing her laughed at him.

Sarang took her foods from him,
" It's not that cold honestly. I can bear with the coldness. So, it's okay for me."

" Who are you waiting for?"

Sarang shut her mouth and smiled,
" My boyfriend. He will come later."

" You must be adored of him so much." The cashier chuckled. Sarang quickly nodded her head, laughing at his words, and slowly gave a lollipop to him as a sign of thank you.

Sarang walked towards the chair and prepared all of the food on the table. She was excited to meet him as her heart was beating fast whenever she saw a man walked passed by the store. Sarang waited for him while playing with her fingers and watching every video that she recorded on the camera.

" Mr. Lee was getting wet because he failed to answer a very simple and basic question. Look at him, he is getting mad at me."

" Hey, Sarang. You're embarrassing-"

" He is laughing again !"

" Sarang, you're weird."

She chuckled and zoomed-in his face, adoring him again and again.

She took a glance at her watch and slowly sighed,

" Where are you, Mr. Lee? The foods are getting cold."

She shook her head,

" Mr. Lee will come. He read my text. He replied to my text. He knows that I am here. He is driving his car right now. I know."

She bit her lips and took a deep breath,
She smiled,

" He will come. Mr. Lee is a great guy. He will never disappoint me."

" He is not a bad guy."

Sarang looked down and stared at her screen all the time, realizing he was using his phone right now as it showed online under his name.

Sarang sneezed and hugged her body tightly, slowly getting cold- She took her phone and texted him,

" Mr. Lee ?"

" Where are you?"

" At my house."

" Oh."

" Didn't you read my text earlier?"

" What text? let me check it."

" Oh. I'm sorry. I was sleeping that time and I was replying to your text in half asleep."

" I was really tired today. I'm sorry. I didn't realize it."

" Oh."

" Are you still there, Sarang?"

" Ye-"

Sarang delete her texts and sighed,

" No. The weather was really cold and I don't think I can go there."

" Let's go there next time."




" He is tired today. I should understand him."
Sarang looked at all of the foods that she prepared and sighed heavily,

" Mr. Lee is not a bad guy. He is tired. I can't force him to go to me."

She slowly grabbed the food and ate it silently.
She sneezed again-

" Oh my god. I felt dizzy. I can't do this."

She stood up from her seat and with a heavy feeling, she threw all of the food on the trashcan and ran away from the place while enduring the cold.

She sneezed several times and her nose was getting red like a clown. She ran, searched for the warm place while waiting for the bus or taxi to arrive-

She rubbed her body several times while sneezing every minute.

Sarang took out her phone to text Heeseung and she suddenly got a notification from her Instagram-

She opened the Instagram and was surprised when she saw a post of Heeseung and Hina together.
She sneezed and tears dropped on her cheeks,

" Why did you lie to me, Mr. Lee?"

Sarang bite her lips and sneezed again causing her head to get dizzy. At the same time, thunder surprised her again causing her screamed.

" I'm scared."  Her whole body was shivering in cold and it made her couldn't speak well.

She tried to forget the sadness by turning on the camera and watched some videos of Heeseung and herself. She chuckled and continue doing the same thing to make her felt better.

" He was lying to me because he didn't want me to think bad of him. He didn't want me to feel lonely. That's why he was lying to me. He knows I will understand him. That's why."

" It's okay. Everything will be okay soon."

Sarang mumbled to herself and sneezed again,

" I know, Mr. Lee is a great guy. He will never make me feel disappointed in him."

Her head was slowly getting dizzy. She shut her eyes, forcing herself to be strong but she suddenly fell on the ground causing some people to run towards her and wrapped a jacket around her body,

" Her body was shivering."

" Anyone has extra clothes?"

" Anyone has a scarf?"

She was getting weak and her vision got slowly turned black.

Everything will be okay soon.

It's okay.

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