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" I told you, Sarang."

" You don't have a chance but why do-"

Jinhyuk was surprised when Sarang just drank a bottle of soju without pouring it on the cup. He quickly grabbed the bottle from her but Sarang ignored him, still drinking it making everyone looked at her surprisingly.

She wiped her mouth and cried more,
" I was spending my night with him. Telling a bedtime story to him and preparing medicine for him. I couldn't even sleep peacefully because I was worried about him."

" I was scared when I realized it was raining last night. I called for him like crazy. I waited for the taxi to arrive because I wanted to go to
him. It took 30 minutes to arrive at his place
but I didn't care when it came to him. I was worried like crazy."

" But he just said-" Sarang poured the soju and drank it again before resting her head on the table. She sniffed her nose and cried again-

" He didn't even care about you, Sarang. You can't force him to do the same as you. I'm sorry to say this but it's the truth. I am his cousin, I know how much he-"

" That's why I mad at myself. Why do I am wishing for him to feel the same as me when his heart is always belonging to that girl? I know it will hurt me but I still did it. I am really angry."
Sarang hit her chest several times and messed her hair.

" I should not fall for him." She continued and drank the soju again.

" Stop drinking."

Sarang shut her eyes and slept on the table after drinking three bottles of soju. Jinhyuk shook his head, sighed heavily as he realized his friend just fell in love with his cousin over so deeply.

" You are selfless and stupid." He said and ate his food.

Jinhyuk was surprised when he got a call from Heeseung. He quickly answered it and told Heeseung about Sarang.

" She was sleeping right now. I guess she drank three bottles of soju-"

" Why don't you stop her?"

" I tried, okay? She was being stubborn."

" Where are you? Let me take her."

Jinhyuk smiled,
" At our usual place."

" Really? It's not that far then. It will take 5 minutes to arrive. Just wait for the"

" Oh, Lee Know? What are you doing here?" Jinhyuk ignored Heeseung on his phone because he was surprised to see Lee Know.

" Wait, what?"

Jinhyuk quickly ended the call and talked to Lee Know.

" What happened to her?" Lee Know sat next to Sarang and fixed her hair,

" Stress, maybe," Jinhyuk replied and cheered his drink with Lee Know.

Lee Know smiled, he shook his head,
" I'm going to drive my car. I can't drink."

" Weak. I can get sober in an hour." Jinhyuk stuck out his tongue and drank his soju.

" What are you doing here then?" Jinhyuk asked Lee Know curiously.

" I just want to see her." Lee Know replied with a smile. " I want to take her." He continued.

" Would you mind if I take her?" Lee Know asked Jinhyuk while wrapping his jacket around her shoulder. He patted her back gently with his eyes fixed at her-

Jinhyuk hesitated to answer as Heeseung already told him that he wanted to take Sarang first.

" I will just send her home. I'm not a bad guy."

" I know you are not a bad guy but Heeseung already want-"

" Enjoy your drink." Lee Know suddenly carried Sarang on his back and bid goodbye to Jinhyuk.

" It's on mine tonight. I already paid the bills."
Lee Know said to Jinhyuk before leaving the place with Sarang.

At the same time, Heeseung arrived at the place and stopped Lee Know from leaving him.

" Give Sarang to me," Heeseung said to Lee Know coldly.

Lee Know smiled, " I thought you are interested in Hina more than her."

Heeseung bites his lips and took a step closer to take Sarang but Lee Know avoided him and held Sarang tighter,

" Two-timing, bro? " Heeseung clenched his fist. Jinhyuk noticed it and quickly went to Heeseung to stop him before something bad happen.

" Heeseung, just let him go," Jinhyuk said to Heeseung causing Heeseung to look at him surprisingly.

" Did you just defend this guy instead of me?"

Jinhyuk shook his head,
" It's not like that."

Heeseung took out his phone after Hina was calling for him.

" Hina is calling for you. She needs you." Lee Know said to Heeseung.

" Hina will feel sad if you are leaving her for Sarang." He continued making Heeseung mad.

" I will go first." Lee Know said to Heeseung and went towards his car while carrying Sarang on his back.

Heeseung watched them while clenching his fist and brushed his hair out of his face.

" Just let them go this time," Jinhyuk spoke up.

" It's all because of you, stupid."

" Why are you so mad? It's not that he is carrying Hina. It's just Sarang, your secretary."
Jinhyuk asked Heeseung blankly.

" It's not that you love her." He continued.

" Yeah, it's not that I love her."


  " Oh, my head." Sarang rubbed her head while eating her lollipop as she felt dizzy after drinking last night. She walked towards Jinhyuk who was talking to his friend at the office pantry and leaned her head on his back causing he looked at her weirdly.

" What are you doing, stupid?" Jinhyuk asked Sarang and held her shoulder,
" I felt dizzy." She tucked her head on his embrace.

Jinhyuk wrapped his arm around her shoulder and patted her back,
" Don't act like you are a kid."

" Then, eat the medicine instead of eating that lollipop."

He said and pulled her hair, dragging her away from him causing her groaned in pain.

Sarang punched him on his stomach hardly as revenge-

" My head felt dizzier because of you."
She rubbed her head and stood on her tiptoe to grab the medicine that on the cabinet.

" Jinhyuk, help me."

She took a glance at her back and realized Jinhyuk was not there anymore. She sighed and reached her hand to take the medicine again-

A hand suddenly took it for her causing Sarang to immediately turn her body to face the person. She was surprised, knowing the person stood close to her. She titled her head to meet his eyes and realized it was Heeseung.

He slowly handed it to her with his eyes fixed at her coldly. Sarang took it from him and avoided him by walking away.

" Sarang."

She ignored him and finally spotted Jinhyuk. She decided to go to Jinhyuk as a way to escape but Heeseung quickly grabbed her sleeve and pulled her into the office.

Sarang took a glance at his hand and sighed when Heeseung was still holding her sleeve-

she knows what does mean.

it made her felt sad again.

She slowly let go of her sleeve from him and took a step away to leave the office but this time, Heeseung won't let go of her- he pinned her against the door and looked at her seriously.

" Why are you avoiding me?"

Sarang shook her head as a response to him,

" Please. Don't run away from me."

She played with her finger instead of looking at him.

" Do you hear that?" Sarang asked Heeseung.

He looked at her blankly,
" Jihan is calling for me. I need to go."

Sarang bid him goodbye.

" I guess you had a great night with Lee Know last night."

Sarang stopped and looked at Heeseung, hesitated to reply.

" You had a great night with him, right?"

Sarang had no words to say and she just nodded in response to him before escaping from him again.

" Quite great."She replied and smiled.

" What did you just say?"

" Quite great...." Sarang replied again-

" Like how you spent your night with Hina." She continued.

" Right...?" Sarang chuckled.

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