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" I will go first. "

Heeseung placed a flower on her grave and smiled, looking at her picture for a long time. His heart was hurting bad. He felt like there was no reason for him to live in this world anymore without Sarang on his side. The girl brought his smile back and treated him like an angel but she never got a chance to feel his love or even his touch. Of course, he was blaming himself for everything. He still remembered Sarang asked for his permission to touch him, telling him it was her last request but he didn't know that it will be the last request from her.

Jinhyuk patted Heeseung on his shoulder to calm him causing Heeseung to cry again.

Heeseung finally stood up and bowed,
" It's my time to accept everything. I need to accept that you left me forever but Sarang, you are the most precious girl in my life forever. If I have a chance to see you again, I will hug you and tell you how much I appreciated you.
I also want to say that I love you."

" I love you." Heeseung paused.

" Goodbye, Nam Sarang."

" Let's meet again in the next life and be my soulmate."

Heeseung left the place and took a glance at her grave for the last time.


" Are you okay?"

Heeseung nodded and took a sip of his juice, continue eating after starving for a few days.
Jinhyuk looked at him anxiously and sighed-

" At least, you still met her in your dream."

Heeseung smiled,
" Yes."

" She looks pretty as always."

" More pretty." He continued making Jinhyuk smiled at his words. Jinhyuk slowly placed a pen drive on the table, handing it to Heeseung causing he looked at Jinhyuk blankly.

" Sarang told me to give this to you."

Heeseung stopped eating and quickly grabbed the Pendrive, " What is this? Why did you give this to me now? You should give this to me for a long time ago."

Jinhyuk sighed,
" I'm sorry. You seem sad after losing her and sometimes, your action was weird when it came to her. You were keep telling me that you saw her and everything- I don't think I should give it to you because it will make you feel more worst."

Heeseung bit his lips,
" I will go first."


After Heeseung arrived at his house, he quickly turned on his computer and installed the Pendrive while trying to calm himself because he was nervous and curious at the same time. He took a deep breath as he saw a folder and clicked on it. He can't help but tears rolled down his cheeks when all of the videos and pictures of him and Sarang were in the folder.

He hit his chest again as it was hurting him when he looked at their picture one by one-

The picture of Sarang and him when she was trying to annoy him while he was driving his car.

Sarang also took his picture secretly when he was driving the car-

She took a selfie with him secretly, smiling like an idiot while Heeseung was looking at someone else.

He sighed heavily and wiped the tears before playing a video.

Heeseung played the video of Sarang when she annoyed him at the amusement park and smiled in pain-

" I told you to stop recording me."

"Hey, Nam Sarang. Stop it."

" Everyone, I made Mr. Lee laughed. I'm such a professional. You should give me an award for this."

" Sarang, can you stop?"

" Mr. Lee was getting wet because he failed to answer a very simple and basic question.  Look at him, he is getting mad at me."

" Hey, Sarang. You're embarrassing-"

" He is laughing again !" 


" Today, Heeseung and I are going to the amusement park! Heeseung is not in the good mood today. So, I'm here to fade his sadness away."

" Heeseung?"

" I mean Mr. Lee!"

" I will make Mr. Lee happy today! Everyone, do you want to see him?"

" He is here. Look at him ! he is good at controlling the steering wheel."

" Mr. Lee! show a weird face!"

" I don't want to!"

" Mr. Lee! Mr. Lee! show me a sad face!"

" Nam Sarang, you are so loud."

" Mr. Lee, smile!"

" Sarang, shut up."


He stopped the video and rest his head on the table as he can't hold it anymore. The pain- it keeps hurting him. He still remembered what Sarang told him.

"What if one of us will leave each other soon? This is the only way to make us happy again. Just by watching this video."

" Yeah, I don't remember asking."

" If you leave me, I will take this camera and play this video 100 times a day."

" I will leave you now then."

" And if I leave you, I will return this to you. So, you will play this video when you miss me!"

" I'm not gonna miss you. So, stop dreaming."

" You will miss me."

Heeseung shut his eyes tighter as his tears escaped again. He sniffed his nose,

" You are right. I miss you." He muttered to himself and cried in silence again.

" No. Heeseung. You should be strong. Sarang will be sad if she sees you in this way." He talked to himself and took a deep breath, pretending like he was good.

He kept watching another video and his eyes fixed on the latest video on the folder. He quickly played it and smiled when Sarang showed on the screen. She looked at the camera while smiling like a bunny and chuckled.

Heeseung misses her laugh so much, listening to her chuckle melts his heart again. Sarang had no idea how much Heeseung loved her angelic laugh and chuckle- it brings his smile again.

" Hi, Mr. Lee."

Sarang chuckled again and waved her hand to the camera.

" I know it sounds sudden to make this video and it looks cringe. I never do this before."

Sarang paused and smiled,

" Mr. Lee, I think it's time to say goodbye. I know you will hate me for this but I did this for your goodness sake. I want to quit as your secretary- and I want Hina to replace me. I know how much she meant to you, so it's better if you stay with her since both of you also loved each other. My existence, just blocking your relationship and I do feel guilty.
So, I decided to end everything here. We were planning to get Hina again, right? So today, I just found out that Hina liked you back and that means our plan is successful. It's time for me to give both of you space. I hope you will be happy with her."

" Mr. Lee, I feel really glad and happy to meet you in my life. You made me feel different. Whenever I see you, I can't help but smiled. Your existence is special to me and it made my day a lot. Sometimes, I do feel like I want to spend my time with you all day long but I know you were busy with your work and just thought of Hina. I know my place in your heart - so I decided to put my wish away and wait for you to come to me again."

" You know, Mr. Lee. I always pray to god, hoping you will feel the same as me. I believe that one day I will feel your touch. I believe that we are meant to be together. I believe that you will feel the same as me. I will keep waiting for you although it will take a few years. But If you are still choosing Hina instead of me, it's okay. I will let you go to her and do not stop you from being with her. I respect your decision."

" I love you, Mr. Lee. I love you so much. I'm sorry for having a feeling on you. I know it was over the limit but I can't help it."

" I'm also sorry for asking for your touch. I look desperate and stupid. I'm so sorry. Maybe, I'm just falling in love with you deeply."

Sarang laughed.

" That's all from me, Mr. Lee. I'm not feeling well now but I promised you, I will come to you when I feel good again. Although I'm
no longer with you, I will always keep in touch with you. We still can befriend, right?"

" Mr. Lee, Mr. Lee, Mr. Lee."

" I will miss that name."

Sarang pouted her lips as a tear escaped from her eyes.

" I'm going to sleep now. See you again, Mr. Lee."

" Again, I love you, Mr. Lee."

" I will wait for the day you confess to me. I know it will happen." Sarang bite her lips and waved her hand to the camera.

" Take care, Mr. Lee. Have a great day with your love. I hope you will be happy."

" Goodbye, Mr. Lee."

" I love you."

" Goodbye."

Sarang smiled and stopped recording.

Heeseung felt broken, knowing Sarang was still loving him and waited for him although she knows his heart belonged to Hina at that time.
He felt guilty and disappointed in himself for never realized how sweet Sarang was to him. He had no idea why he was still falling in love with Hina when Sarang was better than her. He was too desperate and broken that time, without realizing the god just sent an angel to him-

he realized it now but it's too late.

The angel went forever without listening to his confession and touch for the last time.

" I wish I could turn back the time."

" I wish I am dreaming right now."

" How should I accept this?"

Heeseung muttered to himself and slowly touched Sarang on the monitor.

" Nam Sarang."
He smiled.

" I hope you are listening to me now."

" Don't feel sorry for loving me. Don't feel sorry for asking for my touch."

" Thank you for loving me. Thank you for loving a loser like me."

"You were sleeping for a long time, when are you going to wake up then?"


"Lee Sarang."

" If you are watching me,"

" I want to say that I love you so much."

" I love you."

" Let's meet again in the next life."

"I promise. I will search for you."

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