A new day

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Georges POV
I have been following these girls for the past hour, I'm going to say two things, first off, this place is freaking huge, how does the Professor know his way around ?, the second thing is that Ruby, the leader of this team, team RWBY, is the MOST hyperactive girl I've ever met, but her childish ways make me laugh.

"So George, where are you from ?, and what's with this old uniform, did it belong to a relative who served in an army of something ?" Asked Yang.
I didn't know how to answer, so I just though about it then said "I was born in a place, far from here, and as for the uniform, well... Let's say it belonged to someone I know, he was a good person but some didn't see it, nor did they see what he went through".
I smile at this, the girl with a black bow in her hair, Blake, she said her name was, asked a rather weird question, "so you... Have something to hide ?" She says, then looks back at her book.

"HOW ?!, damn, you are good, but I do have something to hide, we all do, me and my old friends, we all did." I say, then saw what book she was reading, then as she smirked, at my words, I said to her "Nice book, that's a real classic" I saw her blush, then Ruby asked "wait, what is Fifty Shades of Grey about ?" She must have saw the book cover, "wouldn't you like to know ?!" I say, then roll my eyes, Yang and Weiss did the same.

We then moved to a hall and a woman, who I assumed was a teacher came up to me, and moved me away from team RWBY and started to speak. "hello, you must be George Bowman, I know what you have been through, anyway, I am miss Goodwitch." She says, I desired to salute her, "it's a pleasure, ma'am" I replied. Then she smiled, "no need for that here, but if you want, you can still be a soldier, anyway..." She passes me a piece of paper, then continued to speak. "Tonight there is a meeting, all the teachers need to know about you because you are new here, if you like, I could tell them about your past, but that's up to you to decide" she says again.

"If you would like too, but I rather keep this from the students, I will tell them when the time is right, and it maybe sooner then you think" I say, she nods then walked a off, then team RWBY, who waited a few metres away, came up to me, "so, what was that about ?" Asked Yang, looking over at miss Goodwitch as she walked out, "oh, she... Gave me my timetable, anyway, isn't it time for lessons ?" I asked, then team RWBY took off, and I followed, coincidently, my timetable was the same as theirs.

Our lesson was History, and that was boring, well, until the Professor spoke about a fight that happened in a old place called Al Amaro, a district in the dusty and old country of Egypt.
That battle I was very familiar with, as I was there, "the name of the operation was..." "Op Angel flight 2, the date that it started was 5th of April, 2013, the aim was to eliminate all Terrorist Safe Havens and HQ's, it ended 4 months later on the 23rd of August, there were heavy casualties on both sides, but the Operation was deemed a success and that was that... For about 5 months" I say, this intrigued the teacher, and some of the students, then the teacher smiled, he knew who I was, I smiled back, "the old days" I mouthed to him, he then got back to it and pretended that he didn't know.

"Well, someone has been studying, good bit of history, you seem to know a lot about those days" he said, "well... I can't say history isn't important, you may do something big that one day, in the future, others will look back and see what you have achieved, through better or worst, Good or bad" I say.

"Well, those soldiers were murderers, they killed so many people, who had families" a voice said from the back, I couldn't help but react "and what about those soldiers who fought and died, hmmm, I would like to say that they had families and friend, who were killed by those terrorist, street bombs and other inhuman acts, those soldier only followed their orders" I shout back, "oh, I see the deal, you wearing that old world, military uniform, you are not a soldier from those times, you can't say you know anything about those soldiers" the person said again.

I snapped, I always loss my temper when someone talks bad about those soldiers, my soldiers.
"I WAS THERE, OP ANGEL FLIGHT, OP TANIC, OP FORT BOARD, I WAS THERE !" I shouted, everyone flinched, "no you weren't" someone says.

"Oh yes he was" I voice called, I turned to see Professor Ozpin, he smiled then continued, "that is his uniform, he fough alongside his men, under his command did they pull of the hardest task to ever be achieved by any military unit or Battlegroup." He then stares the crowd down.
I then step forward "I am Captain George Bowman, 23243536, commanding officer of Delta squad, 1st platoon of Red company, second battalion of the Crimson Regiment, of the combined United Nations Armed Forces, I was frozen in ice after a mission led to the deaths of my entire unit, and due to prolonged exposure to a natural supply of dust, my age was decreased. *sigh* so this is what history will remember, us, being bad, but we followed the rules, the laws of engagement whilst our enemy could do what ever that wanted to do with their prisoners, me and my guys, we were the real deal. No surrender, only retreat if it is essential" I say.

"George, we are so sorry" Ruby says, her team standing behind her, I just nod, "I have lost everything, my men, my service and my duty, then, being MIA, and stuck in ice, for 80 years... My family, they are not here anymore" I walked out, then Miss Goodwitch walked into the room, team RWBY was stopped. and professor Ozpin followed me outside, a few moments later, miss Goodwitch came out of the class, "I managed to erase all of the students memories and they have started to learn from their teacher again" she says.

"OK, thanks" Professor Ozpin says then turns to me, "they don't remember a thing, but George, do you want team RWBY  to know the truth, you can tell them, I understand that it was a touchy subject but you must try to stay calm, anyway, the lessons are over in about 2 minutes, you can head to your room" I nodded, "thank you sir" I say, then he added, tomorrow, you'll be tested in your combat ability and will have your Aura unlocked, then if you wish, you Semblance will be unlocked too, you must have a few good powers stored away, I hope to see quite a show" he says, and with that, disappears.

I head back to my room, but somehow managed to run into team RWBY, their room is next to mine, I went to sleep without answering any of their questions, tomorrow, things will change, tomorrow is a new start, a new day

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