Dark night

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Georges POV
I woke up later that night, I then sat up, then I saw that Ruby was gone, "must have gone back to her team" I said to myself, then laid back down for a second, I knew that I wouldn't be getting back to sleep anytime soon, "well, better make use of the night" I said, then got up and drank some water, I put some fresh clothes on, the thought about my night armour, the one I wore before, and the second I opened my eyes, I saw it again, then though of a weapon, "hmmm, something accurate, with some power and a decent fire rate" I thought, then smiled, and thought of the weapon I would use, it was an American M14, with a scope and a small silencer at the end, it was a semi automatic marksman rifle, this will do fine.

I snuck out my window and disappeared over the city, I stuck to the rooftops, but for some reason, I couldn't find any White fang snipers or see any in the back alleys, "weird, even if they were planning, surely they would have left a few groups out for the night" I said to myself, I spoke too soon as I jumped over a back alley, I saw something.

"HAND OVER YOUR MONEY, AND WE MAY FORGET ABOUT SEEING YOU !" a White Fang thug, with a small group of his fellow White fang member around him, shouted at a couple, who had there backs to the wall, the man stood in front of the woman, but I saw that she was a Faunus, she had fox ears and a tail, she stood behind the man, who was human as far as I could tell, I got closer, "well, if you don't want to hand over anything, then your life would be a good substitute, and then we will have fun with you foxy lady" he said, and his five over friends closed in.

I was about to jump in but I saw a yellow flash take out the last two guys at the back, then a distinct gun shot could be heard, and I saw one of the thugs on the right fall, then another shot followed and the thug on the far right fell, then a saw a white streak as a certain white queen ran in and knocked one of the thugs back with her duelling sword and sent him flying into a load of wooden boxes, and a black shadow appeared on the one who was shouting first, and sent him flying to a wall on the far side of the valley, she then turned to the couple, "go on, I hope you two are alright" she said, "yes, thanks to you" the man said, the woman nodded and they both ran out of the alley, back into the streets.

I saw the whole group appear, "well Ruby, the plan worked" said Yang, "yeah, well done team" said Ruby, then I spoke up, "well, I see that you girls are having fun" I said, then jumped out of the shadows, landing next to them, "George, what are you doing out here ?" Asked Ruby, "well, I was asleep, but woke up and noticed you were gone, thought you were with your team in your dorm, so I decided to do abit of hunting, but it looks like I'm not the only one, that explains the lack of White Fang and their snipers tonight" I said, but got a confused look from everyone, "this was the second group we found tonight, we were searching for about 3 hours, we thought that you could have done this, but you were asleep" said Ruby, "I have been, but indirectly, I have a feeling that the White Fang are planning, preparing to move against me" I say, pacing back and forth a couple of times.

"Now why would they do that ?" Weiss asked, I sighed, then continued, "they have access to some of my old files, I'm more then you know, that stuff in the booklet, that was basic, and non-classified information, I'm more than I seem, I have done a lot in my life, but I'll tell you when we get back" I said, then jumped onto the rooftops, they followed my lead, and we headed back to my room, I then sat on a chair, "what is it that your not telling us ?" Asked Blake, "Ok, you see that... That Intel is only half my service, the rest is classified, but I'll tell you, I was young, but had the rare skills and potential to become the best, I was in the British Special forces, S.A.S for about 5 years, in that time I was captured, tortured, escaped and killed all of my captors, I even assaulted an entire military camp, hidden in the tropical jungles by myself with nothing but a pistol and what I could find, 200 plus kills on that mission, but there are many more, the White fang know what I'm capable of, they know what threat I impose on them and they are scared, dreading that day that will come. I can see that they are planing something big, this is something I must tell the professor about it, he knows about my time in S.A.S, but I doubt that even he knows all the details." I say.

"No need to, my dear boy" the professor said, scaring the crap out of me and giving the rest of team RWBY a heart attack, "AAAAHHHHH!" We screamed, "you don't have to scream" professor Ozpin said, as he climbed through my window, "how did you know about us at this time of night ?" I asked, to which he laughed, "I've been here for a long time, your not the first lot of students I've had that sneak about in the dark, as for your concerns about the White Fang, I have noticed, they have withdrawn throughout the entire city, but we have caught wind of their plans, but only a date, it's after the next dance, in 5 days, I'll explain it to all students after that dance."

"There are a lot of dance around here" I joked, "well, actually, the last one was a victory dance for winning the fight, this one is a special one that happens every year" said Ozpin, "is there anything else ?" He asked, "well, sir, would I be able to skip my lessons ?, only till after the dance, I need to train for the coming battle" I said, he though about it, "yes, but you'll have abit to catch up on when you get back" he said, rubbing his chin with his hand, "come on, sir, do you actually think that I'll fail that exam, even if I win this fight ?" I said, "no, I don't" the professor said, then turned to team RWBY, "you can also train with Bowman, if it's ok with both you and him" he said, then they all turned to me, "I've got no objections" I said.
The girls cheered and dived ON me, I saw the professor laugh and climb out my window, disappearing into the night, I thought I heard him mutter something about young love, but I was too busy picking up all four girls and threw them onto my bed, with me standing at the end, "cute sight, but not happening now" I said, the girls looked about and noticed, they all blushed, we all then laid down and slept, tomorrow, I'm gonna show the girls have to really train.

AN- this may seem alittle boring, but wait till the end, thanks to everyone who likes this book and see you next time, BIELBY3847, over and out.

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