I've been here before

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Georges POV
I have been staring at darkness for what seemed like forever, then felt something, then everything turned white, and a woman appeared, she looked a little like Ruby but older.
She smiled and said "hello there, George, I am Summer, Ruby and Yang are my daughters, I think you may want an explanation about why your here".

I nod, "please, and how do you know who I am ?" I asked, then looked about, "I know all about you, your past and, hopefully, your future. I watch over my daughters and I learned of you, I think you know that your aware that my daughter, Yang, feels for you, even Ruby does, I would like to think that the other members, Weiss and Blake, like you too" she replies, "I wouldn't think it, maybe Yang, but why would the others like me ?, what is there to like about me ?" I asked in disbelief, "maybe you should ask them yourself, now, the reason your here is so I can tell you about the rest of your powers, you see... You can create or summon any weapon ever, but you can also create or summon any type of Armour, you seemed to need them, and you'll learn, you may even be able to create certain clothes, if you wanted to" she says.

"Sweet, OK, but now I'll need to head back, I have a lot of training to do if I want to handle my powers to the best of my capability" I say, to which Summer says, "OK, be safe and watch over my daughters, unlike me, you can help them during any fights" she says. I nod and the next thing I know, a bright light shines I front of my face, brighter then the last light, I heard beeping and awoke to see the Professor, team RWBY and a doctor standing around me.

They weren't looking at me, and I heard the doctor speak to the rest, "we don't know when he will wake up, but as his wounds aren't life threatening, he should come around soon, maybe in a day or two, then we will discharge him. We wouldn't keep him here more then he'll need to be.".
"Damn right your not" I say, frightening the whole group, including the Professor.
The whole of team RWBY hugged me, I hugged them back, then looked about, "hey, this is Deja vu, right Professor ?" I say, looking at the professor.

"Indeed it is, now, how do you feel ?" He asked.
"I've felt better when you pulled me out of the ice, but the last fight was a bit heated, but I may have a solution" I say, then click my fingers, and a suit of white armour appeared over my chest, it looked like a cool set of combat armour, ancient yet modern, "wow, how could you do that ?" Asked Ruby, "well, I have your mother to thank for telling me that I could do that" I say, "wait, you saw our mother ?" Asked Yang and Ruby, "yeah, even had a nice chat" I say, not going any farther about how our "chat" included.
"Now, if you don't mind, I think we should leave him, he'll need to be discharged" professor Ozpin says, helping me to be alone, "wait, how long was I out ?" I say, before the professor disappeared with team RWBY, "well, it's been 3 days since the attack" he says, "OK, but I spent 80 years in ice, so 3 days isn't that bad, not in a nice, warm hospital" I say, then get my gear on.


I walked past the front of the academy, some workers were filling in a few of the craters in the front, including the one I did, which was slightly bigger then the others, "damn, who made this ?" Asked one of team RWBY, I pretended to clear my throat, they then looked at me, "what ?, they got close so I used a RPG to knock them back, but I couldn't find them after I fired it at them" I say in a joking tone, the girls just rolled their eyes at me and we moved on, and I was surprised by the speed of the builders and repair men, if it wasn't for the odd person fixing a certain fuse or painting the wall, I couldn't have Ben able to tell if the building was attacked.

I then continued to my dorm but was stopped by Juane and Pyrrha, "hello, nice fighting" I say, complimenting on how they fought, they put up a hell of a fight at the front of the building, "thanks, and Ruby told us, it's an honour to fight beside an old warrior, like you" Pyrrha said, "thanks, well, I could use the term warrior but I was a soldier, maybe I am still a soldier, but history has made clear that either way, I was the last, but the future may hold surprises" I say, getting a friendly smile from Yang when I said that.

"I would like to talk, but I have something I need to do" I say, then head to my room, and slept, till awoke by a footstep from outside my door, I put on my old black thermal body suit and placed my armour over it, and I walked out the door, following the sound.
I saw the person climb up a building and jumped across a couple of the roof tops, so I followed, and saw a sniper on the roof, it was a White Fang member, they were about to shoot but I crept behind them and tapped on there shoulder, then said "hey, how's life ?" Then punched them in the face, knocking them out, I then grabbed the rifle and emptied its ammunition all over e roof, then continued to pursue this mysterious night person, I followed them and that person stopped by the edge of a high building, and looked at the night sky, I saw beauty in the sky, but noticed movement, another sniper, so I did the same as before, but threw the body to the stranger, "you know, going out at night isn't a smart move when there are snipers everywhere" I say, and the person, who was a girl, turned to me, she looked familiar, until I noticed her blonde hair, "Yang, what you doing here ?, and before you ask, I followed you" I say, she looks at me, and see's the moonlight shine of me, "I needed room to think, sometimes I come out here to get some peace, Blake does it, so I tried it" she says, staring into my eyes, "well, the moon looks nice tonight, listen... I know how you feel about me, it was slightly obvious and your mother informed me" I say, she blushes and turns fully to me, "I-I... Really lo..." Was all she said before I kissed her, she was surprised, but soon relaxed, when broke our kiss, I said "I love you too, Yang, but I know that your team feels the same, you were all there for me, I-I can't change my answer but I wouldn't say no to any of you, now, shall we head back ?, it's kind of cold out here and I wouldn't want one of my girls to catch a cold, do I ?" I say, we kissed once again and headed back, "I... I love you too" yang says, as we neared the Academy.

Little did we know, that another figure was watching us from the distance, interested in only completing the mission and me.

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