Missing again

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George's POV
I walked up to the grave, it has been three days since I was here and found Kyle, but I only had one reason to be here, I kneeled next to the grave and saw the name "Sarah Bowman, a loving mother and grandmother, finally reunited with her lost son, she will be forever missed".

I then looked to the ground in front of the grave stone, "hey mum, I'm sorry that I didn't come back like I promised, I heard that you never stopped looking for me, no matter what everyone else thought, I...I will always remember the good times, right now, life has been good, I have four lovely girlfriends, I mean, you did say the more the merrier, ha, and I miss you, but I've got another mission to do, later to day, me, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang are going to a distant building, far from here to retrieve or destroy a piece of tech that may kill everyone if not put into safer hands, my friend Kyle will come with me, and his girlfriends, his team, two sisters and team JNPR, will preside support.
I better go now, I wish I could speak more, but I'll leave it till I get back, I miss you mum, and love you" I say, then stand up and wipe the single tear out of my eye, then made my way back to Beacon, as I left I thought I heard "I missed you and love you too" but I just shock it off.

I get on the Dropship, and we are away, "the area is swarming with Grimm, so Night, T Sayia, Nu, Nalmika and Tori are in the other Dropship, they will provide fire from above, then Kyle and George will clear us a landing point, team RWBY and George will head to the building and Team JNPR with Kyle, Cinder and Neo, will guard the ground, then after the objective is done, get back to the DropShip and we will get the hell out of there, any questions ?" Said professor Ozpin, no one replied, he nodded and we headed to the LZ.

I looked at the girls, "Where did you go ?" Asked Yang, "I went to the graveyard, my... Mother was buried there so I said hello, but that's besides the point, now we must get this done, then tonight, Dinners on me..."I said, then looked to everyone, "...but Kyle's buying the first rounds" I added, then got a laugh, "we will see." Ha, how can anything go wrong.

Skip 5 hours

Georges POV

"Shit, we need to move, NOW" I shouted, the girls ran behind me, the dropship had to take off as Grimm swarmed the LZ, there were lots of them, "we are coming around, Everyone is stable but Kyle is in a bad way, we need to get him to a medical establishment soon" said Cinder, over the radio, Dropship 2, with Kyle's team and his sisters, were putting a lot of fire on the hordes of Grimm, but that wasn't doing much, and they were knocked out of the sky, only the pilots were injured, but the others were unconscious Barring Nu and Tori.

As for me and RWBY,we destroyed the device, and the entire building, but we're facing a lot of grim.

I fired my mini gun, then I saw Ruby get sent flying into a tree, Yang was on the floor, Weiss was only just conscience and Blake was still fighting, I grabbed Ruby and Yang, and pleased them over my shoulders, Weiss ran and Blake covered our backs, the Chopper came down, a small clearing, I put Weiss, Ruby and Yang on, and was about to get on but saw there was no room, I looked back and saw Blake fighting, she got knocked over.
I wanted to go and help, but I would leave the other three, or get out of here but let Blake die, I made up my mind.

I had to make the most hardest decision in my life, and I made it quick, I ran out of the chopper, dispite everyone's protest about it being stupid, I ran and pushed the Ursa, killing it, then picked up Blake and placed her on the chopper, "there is no more room, not for me, I'll stay here and keep fighting, I'll try to make my own way back" I said, "no, it's too far, it about 500 miles from the very edge of Vale and there is a lot of dangers" said Ozpin, "what choice do we have ?!, now get out of here, I took off my dog tags and gave them to Ozpin, "the note, remember to give it to them, and give them these, if I live, I'll be back to get them, if I don't... That's what they are really made for, now GO !" I shouted and they took off, I thought I heard Blake shout, and I turned to face the Grimm, "COME GET SOME, YOU UGLY MOTHER FUCKERS !!!" I shouted at them and opened fire with my mini gun, but they swarmed me, I just kept swinging my arms, my power armour is strong but he left arm breaks, I then swing the mini gun into a Beowolf and just kept fighting.

I see the chopper disappear into the distant skies, and then I throw all of my grenades, one lands close to me and I end up passed out, I see a white figure in front of me, "mother ?" I say, as my eyes closed. And everything fades

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