...To a new Dawn. (Ending)

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Georges POV

I followed the girls to the roof, and we all sat on the same spot we did all those years ago, on the day I "asked" the girls to the dance, the nostalgia was very strong at that moment, the calm breeze made the view magical.

I looked out over the sight of the sun rising and casing a red glow over the city of Vale, I turned back with a smile, looking to my four wives, the glow radiating off them.

"I do like to wonder how I got myself 4 beautiful wives, but I'll ask another time, so what is it that you wanted to talk about ?" I say.

I was actually expecting a slap from how quiet they were, or questions, I didn't expect that the girls would hug me, tightly.
"You did it, you stopped Salem, stopped most of the Grimm, even saved humanity, and now you got us a spot in heaven, I love you so much" Ruby said, I smiled softly.
"I couldn't let you die, now, when our times do come, we can be safe, us, our friends and our family" I say and I looked out over the city.....

Kyle's POV

I headed to my private study, and started to reminisce about the old days, then an idea came to me, 'what about getting George to set up a book, he has wrote before, so why not write about his journey in this life ?' I thought, and smirked about it.

I heard the door open and saw Cinder walk to me, a soft smile on her face, "what are you smiling about ?" I said sweetly, as I turned on my computer and got my notes out of the draw.

"It's funny" she says as she stepped closer, "I'm smiling at the fact that if I've have never fought George, I would have been at Salems side still, you wouldn't have been with me and I'd have probably destroyed Beacon, Ozpin, most of humanity, yet here I am.
A loving husband, children, a family and friends that I can really trust, no Salem to hunt me down and no more troubles, well, at the moment anyway" she says softly.
I kiss her hand as she wrapped her arms around my neck, resting her hands on my chest, she then leans her head into the back of mine.
Even though she was behind me, I could tell she was smiling.

"Mum ?" A voice called out, my daughter, Star, came into the room, "Aunty Goodwitch said she needed you for something tomorrow" she said, Cinder sighed. "Yes, the initiation test for the new First years, they arrive tomorrow night, we need to get the cliff ready and the chess pieces set up on the podiums in the old ruins".

"No rest for the wicked, huh ?" I said, "yes, it would seem so"


I headed to the local bar, I was meeting George, Qrow, Mercury, Juane and Ren there.
Ozpin was with me, "are you sure this is a wise idea, Professor ?" I asked, he did have work in the morning with the new first years in the morning.
"Yes, I know what your concern is, but I drink more then you sometimes, and my semblance is lightning, but I can also use it to get rid of the hangover and sober up" he said with a grin.

"No fair, I want a semblance like that" I joked, "but seeing you hanging out is funny at hell" a voice called out, I turn and see Qrow and George walking up to us, "why ?,Qrow" I asked, "because I can use this" he said and pulled out an air horn.

"Don't you dare, but how does it not effect you ?" I asked, "because he's always drunk, I mean, do you remember a time he was sober ? His liver must be laminated in plastic" George said.

We chuckled as we got to the bar, and saw the others at the table.


After having a drinking contest... And to our surprise as well as shocking Qrow, George won by miles, even seemed more sober them us, "how are you not drunk ?" Asked Qrow, "I am, I'm just hiding it, as for drinking... I was thirsty" he said, we all chuckled.
We all got one more shot of strong liquor.

"Gentlemen, let us toast" said George as he stood, holding his glass in the air, we all joined him.

"To a time long gone, we will remember.
To the future ahead, we have and will forge.
For the present, and the honour of fighting besides you all.
Our time is coming to an end, but the youth will go on.
For many safe times in your journeys to come..
Ad Victoriam !"

"Ad Victoriam" we all said, as did the rest of the bar that heard his speech, and we downed our final shots.


After leaving the Bar, we all got back to Beacon and we all went our separate ways.
George and Qrow headed to their houses, and Jaune and Ren heading to their apartments, me ?, I headed to Cinders house.

"She's the boss, not me" I mumbled to myself as I remembered her... 'Lesson', haha, it made me grin just by thinking about it.

I looked across the street and saw George go into his house,through the lights in the Windows, I could see him hugging his sons and his wives, "George is right, Our time is coming to an end..." I say to myself, as I then open the door and hug my wives, and my children...

"...but the youth...they will go on.... To A New Dawn"

AN- I'd like to thank every single person who has read the book, who voted, who commented and followed it. And a special thanks to KYLETHEBLOODEDGE for letting me use his OC, Kyle Black, and turning this points what it is today.Because of his help, I was able to add new ideas and put old ones back into Action.

AS well as others, and hose who had inspired me to write my own Ruby book, it has been over a year to do, since late 2015.
Tank you all for sticking with his book. And keep your eyes pealed for A NEW DAWN.
The only sequal to follow up after this book, as well as small adventures on the eat escape of the huntmans. In my book, cheated life.

Thanks again everyone. BIELBY3847, over and out !!!!!

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