6 - The Dance

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I was shaking that afternoon. I felt like a leaf on the breeze, soaring as so many people traced my path. I decided to actually get ready. Wearing the same thing as before, I dusted some makeup on my face. I know it's silly, and a really girly thing, but I'd always been kind of sensitive about my skin. At least now it didn't look so peppered with red splotches everywhere.

I drove myself there, and waited outside the door for Cassie. Nervously, I shifted from foot to foot, hoping she would at least like the way I looked tonight. I almost wished I hadn't come, then I wouldn't worry about this so much. I felt sick to my stomach, almost like I was going to throw up. What would it be like, dancing with her? I hoped I could do it right.

When I saw her first, I actually didn't recognize her. She had brushed her hair out, and curled it into waves surrounding her face. It was out to it's full length, hanging down past her ankles. Her dress was completely different from what she had on earlier today. It was even longer, and a mix of soft colors. Mainly white in color, it had a soft tinge of reds, blues, and purples all dancing together when she moved. Suddenly, I felt ridiculous. I still had on the same thing as earlier today, I had just dusted something on my face. Here she was, with sharp, razor-thin, cat-eye makeup, and blushed cheeks. Her lipstick was hardly noticeable, a shade of pink. A chain made her necklace, with a light blue teardrop diamond hanging from it. Light pink low heels clicked when she walked.

She approached me, and stopped, gazing down, taking in my outfit. I couldn't believe myself - why had I trusted myself to wear something like this especially when I had already worn it to school all day today? How could I forgive myself? I somehow felt sicker than before. I was disgusted with myself. I looked down, and my eyes began to sting. I single tear traced my skin, and dripped onto the ground.

A hand eased under my chin, and lifted my face. I was left looking into bright, emerald green eyes, sparkling in the light. Cassie tilted her head, and smiled. "Don't cry. You look exquisite tonight." Her voice was soft, husky. It rang like clear bells, and managed to calm my nerves.

I managed a small smile, and offered her my arm. "Well then, shall we go?" She nodded, and looped her arm through mine. We stepped through the doors, and were greeted by a song I actually didn't recognize. It was probably new, but it was still pretty catchy. Laughing, Cassie and I meandered slowly through the throngs of people, weaving our way to a small bench near the corner.

We both sat, and watched until the song ended. I felt the silence between us grow awkward. I looked over, and stared for a moment, taking her in. She noticed me, and glanced over. Quickly, I cleared my throat, trying to recover. "Um... Shall we dance?"

"Sure!" She chuckled a little bit, and took hold of my arm.

Cassie actually dragged me out onto the floor, and began dancing even before we regained our balance. A different song was playing, but this one I recognized. It was an old one, but then, I'd always loved old music. "Brand New Key". It was always kind of fun. Roller skates. I had roller skates once. They're too small for me now. I wonder if Cassie has ever skated?

I shook myself out of my thoughts, and danced. I took Cassie's hand, and we danced together, spinning and twirling through the night. A few more people arrived, a couple people left. It was late. Cassie and I had been dancing for hours.

I stepped off the floor, my feet throbbing in my shoes. Cassie followed close behind me, carrying a plate piled high with food. We went back to our little bench, and kicked our shoes off. Sharing different snacks, we watched other people dance. We had almost finished the plate when the lights dimmed.

A sad song came on, nice and slow. It almost made me want to cry, but it was so beautiful. A girl wants to be with her friend, but her friend isn't like her. She has a fiance, and the girl knows her friend will never think of her that way. It made me sad, that some people never knew how fine people could be.

A hand came to rest on my shoulder. I look up, and Cassie stands there, smiling ever so sadly. Silently, she asks me to dance. I stand up, and we walk hand in hand to the floor. We forget our shoes, and get lost in the music. She places her hand on my shoulder, and mine on her hip. We waltz, and I let my head drift towards her shoulder, where it comes to rest. Her chin drops low, relaxing onto my head.

We dance, and colors swirl around us. The colors swirl and all I can see is Cassie's face - a bright light in the darkness that is life. My chest aches. This is what I've been missing all my life. I didn't know how much i needed to meet Cassie until now. Tears began to slip down my face, and I felt one of hers fall into my hair. We trembling, I smiled into her shoulder, and she did the same.

The song ended, and we stopped moving. Cassie and I held each other like that for a long time. The next song started, and it was a little faster than the last. We untangled ourselves, and stood back. Cassie's arms on my shoulders, mine on her hips. We laughed softly, and almost fell.

The rest of the night passed us by, dancing and talking, laughing and eating - all of it together.

The DJ announced the last song. It was the same one we heard earlier, the one Cassie and I first danced to. We spun some more, and danced.

The dance was over, and most of the people were gone. the two of us trudged over to our shoes, limping and moaning. We struggled them on, and headed towards the door. A blast of sunlight hit us square in the face, and we backed inside, blinking. Trying again, Cassie and I managed to step outside, and find some shelter behind a tree. The sun was just rising, and it lit up what we could see like melting butter.

Cassie and I came out from behind the tree, hand in hand, and watched the sun rise. Mist dusted over the landscape, and bits of frost and dew covered the grass. The moment was just so beautiful, I couldn't help myself.

Without thinking, I don't know what I did. 

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