Chapter 17: Two Directions

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       Two directions. Which will you take? Will one path make more of a change than the other, or will both be just as life-changing?

     First path. Past. You want happiness like it once was, but is it the same? You feel alone half the time. However, The other half is dreamy, quiet, peaceful. You let yourself stay trapped in this hole of darkness, though. And it is not always darkness, but most of the time it is. You chose your past love over the new, hoping it works out in the end. I mean, it is what you are used to... Right?

     Path two. New beginning. You're excited, yet terrified. This path can be challenging, daring, a struggle. Yet, maybe a recent change, a new love, is what you need. But also, what if you realize the first path is what you should have taken? Will you be stuck with regret for your whole life after? After all, you did want the past happiness to leave... Right?

     As you stand and stare at the paths, think about this. Past or future? Or maybe the past is the future... But what if it's not? Or perhaps the new plan is what you need to be happy, but again, what if you're wrong?

     As you stare, think. Think about you. It may be selfish, but seriously, think of you. Are you happy? Are you okay? Are you pleased with your choice?

     ... I turned around and decided to face the paths another day

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