Kick In The Teeth

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Man why does school exist at this point? Cuz it's really throwing me around like a rag doll. First there's math coming in with a swift jab to the face. Then there's chemistry hitting me with a barrage of punches left and right. And of course there's English coming out of nowhere from the top rope, landing on me to deliver the final blow.

"In the blue corner, weighing 3.14 pounds is Math! And in the red corner weighing 100+ pounds is Tabitha! Let's get ready to rumble!" Cheered the classic announcer.

"Wait what's this? The match has been changed? Ok folks, we have a new challenger on the rise, so give it up for Chemistry! Chemistry is known for being the explosive type, so you better stay out their way!".

"Tabitha dodges a right jab from Chemistry, then misses a clean hook. This is getting interesting! Oh but it seems that Math has got her in a chokehold! How will Tabitha get out of this one? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z! Haha just kidding for the folks back at home."

"Tabitha is looking rather weak as she struggles to find a way out. Oh ho, it looks like Chemistry isn't wasting any time with this fight. While Tabitha was stuck in Math's chokehold, Chemistry snuck up from behind and suplexed them both into the floor! What a stunning display by Chemistry! They're sure not here to play around."

"It looks like Chemistry might be the one to win this match. But wait, is Chemistry tagging out of the ring? How is that even possible in this kind of match? Oh my gosh folks, there is a new challenger entering the arena. Is that, is that English? Oh my stars, I never thought I'd see the day that all 3 superstars were out here. While Chemistry is taking a breather on the referee table, I guess it's English time to shine!"

"English throws Tabitha into the ropes, and hits her with the clothesline. Tabitha is down for a bit, but somehow just gets back up! Wow this girl has got some serious determination. But it looks like Math doesn't like English in the ring, so Math hits them with the Sweet Chin Music! That's one way to charge up the band, am I right folks?"

"English gets back up in a daze, while Math goes after Tabitha next. Tabitha tries to through some punches their way, but Math just dodges it all! As expected from the counting and calculating system itself! English comes back for revenge, but Math is too quick for them."

Seeing that Math and English are both busy with themselves, Tabitha tries to make a break for it. But neither subject was going to let that fly. Math sweeps her feet, causing Tabitha to fall and hit the floor. Then English follows up by climbing up on the edge of the ropes, then jumping down to give her the old elbow drop. English has delivered the finishing blow to Tabitha, and now Tabitha is down! Tabitha loses by K.O., and English wins the match!"

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