xlvi. real life

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     She anxiously looked around, getting mixed up in her surroundings. There, in front of her, was a caramel latte and a doughnut. Further in front of her, was an empty chair.

     She didn't know why Zoë had told her to come to this place at this time. She did have an idea why, but that wasn't s very strong thought of hers.

     Then it became clear to her.

     Coming into Starbucks, looking slightly disheveled, was none other than Joe Sugg.

     Emily's first thought was to give him a hug, she even stood up a bit. Then, she remembered the circumstances, and within that same second, sat back down on the chair.

     The first thing Joe saw when he entered the coffee shop, was Emily. And all those memories flooded back to him. Their best moments, their hugs, their laughs, and at the back of it all, their argument.

     Joe came, and sat opposite Emily.

     "Hi." Emily said.

     "Hi." Joe replied, not thinning the awkward atmosphere any more.

     "Zoë?" Emily asked, implying that Joe knew what she was talking about. Joe nodded in return.

      Emily took a sip of her latte, trying to get herself productive. About two awkward minutes later, Joe sighed.

     "Zoë thought we should talk." He said.

     "Yeah, I know. Do you?"

     Joe nodded. "I do."

     "Then tell me. Why? Why did you not trust me? Why, when I've made my feelings about you clear, did you not take them into consideration?" She said, not expecting the outburst herself.

     "You think I don't trust you? What else would I have to think, when we hadn't talked in three months, and I see you hanging out with some other guy for that time? You know what I would've felt? That you've forgotten about me."

     "I thought about you, every single day. You may not have thought it but I did. I thought our relationship was strong enough for that." Emily heaved, her eyes going glossier.

     "I know that.. and I'm sorry. Love makes you think strange things.. and I'm sorry I let that get to me."

     A soft gasp escaped Emily. "You.. love me?"

     Joe looked down. This was enough of an indication to Emily.

     "Did that... kiss mean anything to you?" Joe asked, seriously, but softly.

     "Everyday, I thought of you. And I'm missed you so much. I still do."

     "Things cannot be the same, now." Joe sighed. "Something between us changed, and I don't know if it was for good or not."

     She took his hand in a swift motion. "But it doesn't need to be the same. We can have a new beginning. We can start over."

     "Start over? Is that what you really want?"

     She looked at him sincerely. "Yes, it is."

     Joe decided to add some light humour into the conversation. "Well then, I'm Joe Sugg, it is a pleasure to meet you." He held his hand out.

     Emily took his hand, giggling. "Pleasure to meet you, Joe Sugg. I'm Emily Maxwell."

     "A pleasure to me, also. And..." Instead of putting Emily's hand down, he turned it over so their palms were lying on top of each other. "I've been thinking of this a while. And I finally want to say it. Will you be my girlfriend?"

     Joe said it. The thought that had plagued his mind for weeks.

     Emily smiled. "Of course I will." She got out of her seat, and wrapped her arms around his neck.


aww :') btw this is probs got a lots
of typos i didn't check it cuz i'm lazy

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