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What is the conflict?

The conflict in this story is person vs. self. The barber is deciding to kill Captain Torres while he is shaving. It is an internal conflict because the barber is trying to decide for himself if he is going to kill or if he is going to continue shaving.

Who is the antagonist?

The protagonist is the Barber and Captain Torres is the antagonist.

Why is the title of lather and nothing else significant?

The barber finally decides that "I don't want blood on my hands ----just lather, that's all". The only thing he wants on his hands is the lather. ... The title of the story is the decision made by the barber.

What point of view is lather and nothing else told in?

Stories are often written from a first-person point of view, in which the narrator uses words such as I and we. In this selection, the narrator is the town barber, and the story is told from his point of view.

What does the barber symbolize in lather and nothing else?

It also, however, represents the barber's innocence. The razor is depicted as an instrument of shaving, but also as a means of killing. The lather, in contrast, is benign, its presence demonstrative of the barber's moral compass. As he thinks to himself, "I don't want blood on my hands. Just lather, that's all."

Why did Captain Torres put himself in such a vulnerable position with the barber?

He puts down his bullet-studded belt and weapons, which makes him vulnerable to the barber. The barber is secretly a rebel and has an advantage against Captain Torres because of his razor. ... In the end, the barber decides to let Captain Torresgo because he didn't want to stain his hands with blood and become a murderer.

What does Captain Torres want in the barber shop?

Captain Torres went in to the barber shop to prove to his soldiers that he was brave because the barber was a revolutionary. Captain Torres went into the barber shopbecause he was suicidal from killing many innocent people. Captain Torres was being brave because he laid back with his eyes close.

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