my life stucks!

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TW: depression

it's around one in the afternoon and y/n is still laid up in bed, felt up with the world. a key is heard going though the keyhole "hi y/n it's me dieter" the blonde boy exclaimed walking inside. This woke y/n up straight away, he jumped out of bed rubbing the sleep out of his y/e/c eyes. Before greeting his best friend in the hallway.

Dieter glares at y/n with a concern look plastered on his face and queried. "What's the matter y/n?" He put his on y/n's shoulder kindly, reassuring him. y/n looked down at the floor avoiding eye contact with Dieter. He began to shed tears and threw his arms around the blonde boy embracing him. "I'm so glad you're here Dieter" y/n declared, sympathetic.

After y/n cried for a few more minutes in Dieter's arms. He soon recovered from his breakdown sitting with Dieter in the kitchen having a bite to eat. "Are you ok now?" Dieter questioned, in quite a worried tone., y/n nodded, half smiling. "yeah I'm fine thank you, I've just had a terrible time for the last few days" he sighed. "If you don't wanna talk about it i understand"

y/n moves his plate of half finished food away from him to place his hand under his chin. "why does life have to suck Dieter?" The blonde boy, truthfully confessed. "I wish I knew the answer to that y/n" he got up to wash y/n's and his own plate in the sink. "Do you wanna a hand?" y/n offered, with a little smile.

Dieter gave a sympathetic smile, to his best friend. "I would like that" he nodded, handing y/n a towel to dry up. "Can you stay over tonight?, I understand if you can't" y/n stated, nervous. The blonde remind silent at first until he answered, straightforward and upbeat. "Yeah I can stay over tonight" and it surprised y/n that Dieter would actually accept his invitation.

"Life doesn't always have to suck life y/n ,and it can sometimes be amazing when you want it to" Dieter told his best friend, wholeheartedly. y/n couldn't help but blush at Dieter's words "so how about we get out of here for a few days?" The blonde boy suggested, optimistic. "Just you and me" y/n was left speechless at Dieter's idea.

"Are you serious?" y/n asked, puzzled. "Yes I'm dead serious!" Dieter replied, adamant. he and y/n put away the dishes and continue their conversation in the lounge. "If you were gonna take me away for a holiday, where would we go?" y/a inquired, out of curiously. Dieter simply, grinned without a kind in the world. "you're have to wait and see!"

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