Chapter 4

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The kid gasped when she heard Laurel's answer. No woman has rejected a man in courtship, let alone a god. Laurel's rejection spitted it in a heartbeat. She didn't even let the man finish talking when she rejected him.

Laurel has a clear vision of love. It's none existent, but it's clear as the cloudless sky.

"I am not interested," Laurel added. There's no way she would take anyone as a lover, let alone someone she has no idea who. Talk about crazy. Who does he think he is? Her mind wondered.

"It surprises me to hear your response," Apollo replied, still bewildered with the nymph. "But dear nymph, I am here to prove myself to you. I won't harm you. I am capable and strong enough to protect you from any danger."

"As I am," Laurel insisted. One thing she disliked were people who think she's weak and frail. She can fight on her own and protect herself. She doesn't need a man.

"My lady love, I am the lord of Delphi and know all things, present, and future. I am the god of song and the lyre. I am the god of medicine and know the virtues of all healing plants. My wisdom and knowledge are useful to all the sick. I am adored by many."

"So what?" Laurel's arms crossed and one eyebrow raised. Another thing she dislikes is vain and arrogant people. They're the worst in her time, and even in ancient times.

"You're not making it easy for me, my love." There's a strain in Apollo's voice, maintaining a serious face. He was not expecting the pinch to the heart in every word the nymph utter. He indeed came to pursue the nymph's affection, but he never thought she would act fierce and firm. She's different from before and all the other women he encountered.

"Nothing is easy in the world, but I am telling you now. I am not interested in your love. Find someone else." Laurel turned her back on him, deciding to leave the scene. But the god's not taking a no for an answer. He swiftly moved in front of Laurel, surprising her. " Move," Laurel demanded.

"Stay," says Apollo, "daughter of Peneus; I am not a foe. I-"

Laurel didn't care nor listen to his words. She crouches down, picks a handful of stones. In a second, she throws it to the god along with the pottery the kid holds, catching the god by surprise. Laurel then used the opportunity to pull the kid for a run. They headed to the woods in an unbeaten path to avoid getting tracked. It's the best way to escape. She runs away with the kid until they're deep in the forest, where they found a cave to hide.

"We should be fine here," she said breathlessly, looking back at the path they took to check if someone's coming after them.

"Nymph...Laurel." The kid coughs. "Why would you run away from the great god Apollo? If he came to take your hand in marriage, shouldn't you comply?" His face frowned, not understanding Laurel's action. In ancient times, it would have been stupid to reject a man who proposes to a woman. It's a rare chance for them, but Laurel's different. Even if she's in ancient times, Laurel has no plan to wed anyone. Besides, history would change if ever that happened.

"Remind me, who's this Apollo again?" Her lack of knowledge in this era's not helping at all. But how could she even find time to think of a way back if she can't even find time to breathe. She's lucky the kid's someone she can rely on.

Shocked, glued on the kid's face, which Laurel already expected. It's not that she can learn everything in a day or have known about ancient Greece. Religion means nothing to her. It's just how her life was.

If something doesn't put food on her table, she won't bother.

"The god Apollo's one of the Olympian gods. He's the son of Zeus and Leto. He's also the twin of the goddess of the hunt, Artemis."

Laurel sat down, legs giving out from the long run. She let the kid continue his story as she learned more about the gods. This time she's keeping tabs on who's who. Unlike last time, she focuses too much on the people and the society.

"How do you know they're a god or something?" Although Laurel saw Apollo descend from the sky, there is still uncertainty in her. She's not familiar with the other gods, especially if they look more human than she thought they'd be.

"We just know." Laurel cringes upon the reply. "But you could also tell, right? You saw the god, Apollo. He has different air around him."

"Yeah." She rolled her eyes. "the air of arrogance," she whispered.

The meeting with Apollo did not leave a good impression on Laurel. For all she knows, the god's only after her body - or in this case, Daphne. Not that she knows what Daphne's feeling about him. But after all the encounters with people - or gods, Laurel came with a theory. The reason why everyone calls her Daphne must have something to do with science. She believes that the cause of her existence in ancient times is due to the theory of a parallel world. An alternative reality where she switched with the real Daphne. There's still a complicated explanation of how it works. But Laurel believes that it has something to do with the state of mind and not magic.

"What do you plan to do now?" The kid asked this time.

If her theory is correct, then she had to live like Daphne. Laurel needs to act like her to avoid suspicion and change in history. The problem is that she has no idea who Daphne was, aside from the fact that she's against marriage. If only Google existed in this era, she could have known.

"Hold on, kid, how did you know about Daphne again?" The kid frowned at her question. After denying the nymph, he never thought Laurel would find interest in her.

"From travelers who've seen her. But all the villagers knew that there's a nymph by the river. They're deities tasked to protect nature. In Daphne's case, she can maintain the river clean for people to have fresh water to drink."

So, a river spirit who protects the water. Got it. Laurel notes to herself. If she's Daphne in this land, she had to pretend to do her regular task while finding a way to get back to her time. It's the best way to blend in. She has to live like the citizens who put religion as the core of their life.

"Now who to ask..." she whispered, thinking if there's a god who could see the future. Laurel wants to know if she could go back to her time and if there's a way to communicate with the real Daphne. "Who is the god of prophecy?" she asked, planning to meet with the person. But when she heard who, she hesitated, rethinking her plan of action.

"The god Apollo's intelligent. He would help anyone in need, especially you who she loves."

Laurel flinches once more at the kid's word. It should have been an easy task to ask for help. Laurel has no problem talking, but to ask a lovesick god, is a different story.

"How did he even fall in love?" Laurel didn't mean to say the words out loud, but it's audible enough for the kid to hear and respond.

"The god of love might have struck him with an arrow."

"Of Course, there's a god for that too," she murmured. "So who is he? Can he make someone unlove the other?" It's a strange question, she knows. But if anything works like magic in this world, Laurel will turn a blind eye to reality for now.

"I don't know. But you can go to the god Eros and ask why you're not in love with the god Apollo. He might be able to help you love him back."

"I like your positivity, kid, but I'll pass on loving him back. Do you know where he is? Eros, I mean."

"Gods don't stay in one place like nymphs. You could visit one of his temples and offer a prayer if you wanted."

"That works. Can you lead me to the god's temple? I'd like to speak with the so-called god of love."


Laurel, together with the kid, made their way to the temple of Eros. It's in the southern part of town, about three hours from where they currently are.

Like most of the temples, there's a statue of Eros in the center. Laurel offered wine and flowers they found along the way. She wasn't planning to bring any, but the kid told her to do so.

Laurel was the only one who entered the temple. The kid decided to wait outside to give them privacy. He already told Laurel how to pray and ask for guidance since the woman doesn't know the basics of prayers. If asked how to send someone to the underworld, she could help with that. But how to reach the heavens and talk to gods, she has no clue. The kid was a big help in that regard.

When Laurel reached the altar, she laid down her offering. She scans the place as if looking for someone that could suddenly show up. That's what had happened with Penus and Apollo, so she couldn't let her guard down.

"Okay, god." She faced the giant statue of Eros. "I know you don't know me, but if you really exist, mind showing yourself? It would be a great help." Laurel's words came off like a challenge instead of a plea for help. Not that she didn't care what the kid's warning, but she had never prayed before to know all the manners needed. The good thing is that she's seeking the god Eros, who's said to be playful.

Laurel called a few more times, some louder than the other, as she paced around the temple. Soon enough, the statue of Eros glowed like coming to life, blinding Laurel in the process. When all the light dulled, a winged child holding a bow and arrow personified.

"Khaíre, naiad nymph. How may I help you?" Eros bowed like a gentle child he is, imitating how prince and nobles do. It's something the winged child learned living with mortals. He was hoping to try it out when he found someone that tickles his fancy, but it never happened until now. The nymph's indeed one of a kind. Eros believes she deserves a prince-like introduction, even if the prayer that summoned him was not quite lady-like.

"You're the god Eros..." Laurel wasn't expecting a child to appear in front of her. She thought it would be an arrogant god like Apollo or a dramatic one like Peneus would show up. She did not expect him to be wearing a loincloth. But like the two previous gods Laurel met, Eros also emits an air of divinity. A strong presence that only someone of power has. She has to get used to it if she continues to meet these kinds of people.

"You seem surprised, nymph. Was my introduction unsatisfactory?" Eros frowned, waiting for Laurel to state her reason for the visit.

Laurel shook her head. She took a deep breath before facing the god. "I came here to ask for your help about the god named Apollo. He seems to be in love with me, but I am not interested. Is there a way you can undo his love? Or at least make him love someone else?"

A tiny smirk escapes Eros. He definitely knows what the woman's referring to. He did shoot the god of light to fall in love with a nymph. Then, another arrow for the nymph to not reciprocate the affection of the god. But he was not expecting for that nymph to come to him and make a bold request.

"I pity you, Apollo. The woman you fell in love with is precious like gems but was not a fragile one." Eros mumbled, not letting Laurel hear him. "I do not control the heart. Humans or gods have the power to love," Eros replied, now audible to Laurel.

"But you let them feel the emotion. You may not control the heart, but you're still responsible for igniting that feeling in one's heart." Laurel may not know about how love works, but she knows about people. If this is like a simulation game, the person who holds the controller can choose what to do with people's lives. So if he wanted to let two people fall in love, he could do something that would lead to that. It's as simple as that. Manipulation at its finest.

"I admire your way of thinking, naiad nymph. Unexpected, yet reasonable. What you said about igniting something may be true, but that's about it. If a spark turns into a fire or not would depend on those involved. They're the ones to decide. It's easy to say the words of affection and rejection, but we have minds on our own. We decide how far we go. To pursue or to give up, that's up to the both of you."

It was rational. Even in the real world, Eros had a good point. Laurel's aware of that. Now, her mind started to cloud with more information she didn't know how to sort out. Of course, Laurel will reject any advances from Apollo. But knowing how the god can't take no for an answer, she's not sure how else to avoid him.

"Conflicted, are we?"Laurel's silence made Eros guess what she's thinking. It wasn't hard to read since Laurel had a troubled face and a deep crease on her forehead.

"I'm thinking," she responded.

Laurel didn't say any more words. Eros concluded that there are no more questions to follow. He doesn't know what Laurel would do to Apollo other than rejection, but it would be fun to watch how their love turns out.

"There are things in life destined to happen. If the Fates willed it, it will." A twinkle of light shone as soon as the words died out on Eros. The god of love left the temple leaving Laurel with those words.

Laurel waited for a moment before heading out herself. She spent a good time rethinking her plan until she decided on a course. She exited the temple, head bowed, and met with the kid who waited patiently for her.

"You're back." He moved closer, frowning at her dejected expression. "Did the god Eros reject the offer, or did he need more?"

Laurel shook her head, causing the kid to frown more. The kid waited for more words coming from Laurel, but her mind's somewhere else. Fate, huh, Laurel thought, not letting Eros last words, slipped out her mind.

She decided. Laurel lifts her head and places both her hands on the kid's shoulder with more positive energy.

"Take me to the ones who willed our fate."


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