Chapter 8

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The shaking of the earth halted, but the ashen skies remain even if daybreak has come. The mood has been down. The village burnt to a crisp, and many lives ended in the calamity. People's cries echoed through the lands, into the seas, and to the realm of the gods. The pain and suffering of the mortals rang like bells into Mt. Olympus, but even if the voices became a whisper, there's no one to hear their call.

A few miles away from Olympus in the forest near one of the village fires, Laurel manages to take safety. The cloak given by the god Apollo protected them from burning to crisp, but she didn't come out unscratched. 

There are a few burnt marks and scrapes from all over her arms and legs. When they got away from the fire, Laurel willed herself to run back to the forest. She hoped to reach the waters of Peneus for the kid's protection. But the way back to the forest's as challenging as going to the village. 

The animals are still in a panic, trees continue to fall, and the aftermath of the quaking haven't subside. It didn't help that the sun has yet to be out, and no moon nor star could guide them back. Luckily, Laurel reached the riverbank. At least with clean water, they can hydrate and take a rest for a while.

"Here, I got food. It's from last night, but it's still good." Laurel shared. The basket of food she bought last night managed to survive the earthquake. It got washed away to the river from the falls. When she woke up in the morning, she saw it float together with her bag on top of a pilled branch. It's as if it's been protected by the river carefully sending it to her without any splash.

"T-Thank you." The kid took the slice of bread, still anxious and scared. When they got away from the fire, the kid's been in shock until day break when he cried his heart out. There's no news of what his family had become. Even the master of the house, he didn't know if they survived. It's a terrible event he wished would just be a nightmare.

"What do you want to do from now on?" Laurel knew what the kid's feeling, but it's better to think of the next step rather than falling deeper into an unknown abyss. "You can stay here in the forest for now, but not in this area. I'll take you somewhere safer later."

"And you?" The kid asks between the sobs. With what happened to his family, Laurel's the only one he has. They might not know each other for a long time, but he considered her a friend and savior.

"I'll have to go see someone. My business here has yet to be solved."

"C-can I just come with you." He's more comfortable with Laurel than any one at the moment. The event is still fresh into his mind, and it scares him to be left alone.

Laurel understands the kid. She knew what it feels like to be left alone. She knew the trauma he could go through, but she doesn't want to lead the kid into another death row. She'd rather suffer alone than take him with her to face death.

"I'm sorry, kid. It's not a good place to go."

The kid curbed and hugged himself tighter before nodding. He doesn't want to burden Laurel any more than he is. If he can't be of any help, he'd stay away, but he also doesn't want to be alone.

As time goes by, when they're rested and ready to go, they head to Peneus's falls. The safest place Laurel could think off. She plans to let the kid stay with Daphne's father until he recovers, that way he won't feel alone. But to do that, she needs Peneus to show up.

"Where's this place?" The kid asked.

"Peneus's falls. You mentioned going there before."

"It looks different."

"Is it?" Laurel frowned. The place looks the same to her, clear waters, fresh air, little animals playing around. It's livelier now than last night. "We'll have to stay here a while, why don't you take a dip and relax for a bit," she suggested.

"Would it be okay?"

"Of course." The kid went ahead and took a dip and the moment his skin touched the water, the cuts and scratches from last night's event started to steam as if cleansing the body. "How are you feeling?"

"A bit better."

She nodded. She let him go for a while and planned to grab some fruits, when a gust of wind followed by a flash of light appeared right before her eyes.

"What the - Can you not show up in a flashy way? It's already bad enough to se-"

"What happened to you, my love?'' Apollo didn't even let Laurel finish what she's about to say. When the god found out about the fire and earthquake last night, he flew all the way to his beloved to check on her. He would have done it sooner if his father didn't call for him. Now that he's with his beloved, he's shocked to see how her soft skin tainted with burnt marks and scratches.

"Don't." Laurel stopped him when the god's about to touch her hand. "It's just a scratch. It's going to fade eventually."

Apollo wasn't convinced with her reply. His beloved looks tired more than usual, like she hasn't slept a wink since last night.

"Tell me, my love. Do you feel any pain? I am the god of medicine. I could heal any wounds and illnesses you have. Just let me know."

"I'm good," she dismissed, making her way to the woods.

Apollo's brows furrowed, noticing how the chiton his beloved's wearing has gone worse than the last they met. "My love, where's the himation I gave you?"

"What?" Laurel frowned thinking what he meant. "Oh that. I'm letting the kid wear it for a while. He's been using it as a comfort blanket." Laurel pointed out at the kid swimming.

Apollo's cloak can be compared to an armour. It can't be pierced by any weapon or even burnt by the fire. When he gave it to his beloved, he hoped it would help keep her away from harm. He didn't expect she'd use it to save someone.

"Oh right, didn't you say you can heal any wounds?" Laurel asked.

"Yes, are you hurt somewhere?"

Laurel shook her head. "Not me," she replied before glancing at the kid while remembering what he went through. Laurel didn't know why but she ended up telling Apollo what went down last night. "If you can or if there's any way, could you remove those painful memories he had from last night? Even if only a little bit. I don't want him to be traumatized."

Apollo could feel the concern in his beloved's voice. He could see how much she cared about the kid. It's also the first time she requested something from him. It makes him happy that she relied on him. "If that's what you wanted, I'll gladly do it for you," he responded.

"T-Thank you."

Apollo didn't miss a beat. They approached the kid and told him what's about to happen. There's fear in the kids eyes, but Laurel assured him it will be alright.

Apollo starts off by removing the scars because even if the water from the falls manages to heal his wounds, it still left a mark on the skin. When all the scars faded, he placed his hand over the kid's head. He calmed the kid's nerves and extracted the emotional damage and negativity surrounding him.

"Is he going to be alright from here on?" Laurel asked once the healing was done.

"It all depends on the kid. It's easier to heal physical illnesses, but mental and emotional can only be done by the person himself. Even if I can fully neutralize it, there's no telling if they'll feel the same emotion again in the future."

Laurel nodded. "As long as he's fine now. I think he'll be okay."

The two waited for the kid until he woke up from his sleep. Laurel maintains a distance from Apollo and spends most of her time swimming while the god plays his lyre as time passes.

"How many songs will you be singing, dear god?" The kid asked when he noticed how the god of music had been playing his lyre and singing his heart out for a while.

"Hm, as many as my beloved wants to hear," he replied.

"But..." The kid bit his lips. He wanted to say how Laurel seemed to not be interested, but feared that the god of light might get angry.

"I don't mind. Even if my beloved has yet to reciprocate my love, I have enough love for the both of us."

The kid didn't understand, but he can see in the eyes of the god that he cares and treasures Laurel more than anyone. "I pray for your love, dear god."

Apollo smiled, as his music continued to resound in the forest. He played his songs until nightfall, lulling everyone to sleep. 

Tonight, Apollo wanted to spend his whole time with his beloved as he knew that by dawn, he had to go back to his family in Mt. Olympus. He thought over it time and time again, but it's still the same. 

Apollo knew if he leaves now, his time spent wooing - begging - his beloved would go to waste. His love may be unmatched, but the god still fears that if he leaves, his chance of love won't be reciprocated forever. It's already a challenge to chase his love and let her listen to all his entreaties. If they'll be apart any longer than he'd expected, she might escape and never see him again.

"If only I could stay by your side every day of my life, I wouldn't mind giving up my immortality and spend it loving you."

Apollo took one last look on her beloved. He healed all her wounds and cast a charm to protect her while she's asleep.

"Sweet dreams, my love." He left. There's no telling what would happen, but when the god of light left, the glistening forest started to dull.

The Minoan palace at Knossos had been destroyed. The earthquake that devastated the country ended the reign of those people. But the calamity in the land wasn't something the gods could prevent on their own, as it's fated to happen. 

Apollo along with the Olympian gods, as well as the Fates, knew about the event, but even with the information they didn't know when the event would commence. What they do know, is that the calamity marked the war of the gods.


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