Rita Skeeter's Article (Age 12)

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It had been three days since the second task. Lauren was sitting at breakfast when Ron turned the page in the Daily Prophet and spit a mouthful of cereal all over Harry. Lauren and Hermione burst out laughing as Harry blinked and cleaned himself up while Ron read an article, his face contorted in a mix of horror and disgust. 

"Um, Lauren?" Ron muttered slowly, in the voice he used whenever he thought she would murder someone. "You might want to look at this," Lauren took the paper and glanced at it. Staring back at her was a picture of her sitting next to Harry in the library. The article underneath read: 

"Our most famous champion, Mr. Harry Potter, seems to have found a new love interest. After his heartbreak over Ms. Hermione Granger, (who is now dating Durmstrang champion Viktor Krum) Harry has moved on to a new love; Ms. Lauren Black, who is a second year student at Hogwarts and a shocking two years younger then Mr. Potter. They were caught romantically studying in the library by one of my photographers. One can only imagine how this romance will play out, but I have made it my mission to see it through to the end."

 Lauren slowly- very slowly- looked up from the paper. Ron and Hermione were watching her with scared expressions on their faces. She carefully folded up the newspaper and handed it to Harry. 

"Page seven," she said, calmly. Too calmly. George and Fred, who had read the article and were watching her reaction, suddenly bolted out of their seats and ran out of the Great Hall in terror. Lauren stood up and slowly walked out of the room, her face emotionless. Hermione turned to the boys and Ginny, who were all wearing the same face of terror. 

"Why are you scared?"she asked. 

"Oh, I'm not scared for myself," Ginny said "I'm scared for Rita Skeeter's life."

Later that day....

Harry ran up to Lauren. After breakfast, she had disappeared completely and now she was back. 

"What did you do?" he asked nervously. Lauren smiled mischievously. 

"Oh, you'll see." She insisted. His eyes widened. "Let's just say," she added, "that I'm giving Sirius a good laugh. He reads the Daily Prophet, you know." And with that, she walked away, leaving a horrified Harry behind her.

The Next Day at Sirius's house....

Sirius flipped through the newspaper. He had had mixed emotions about Rita Skeeter's last article and was interested to see what Lauren had done to her. He flipped to the obituary's page first and when he didn't see Skeeters name, he flipped to page seven, where her articles usually were. On the page, the following article was there...


After my last article, I had the honor on meeting Ms. Lauren Black in Hogsmeade where she agreed to an interview. When I asked her if she knew about Harry Potter's relationship with Ms. Hermione Granger, her answer was most shocking. She is quoted as saying  the following.

"Of course I knew. Harry has slept with everyone." When I inquired about this, her reply was absolutely astounding. 

"He also did Draco Malfoy, 70% of Gryffindor House, Your sister, and you are next!" I was amazed at this response, so naturally I asked around. These were some of the responses I received, starting with Harry's fellow champions.

"Yes. I did the Potter."- Viktor Krum

"Of course, Harry is so lovely" -Fleur Delacour 

"I showed him a few things in the bath"-Cedric Diggory

"At the same time"-Fred and George Weasley

"Let's just that the fact that he caught the Snitch in his mouth was not a coincidence."-Ginny Weasley

"He made us gay"-Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas

"Harry is truly amazing. He is always gentle with us." Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom.

"Let's just say he can ride more than a broom."-Oliver Wood

"He and Malfoy are often at each other"-Severus Snape and all of Slytherin House.

Sirius was laughing so hard that he fell off his chair. He was rolling on the floor laughing for over an hour before he composed himself. When he did, he got a pair of scissors and he cut out the article and pinned it to the wall. That's my girl, he thought.


Everyone in the Great Hall was staring at Harry. He had read the article and was now sweating nervously. Then Lauren walked in with a sack slung over her shoulder. Everyone stopped staring as she came in and they slowly started to clap. She smiled and bowed. Then she walked around the Hall and handed five sickles to Luna, Neville, Fred, George, The entire Slytherin House, Ginny, Oliver Wood, Seamus, Dean, Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour, Cedric, and finally she approached the teachers table and handed ten galleons to Snape. Dumbledore sighed and handed ten galleons to Lauren and twenty to McGonagall. Lauren smiled and returned to her seat. Now everyone was staring at her.


In case you have of have not seen it before, I got the quotes and the article idea straight from a picture I saw on We Heart It or WHI. But I wanted to use it so I changed it slightly. P.S. I don't own Harry Potter or any of its yaddah yaddah yaddah blah blah blah The only characters I own are Lauren and Marian. Feel free to let me know what you think of my story! 

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